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书 山 有 路 1 中考中考写作评分标准写作评分标准 第四档 15 13 分 语言流畅 语句通顺 合乎逻辑 适当使用连词成分 完全达到了预期的写作目的 第三档 12 10 分 语法结构或词汇应用基本准确 使用简单的连词成分 达到了预期的写作目的 第二档 9 6 分 漏掉一些信息点 有些语法结构或词汇方面的错误 但不影响理解 使用简单的连接成分 基本达到了预期 的写作目的 第一档 5 1 分 描述不清楚 内容不连贯 语法结构或词汇错误影响了对写作内容的理解 较少使用连接成分 不能清楚的 表达写作目的 2011 假设你是张林 即将初中毕业 你的美国笔友 Bob 来信询问你的暑假计划 现在请你写一封回信 告诉他你将在爷爷奶奶家度 过这个假期 注意 1 至少写出你将要做的三件事 2 回信至少不少于 80 词 信的开头结尾已给出 不计入总词数 3 所 给英语词汇仅供参考 参考词汇 summer grandparents relax oneself housework visit old friends and relatives Hi Bob The summer vacation is coming soon After a tiring school year I m gong to relax myself I will spend my vacation with my grandparents I will stay with them for about three weeks Of course I am going to help them do some housework Perhaps we will take some short trips Besides I am going to visit some of my friends and relatives I think we will have a happy time together What s more I will be a senior student in a new term so I am going to make some preparations How will you spend your holiday Best wishes Yours Zhang Lin 2012 假设你是赵铭 你班来自美国的交流学生 Robert 患病住院已有三周 请你用英文给他发一封电子邮件 主要内容包括 询问病 情 介绍班级近期活动或学习情况 表达祝愿 注意 1 词数 80 一 100 词左右 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 3 信 的格式已给出 不计入总词数 Dear Robert It s three weeks since you were ill How are you feeling now We all miss you very much Recently we have had many activities We took part in the sports meeting in our school and won the first prize The matches were exciting and tough But we tried our best and got the good result What a pity You didn t watch them I hope you ll get well soon and come back earlier We re busy preparing for the singing competition now We practice a song every day in order to sing best Remember to have a good rest and don t worry about your lessons I ll help you with them Best wishes Yours Zhao Ming 2013 假设你是周浩 你遗失了你的英国籍好友 Frank 借给你的一本书 请根据以下提示用英语给他写一封信表示道歉 包括以下内 书 山 有 路 2 容 1 怎么遗失的 2 对该书的评价 3 如何补救 4 你的教训 注意 1 词数 80 100 词左右 2 信的开头和结尾已替你 写好 不计入总词数 Dear Frank I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the book you were so kind to lend me last week I like the hook very much and I read it every day and plan to finish it next month Last night when I came to my room it wasn t found anywhere I will get a new book for you Old books are like old friends Once they are lost they can never be replaced I feel sorry for losing the book I was so careless with my things This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future Best wishes Yours truly Zhou Mao 2014 良好的生活与学习习惯对我们的成长是非常重要的 请从以下的习惯中选择一个你以前做得不够好 但现在已具备的好习惯 谈一谈你养成这个习惯的过程及收益 要求 1 不使用真实的校名 人名等相关信息 2 内容完整 书写整齐 3 80 词 左右 4 文章的开头已给出 但不计入总词数 My good habit My good habit is early to bed and early to rise Two years ago when I was a Grade 7 student I liked reading books in bed Every day after I finished my homework I lay in bed until 24 00 o clock The next day I couldn t get up on time I used to be late for school and I felt tired in class It was too bad With the help of my teacher and my parents I gave up the bad habit Ever since then I go to bed early and get up early I never go to school late again As a result I m much stronger and doing better in school now 2015 假如你是某中学的学生会主席王东 为了配合环保教育主题活动 请根据下面所给提示 用英语写一封倡议书 内容包括 1 环保 措施和美化城市的措施 各 2 条 2 你的希望 注意 1 注意文章的整体连贯 2 文章的开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词 数 3 80 词左右 Dear friends In order to make the environment more beautiful we should Dear friends In order to make the environment more beautiful we should do what we can to protect it First we should plant more trees and flowers to make our city more beautiful Also always remember not to throw rubbish or pour waste water everywhere As we all know water is becoming less and less So it s quite necessary to save water For example turn the tap off after washing Last but not the least we d better ride a bike or walk when going out instead of driving a car In my opinion if everyone tries his best to protect the environment our city will become nicer and cleaner Thank you 书 山 有 路 3 Wang Dong 2016 初中生活中 你有些什么改变 你是怎样改变的 请以 How I have changed 为题写一篇英语小短文 描述你发生的变化 写作 内容包括 兴趣爱好 行为习惯 学习习惯等方面 要求 1 用英语写一篇短文 80 词左右 2 任选两方面内容 3 语言流 畅书写规范 卷面整洁 4 文中不得使用你的真实姓名校名 How I have changed How time flies Three years has quickly passed and I have changed a lot during these days On one hand I wasn t good at learning English at first When my English teacher learned about that she taught me how to memorize new words and to read at many passages is as possible soon I made great progress and became interested in English On the other hand I was too weak to do my exercise but with the help of the teachers and classmates I do exercise whenever I am free and now I can run very fast and I am also good at playing basketball like other boys Thanks to the middle school life I have changed so much Thanks to the teachers and classmates I have learned so much Never will I forget the valuable middle school life 书 山 有 路 4 必背范文必背范文选选篇篇 感想感想 学习篇学习篇 一一 为了交流 提高学习效率 中学生英语辅导报 举行了一次以 How to be a good learner 为题的征文比赛活动 请写一篇 80 词左右的短文谈谈你的看法 How to be a good learner As a good learner we should have good habits and ways of learning We need to
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