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U9SectionA1 prefer2 dialogs3 suppose4 down5 spare6 smooth7 war8 director1 Australian2 electronic3 relaxing4 songs5 enjoyable6 watching7 dislike8 Laughing9 sadder10 scary scared11 inexpensive12 salty 1 hasgreatlyrics2 alongwith3 danceto4 maynotbe5 differentkindsofmusic6 stickto dependingon7 plentyof8 shutoff intime9 Onceinawhile Fromtimetotime Nowandthen10 make happy11 don tmind12 seemlessserious13 doesn t anymore1 musicthat whichIlove2 that whoplaydifferentkinds3 Whatkindof4 that whichIlost5 that wholookedafter SectionBACAABCCCfortable10 serious1 painful2 beauty sadness3 musical4 ability5 popularity6 interested interesting7 musicians8 scary 1 lookedup2 intotal all3 Itisapity4 notonly butalso5 folkmusic6 that whichwasplayedon7 musicalintruments suchas8 oneofChina snationaltreasures9 duringhislifetime10 isfamous knownfor11 grewworse1 who that2 which that3 which4 whose5 who that whom6 thatCABCCAEDB 10 Yes itis 11 Four 12 Becausemusicismathmatical withnotesinorder 13 Byworkingtogether 14 Itaboutwhymusicisanimportantsubjectthateverychildshouldstudy U10SectionA1 bow2 expected3 customs4 greet5 value6 capital7 noon8 mad9 northern10 seasons11 worth12 manners1 tobring left2 supposed3 relaxed4 Spending5 tobe6 calling7 todo8 eastern9 discussing10 tobe1 shakehands forthefirsttime2 makeplansto3 makemistakes4 Tomysurprise5 dropby6 getmad angrywith at7 It sveryimportantforusto8 ontime9 madesomefriends10 withthewindowsopen SectionA1 AmIsupposed Yes are2 aresupposed expectedtogreet3 Whatare supposedtodo4 don thaveto5 areexpectedtobe6 madeplans7 Itis tobeontime8 getsmad SectionBABCBAADCBACDBAC1 empty2 basic3 exchanged4 teenage5 granddaughter6 behave7 except8 elbows9 gradually10 suggestions1 inviting2 amhaving3 study4 crying5 get getting6 tosay7 hearing8 toput9 excited leaving10 tomake feel 1 Thereisnoreason2 Asyoucanimagine3 Itisimpolite4 hostfamily5 worryyou6 usedto7 be getusedto8 bedifferentfrom9 amcomfortableworking10 show turnup1 nervous2 use3 behave4 manners5 great6 polite7 supposed8 rules9 point10 walking 1 notsupposed2 Istheyoungestpersonexpected3 Whatwas supposedtodo4 amhavingfun5 becauseof sorethroatCCDBAFFTFT U11SectionA1 drove2 nor3 wealth4 power5 examined6 lemon7 pale8 with9 out10 queen1 uncomfortable2 Friendship3 banker4 more5 lately6 worried7 Waiting8 days 9 sleepy10 todoBCBBBDABDB 1 makesmenervous2 madehercry3 havefunwith4 leftout5 Themore themore6 so that7 sleptbadly feellikeeating wanttoeat8 worriedabout9 Neither nor10 Tostartwith1 Whatmakes2 didn twant3 Whynot4 wascalledin5 takeherposition6 doesn tlike either7 Neither nor8 wouldn tliketo didn twantto SectionBCBDBC BCABB CDBAB1 kicked2 agreement3 weight4 courage5 coach6 nod7 rather8 disappointed9 goal10 pull1 weight2 winning3 agreement4 yourself5 knocking6 think7 tosteal8 lucky9 taking10 beingfollowed municatewith8 pulltogether9 ratherthan10 have incommon1 same2 something3 help4 in5 happy6 trying7 them8 makes9 or10 informationCBAAD 6 Yes hewas Becausethegirlsbeattheboys4 3 7 MaZhengquan 8 Becausetheboysweretooconfidentandthegirlswereabetterteam 9 Themostimportantthingwasteamwork 10 Hethoughttheboysweretooconfident Theydidn tplaycarefully sotheylost U12SectionA1 airport2 backpack3 overslept4 unexpected5 burning6 market7 lift8 west1 got2 hadhad3 alive4 workers5 hadleft6 hadleft7 burning8 sleeping9 writing10 hadstudiedDBDBBDDACC 1 weekday workday2 blocks3 overslept4 unexpected5 staredat6 missed until7 show turnup8 had takenoff9 wasaboutto10 hadforgot forgottento1 shehadbought2 togo3 Howbeautiful4 hadbeenon5 showed hadgiven6 Bytheendoflastweekwehadlearnedeightunits 7 Hadtheyplanted No hadn t8 Bythetime called hadfinished SectionBDBACD CCDBC1 hoax2 announced3 officer4 endings5 fool6 celebration7 believable8 married1 hadlearned2 weight3 embarrassed4 crying5 married6 satisfied7 luckily8 hadn tseen9 togive10 disappear1 costumeparty2 wascanceled cancelled3 stayedup4 mathtest5 playtricks6 discovery7 themostbelievable8 findout9 ranaway10 embarrassed embarrasssing 1 stranger2 onmyway3 stopped4 Excuseme5 realized6 hadasked7 lookfor8 rushing9 lady10 embarrassed1 asmuch youcan2 told had seen3 Howmany hadseen4 Heannouncedthatalienshadlandedontheearth5 so that6 too toCABAC 1 afford 2 bottom 3 ugly 4 cruel 5 fishermen 6 litter 7 plastic 8 cost1 advantages 2 wooden 3 differences 4 harmful 5 reusable 6 laws 7 pollution 8 actions1 isfullof 2 playapart 3 turning into 4 cutdown 5 solvingtheseproblems 6 noisepollution 7 heardof about 8 isharmfulto 9 atthetopof 10 payfor U13SectionA 1 isfullof 2 usedto 3 insteadof 4 arecaught killed 5 anylonger more 6 so that 7 mustbedone 8 haveshownBDECA SectionA 1 President 2 bottles 3 metal iron 4 Recyling 5 works 6 iron metal 7 creativity 8 inspirationA 1 pollution 2 action 3 protection 4 buildings 5 transportationB 1 famous 2 wooden 3 scientific 4 southern 5 carefulC 1 importance 2 difference 3 safety 4 happiness 5 healthD 1 usually 2 recently 3 especially 4 actually 5 usefully SectionB BDADD BDDAB DBCBB1 threwaway 2 puttogooduse 3 pulleddown 4
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