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Unit2 看见某人正在做某事 把 排放到 对 有害 结果 公共场所 砍到 seesbdongsth pour into beharmfulto doharmto bebadfor Asaresult Inpublic cutdown 1 吹着 冲走 2 阻止某人做某事 3 把 变成 4 到处 5 关心 爱好 6 拿走 blowaway washaway Stopsbfromdoingsth Change into hereandthere carefor takeaway 提到 涉及 大量的 缺少 一天天 应该做某事 关掉 referto plentyof beshortof daybyday oughttodosth shutoff 1 A本题考查therebe sbdoingsth 意为 有某人正在做某事 还有词组pourinto 1 Thereareseveralchemicalfactories wastewaterintotheriver A pouringB pourC pours B本题考查现在完成时 回答是用yet 所以用have has 过去分词 You用复数 2 Lily you yourticket Notyet A did findB have foundC has found C 考察词组seesbdoingsth 3 Whenwewentintothepark wesawsomeone ChineseKungfu A playsB toplayC playing 4 A本题考查现在完成时的用法 For加一段时间 4 Howlong you here Forabouttwoyearssofar A have studiedB did liveC do stay 5 C本题考查现在完成时和过去式的区别 时间状语是afewyearsago 所以是过去式 故选C 5 Hesaidthathe toCanadaafewyearsago A hadbeentoB havebeentoC went 6 C本题考查stop fromdoingsth 词组的用法 故选C 6 Treescanstopthesand towardstherichfarmlandinthesouth A movingB tomoveC frommoving 7 A本题考查since和for的区别 Since后跟时间点 比如月份 年份等 For后跟一段时间 比如几年 alongtime等 7 Howlonghaveyoulivedinthistown 2001 A SinceB InC for 6 Howlonghaveyoulivedinthistown 2001 A SinceB InC ToD Until 8 C本题考查短暂性动词变为持续性动词的用法 Die加一段时间要变成bedead 8 Hisclosefriend fortwoyears A diedB hasdiedC hasbeendead 9 B考查toomuch和muchtoo的用法 Toomuch加名词 muchtoo加形容词 故选B 9 Thereis pollutionintheworld Wemuststopit A muchtooB toomuchC manytoo 10 C考查cutdown词组 如果是代词的话 应放中间 比如putitaway takeitaway putiton等 故选C 10 Wemustplantmoretreesafterwe everyyear A cutoffthemB cutdownthemC cutthemdown 11 A考查词组oughttodosth 11 Studentsought thetruth A totellB tellC telling 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事 存在的状态或经常发生的动作 说话的侧重点只在于陈述一件过去的事情 不强调对 现在 产生的影响 现在完成时表示动作发生在过去 对现在造成了影响或产生了结果 2 一般过去时的谓语动词用过去式 而现在完成时的谓语基本构成是 助动词have has 过去分词 如 3 一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用 如 yesterday lastweek twoyearsago justnow in2002等 而现在完成时则常与just already ever never等副词和thesedays thisweek since for 等表示一段时间的状语连用 1 Mother meanewcoatyesterday I iton A hadmade havetriedB made havetriedC hasmade triedD made tried2 He todrawhorsesalready When he Lastyear A learned hasB learned didC haslearned hasD haslearned did3 you thetextyet Yes we ittwohoursago A Did copy didB Have copied haveC Have copied did 复合不定代词是由some any no every 加上 one body thing等所组成的不定代词 复合不定代词包括something somebody someone anything anybody anyone nothing nobody noone everything everybody everyone等十二个 这些复合代词具有名词性质 在句中可用作主语 宾语或表语 但不能用作定语 2 Thiswashingmachineisveryeasytouse canlearntouseitinaveryshorttime A SomebodyB AnybodyC NobodyD Fewpeople 1 Wouldyouliketohave No thankyou I vehadenough A anythingmoreB somethingmoreC moreanythingD moresomething 3 Hi Bob Ican tfindmystorybook Haveyouseenit Sorry Ihaven t WhynotaskJim Perhapshe sseenit A anywhereB everywhereC nowhereD somewhere 4 everybodylikeswatchingTVinmyfamily Myparentslikedoingoutdooractivities A NoB NotC NoneD Nobody 6 Doyouknowhim I msureI veseenhim butIcan tremembertherightplace A anywhereB nowhereC everywhereD somewhere 5 Is readyforthetrip No wehaven tgotacamera A nothingB everythingC somethingD anything 7 Therearefivepeopleintheroom butIknow A bothofthemB noneofthemC allofthemD neitherofthem 辨析and or while but And表示并列或对等关系的连词 Or表示否则 But和while是表示转折意义的连词 but所表达的转折程度较大 常用相对或相反的 While表示轻微的转折 其实质是两种事物或情况的对比 2 Heistall hissonisshort A whenB orC whileD and 1 It salongstory butyoucanhardlyfindnewwordsinit Good itwillbetoohardforchildren A SoB AndC ButD Or 4 XiaoLihadanaccidentyesterday heisinNo 1People sHospitalnow A butB andC orD since 3 Heisrich heishappy too A andB soC orD but 5 Don tgiveup youwillneversucceed A andB butC whileD or
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