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书 山 有 路 1 初三中考英语模拟试题 第 I 卷选择题 共 74 分 I 单项填空 本题共 12 小题 每小题 l 分 共 12 分 从各题所给的四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 Although Shrek is ugly man many children still love him A a B an C the D 2 her way home Amy helped a child find his mother A At B In C By D On 3 When the students grow up they should learn to depend on instead of others A theirs B their C them D themselves 4 Although I ever have time to see her I often call her A hardly B almost C nearly D exactly 5 He is going to be a scientist when he up A grows B will grow C is going to grow D grew 6 Do you have any with your new classmates No we get on well A experience B advice C trouble D attention 7 you please give me a hand The box is too heavy A Should B Could C Must D Need 8 You ll be late for school you don t hurry up A or B as C if D until 9 They had to the school trip because of the rain A go on B ask for C call off D pay for 10 The little boy can tidy up his room and even dress himself A A suddenly B loudly C properly D safely 11 I learn many English words but I often them quickly A write B forget C translate D spell 12 Congratulations to you on winning the first prize in the competition A You re welcome B Never mind C Don t mention it D Thanks a lot II 完形填空 一 本题共 l2 小题 每小题 l 分 共 l2 分 阅读下面短文 理解其大意 然后从各题所给的四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项 Have you ever asked yourself why some people succeed while others fail The answer to this question is very 13 People who have achieved great success in life have been working 14 enough to reach success They have 15 many problems on that journey and suffered a lot However they are optimistic 乐观的 about achieving success and they believe that at the end of the road they will get 16 they want These are the 17 and principles 原则 that we need to follow in order to achieve success I don t promise to be an expert on success 18 I admire 钦佩 the successful people around me and try to 19 their experiences and try my best to give the knowledge and experience to you 书 山 有 路 2 my dear readers The most important 20 to success along with hard work is optimism and I don t believe you and achieve success if you see the world through a 21 window From this we can see that pessimism 悲观主义 is the first step towards failure Don t expect that you can achieve success without any 22 Success can only be reached by being optimistic devoted 奉献的 23 and hard working At the same time you should think about how to be optimistic and the influence that this will have on your life Let me know what you think and whether you 24 with me or not 13 A real B interesting C simple D hard 14 A A late B quickly C hard D early 15 A created B refused C faced D enjoyed 16 A where B which C how D what 17 A advantages B instructions C values D situations 18 A but B and C so D because 19 A A learn from B look up C work out D think about 20 A A thing B secret C excuse D point 21A clear B thick C dirty D big 22 A progress B hope C effort D decision 23 A excited B honest C lovely D strict 24 A agree B work C play D help 阅读理解 一 本题共 17 小题 每小题 2 分 共 34 分 A 阅读下列短文 从各题所给的四个选项中 选出最佳逸项 Passage 1 The 25th spring sports meeting will be held on May 28th 2016 The sports meeting will last two days There are many activities in the sports meeting like 100 meter race 400 meter race A very interesting discussion is being held in Class One Grade Three The students are talking about who will be able to take part in these activities Emma I think Li Ming should take part in the 100 meter race because he has long legs What s more he runs the fastest in PE class John I think I can take part in the high jump Last year I did the high jump and won third place This year I think I can win first place Lingling I agree with John He is perfect to take part in that activity I think he can also take part in 400 meter relay race He is good at running over short distances Kate Last year I was the winner of 400 meter race I believe I can get another medal for our class this year 25 The spring sports meeting will be held on A 25th and 26th B 27th and 28th C 28th and 29th D 29th and 30th 26 Who won the first place in the sports meeting last year A Li Ming B John C Lingling D Kate 27 From the passage we may know A Every class in the school are discussing who can take part in the activities B Li Ming is the best sports player in the class C John is good at both running and high jump D Kate has got two medals for her class 书 山 有 路 3 28 The students in Class One are the sports meeting A taking an active part in B busy preparing for C training carefully for D choosing sports players for Passage 2 People use their mouths for many things They eat talk shout and sing They smile and they kiss In the English language there are many meanings using the word mouth But some of them are not so nice For example if you say bad things about a person the person might protest 抗议 and say Do not bad mouth me Sometimes people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person s feelings Or they tell the person som
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