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ActivCard 实施参考方案 二零零四年十一月 目 录1 系统实施方案1.1 系统规划在真正实施动态口令的身份验证之前,我们需要对该系统进行完善的规划,考虑所有可能出现的问题,并综合各种可能的应用,提出一个完善的实施计划。首先我们对系统目前的应用作具体的分析,了解网上银行的主要业务以及运作模式和流程,明白ActivCard动态口令身份认证系统所能提供的功能以及对网上银行整个系统产生的影响。ActivCard可以在不改变用户现有网络结构的情况下,和用户自有的系统无缝的整合在一起。整个系统的投资相当的小,并且付出的人力物力也十分有限。其次要制定详细的系统实施计划,把系统实施过程中的每一个步骤都进行详细的规划,准备工作做好,避免出现意外情况影响自身的正常业务。再次我们要针对每一项系统实施工作,做好记录。做到所有有关ActivCard动态口令身份验证系统实施的项目都详细的记录下来,为将来的系统维护和后期系统扩容提供极有价值的依据。1.2 系统实施根据ActivCard动态口令身份验证系统的特点,整个系统实施工作可以分为如下几个部分,本系统运行在在SUN Solaris平台下,数据库基于Oracle9i。1.2.1 安装配置服务器模块我们选择在现有的一台SUN Solaris服务器上安装ActivPack AAA Server服务器软件, Oracle9i也是安装在同一台机器上,这样我们就不需要再安装Oracle9i数据库的client软件。安装ActivCard AAA Server在这台机器上: Install ActivPack for Solaris Launch the Configurator (configures server access and parameters) Launch the ActivPack AAA Server安装步骤:1. Login as root, and at the prompt type:/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d ./ActivPack- Press “Enter” to continue The distribution displays the following information:The following packages are available:1 ActivPack (ActivPack Server for Solaris)(SolarisforSPARC) package(s) you wish to process (or all to process allpackages) (default:all) ?,?,q:3. At the prompt, type all and press “Enter” to continue. The following lines display.Processing package instance from The distribution displays version and copyright information and the following prompt:Enter the installation path ActivCard/ActivPack ?,q. By default, the distribution installs the ActivCard AAA Server in the ActivCard/ActivPack directory.Take the appropriate action. Press “Enter” to leave the default path set to ActivCard/ActivPack. Type an alternate path, and press “Enter” to continue.The distribution processes the package information, verifies disk space requirements, checks forconflicts with previously installed ActivCard AAA Server packages, and checks for setuid/setidprograms. It then warns you that the package contains scripts which will be executed with superuserpermissions during the installation, and then it displays the following prompt:Do you want to continue with the installation of y,n,? Press “N” and “Enter” to abort the installation. Press “Y” and “Enter” to continue.The ActivCard AAA Server confirms a successful installation and reminds you that you must now“create the database” (create tables) using SQL scripts before you configure the server.5. To create database tables, at the prompt, type:cd /opt/ActivCard/ActivPack6. Press “Enter” to continue. At the prompt, type the following:$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /7. The SQL*Plus utility starts. At the prompt, type the following:/opt/ActivCard/ActivPack/Sql/OracleCreateServer_v5.1.0.0.sql8. Press Enter to continue. The ActivCard AAA Server tells you when the table space has been successfullycreated and displays the SQL prompt. At the prompt, type quit to exit the SQL*Plus utility.配置服务器:在安装完成后,需要对整个系统进行详细的配置,根据功能要求,选择适合自己的ActivPack AAA Server服务器配置。下面详细描述系统配置的过程。首先我们要确定ActivPack AAA Server系统服务已经启动,设定好管理员用户名和密码后(需要管理员自己设定用户名和密码,为了保障系统的安全性,建议管理员密码不要太简单;并且每次登录进来的时候,系统并不会显示上一次登录所使用的用户名和密码),就可以进入系统管理界面,如下图所示。1,以root用户登录,运行以下命令:$ /opt/ActivCard/ActivPack/ActivPackServerCfg2,回车后,系统提示你输入关于数据库的一些信息:Database listener:oracle数据库名Database login:登录名,默认是ActivPackServer,你可以在以后使用中改变 Database password:密码,默认是ActivPackServer,你可以在以后使用中改 变3,产生了登录的用户名和密码后,下一此登录输入你的用户名密码就可以进行以下的操作了。4,配置以下的选项: ActivPack database access: change the login ID and password for the configuration program. Oracle database access: change the login ID and password for the ActivCard AAA Server database access. Log and trace files configuration: configure the settings for active or inactive trace, and specify the log size and path.* ErrLog is located (by default) in /var/log/ActicPack/ActivPackServerErr.txt.* Trace is located (by default) in /var/log/ActicPack/ActivPackServerTra.txt RADIUS and TACACS dictionaries path: set the paths for your dictionaries. The default isset to /opt/ActivCard/ActivPack/Dico. Decipher database: toggles on/off the cipher/decipher database function. Every critical database field is Triple DES encrypted. This option permits you to decipher (or re-cipher) the database. We recommend you maintain the database in cipher mode (toggle on).5,保存你的配置文件:press “0” to Quit and answer Yes to confirm that you want tosave your settings and exit the Solaris settings menu.6,配置程序会提示你重新启动AAA server。所有的配置结果在如下的一个文件中:1.2.2 安装服务器管理控制模块1221 管理模块安装在安装完服务器模块后,必须在一台win 2000的机器上安装管理模块(Administration Console):登管理控制台可以通过服务器所提供的端口与服务器通讯。并且这个端口也是可变的,为了控制安全性,我们可以更改该控制端口,并且在防火墙上作相应的设置来屏蔽该端口,从而避免外部针对该端口
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