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(一)When we want to tell other people what we think about, we can do it with the help of words or with the help of signs. We sometimes move our 1 up and down when we want to say “2 “, and from side to side when we want to say “no”.People, who cannot hear or speak , talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who do not 3 each others language have to do the same. This story shows 4 they sometimes do it.A man who could not speak 5 was once in Canada. One day he went to a 6 and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, the man opened his mouth, put his 7 in it. He wanted to say, “Bring me something to 8 .”The waiter soon bought him a cup of 9 . The man moved his hand from side to side. The waiter 10 him and took away the tea. In a moment he brought a cup of coffee and put it on the table. The man moved his head from side to side. He was very 11 but he did not want to drink. He shook his head when the waiter brought him a lot of 12 drinks, but drinks are not 13 , of course.The man was about to 14 when another man came in. When this man saw the waiter, he put his hand on his 15 . That was 16 . In a few 17 , a large plate of meat and vegetable was brought in front of him. Now you may 18 , people can not understand the 19 of 20 so well as the language of words.1. A. fingers B. necks C. heads D. bodies2. A. yes B. no C. certainly D. something3. A. speak B. hear C. know D. understand4. A. how B. why C. when D. where5. A. British B. English C. Canadian D. Chinese6. A. hotel B. restaurant C. shop D. school7. A. arm B. wrist C. hand D. fingers8. A. read B. write on C. eat D. drink9. A. milk B. wine C. coffee D. tea10.A. understood B. knew C. heard D. believed11.A. tired B. angry C. hungry D. thirsty12.A. same B. different C. pleasant D. unpleasant13.A. meat B. vegetables C. rice D. food14.A. leave B. speak C. eat D. drink15.A. mouth B. head C. stomach D. back16.A. enough B. more C. much D. good17.A. seconds B. minutes C. hours D. whiles18.A. hear B. see C. observe D. find19.A. speech B. use C. meaning D. language20.A. heads B. hands C. signs D. fingers答案简析:1、选C。根据常识选定。从第九个空格后的一句话中也能得到启示。2、选A。与后一分句中的no形成对比。3、选D。A、B两项较为片面;C、D两项相比,D更精确。4、选A。how表示方式。该句可以被视作文章的主题句,下文都是围绕它来展开的。5、选B。加拿大的主要语言也为英语。6、选B。就餐应到“饭店”。7、选D。根据常识。8、选C。根据下文,那个人是想“吃”东西。、选D。根据第10个空格后的and took away the tea可知。10、选A。从后面侍者又给他端来一杯咖啡来看,侍者好像已“明白”了他的意思。11、选C。与but he didnt want to drink形成对比。12、选B。从后一分句来看,侍者为他端来的仍是各种“不同的”饮料。13、选D。与drinks形成对比。A、B、C三项的内容均带有片面性。14、选A。那人始终不能得到他所需的东西,只得“离开”此店,转入另家。15、选C。根据上文可排除A,根据常识可排除B、D。16、选A。那就“足够”了。17、选B。根据常识较容易排除另三项。18、选B。see意为“明白”;另三项不合语义。19、选D。从后面的the language of words 中可得到启示。20、选C。与后面的the language of words形成对比。(二)Football is, I suppose, the most popular games in England. One had only to go to one of the important 1 to see this. One can see kinds of people there, shouting and 2 for one side or the other.One of the most 3 thing about football in England to a stranger is the 4_ knowledge of the game which even the 5 seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in 6 of the important teams. He 7 photos of them and knows the result of large numbers of matches. He will tell you 8 he expects will win such and such a match, 9 his opinion is usually as 10 as that of men three or four times his 11 .Most schools in England take 12 seriouslymuch more seriously than nearly all the schools in other countries, 13 lessons are all important and games are left for ones own arrangements(安排). In England, it is believed that 14 is not only a matter of filling a boys mind with facts in the 15 ; it also means character training; and one of the 16 ways of training character is by means of games, 17 team games, where the boy has to learn to 18 with others for his team, instead of working just for himself alone. The school therefore arranges games and matches for its 19 . Football is a good team game and it is good exercise for 20 .1. A. games B. matches C. sports D. sports meet2. A. fighting B. jumping C. laughing D. cheering3. A. exciting B. pleasant C. surprising D. disappointing4. A. great B. interesting C. limited D. useless5. A. smallest boy B. oldest man C. shortest child D. most stupid child6. A. none B. each C. few D. most7. A. has B. takes C. accepts D. gains8. A. why B. which C. who D. whom9. A. but
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