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Unit7Howmucharethesesocks Period1 What sthis It sa Whatcolorisit It s hat redandwhite Leadin Isitnice Yes itis 在生活中 我们常常讨论服装是否好看 常常想知道一件物品的价格 那我们应怎样询问价格呢 今天我们就来讨论价格 Newwords much许多 大量 多少big大的Howmuch 多少钱 small小的sock短袜short短的shorts短裤long长的sweater毛衣woman女子trousers裤子dollar美元shoe鞋skirt裙子 What sthis It sa Whatcolorisit It s Whatarethese They re Whatcolorarethey Theyare socks T shirt What sthis It sa Whatcolorisit It s What sthis It sa Whatcolorisit It s shorts sweater Whatarethese They re Whatcolorarethey theyare trousers What sthis It sa Whatcolorisit It s Whatarethese They re Whatcolorarethey Theyare shoes skirt big small Presentation 1 oneyuan 1onedollar 2twodollars long short twoyuan howmuch用于提问某物的价格 意为 多少钱 其句式为 Howmuch be 主语 当主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数时 be动词用is 答语为It s 数额 当主语是可数名词复数时 be动词用are 答语为They re 数额 如 Howmuchisthisbag 这个包多少钱 It ssixdollars 六美元 Howmucharetheapples 这些苹果多少钱 They retwodollarsakilo 两美元一千克 Howmuchisthebaseball It sonedollar Howmucharetheglasses They refivedollars Howmuchisthehat It sthreeyuan 2 socks是sock的复数形式 在英语中 成双成对的物品常以复数形式出现 例如 shoesshortstrousersglasseschopsticksscissors 此类词作主语时 谓语动词用复数形式 但与apairof 一双 一对或一副 连用作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 如 Myshoesareunderthebed 我的鞋在床下面 ThatpairofshortsisJack s 那条短裤子是杰克的 1aMatchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture 1 socksI2 T shirtd3 shorsa4 sweaterc5 bagf6 hatg7 trousersj8 shoesb9 jacketh10 skirte 5 10 Howmuchis It s Itis 6 7 Howmuchare They re Theyare 9 7 3 6 10 hat T shirt jacket sweater skirt shorts shoes socks trousers Exercises 一看图说出下列物品的英语单词 7 Howmuchis are It s They re Pairwork 3 5 10 6 9 8 Listenandcirclethethingsyouhearinthepicturesin1a 1b 1c HowmuchisthisT shirt It ssevendollars Howmucharethesesocks They retwodollars Practicetheconversationabove Thenmakeyourownconversations 答案 1 this2 are3 socks4 dollars5 These 1 Howmuchis these sweater It s120yuan 2 Here be yourshoes 3 Howmucharethoseyellow sock They re6yuan 4 Theredhatisseven dollar 5 this pinkshortsare70yuan 用所给词的正确形式填空 答案 1 Howmucharethe those thesesocks2 the this that black bag3 Whatcolor Howmuchis It s Itis 1 A B They re2dollars 2 A Howmuchis B It s200yuan 3 A aretheT shirts B They reblue A theskirt B 3dollars 看图完成对话 Listenandrepeat 2a black colors white red green blue yellow big small short long brown purple Listentotheconversationsandcirclethethingsyouhear 2b Listenagain Fillinthepricetags 2c 5 8 6 7 2 9 2d Askandanswerquestionsaboutthethingsin2b HowmuchisthegreenT shirt It s8dollars Howmuchisthe It s dollars Howmucharetheredshorts They reninedollars Howmucharethe They re Period2 need需要twenty二十look看 看上去Mr 先生Pair一双 一对clothes衣服 服装take买下 拿 取store商店ten十buy买eleven十一sale特价出售twelve十二sell卖thirteen十三all所有的 全部的fifteen十五very很 非常eighteen十八price价格boy男孩 Role playtheconversation Woman CanIhelpyou Mary Yes please Ineedasweaterforschool Woman OK Whatcolordoyouwant Mary Blue Woman Howaboutthisone Mary Itlooksnice Howmuchisit Woman Ninedollars Mary I lltakeit Howmucharethoseyellowsocks Woman Twodollarsforonepairandthreedollarsfortwopairs Mary Great I lltaketwopairs Woman Hereyouare Mary Thankyou Woman You rewelcome 2e CanIhelpyou 我能帮助您吗 这是商店售货员或其他服务人员招呼顾客时的礼貌用语 相当于WhatcanIdoforyou 接受对方的帮助常回答 Yes please 拒绝对方的帮助用 No thanks 作答 如 CanIhelpyou 我能帮助您吗 Yes please Iwantapen 是的 我想要一支钢笔 Ineedasweaterforschool 我需要一件毛衣上学穿 need是实义动词 意为 需要 常用于以下句式中 1 need sth 表示 需要某物 如 Ineedsomeerasers 我需要一些橡皮 2 need todosth 表示 需要做某事 这时need的主语是 人 如 Youneedtoputonyourjacket 你需要穿上你的夹克 I lltakeit 我要买下它 此句是选好商品并决定购买时的常用语 若选定的物品是单数 可以说 I lltake haveit 若选定的物品是复数则应说 I lltake havethem 如 Thesweaterischeap I lltakeit 这件毛衣很便宜 我买了 我要买下它 Theorangesare2dollars 这些桔子两美元 I lltakethem 我买了 我要买下它们 Readthedialoguein2eandfillintheblanks nine blue socks yellow twodollars threedollars 描述一下你所买的服饰 Ihaveahat It s 4 It sred It ssmall Ilikeitverymuch GrammarFocus 3aMakesentencesinthechartwiththewordsinthethreeboxes thisyellowT shirt thesegreenshorts 1 Howmuchisthehat 2 Howmuchisthebag 3 HowmuchistheT shirt 4 They rethreedollars 5 It sninedollars 6 It seightdollars 3bLookatthepicturesandwritethequestionsandanswers 1 It sfivedollars 2 It stendollars 3 It ssixdollars 4 Howmucharethesesocks 5 Howmuchisthesweater 6 Howmuchistheskirt Answer 3cStudentsA lookatthepicturesin3bforaminuteandthencloseyourbook StudentB askquestions 10 00 6 00 3 00 9 00 二 单项选择1 Ilikethatwatch isit It s20yuan A HowmanyB HowmuchC Whatcolor2 MyT shirt whiteandmyshorts yellow A is areB are areC are is3 Iwant theblueT shirt A getB getsC toget B A C 4 sir Ineedapairofsportsshoes A CanIhelpyouB HowdoyoudoC Whatdoyoudo5 CanIuse 用 youreraser Yes A ThankyouB You rewelcomeC Hereyouare A C 三 句型转换 1 Thisshirtissmallforme 改为复数意义的句子 smallforme 2 Theredskirtis20yuan 对划线部分提问 theredskirt 3 Thoseshoesareyellow 对划线部分提问 thoseshoes Theseshirtsare Whatcolorare Howmuchis 4 Sheneedsaskirtforschool 改为否定句 She askirtforschool 5 Isthebluehattwodollars 作肯定回答 doesn tneed Yesitis big 反义词 2 long 反义词 3 white 反义词 4 sock 复数 5 shoe 复数 6 this 复数 7 that 复数 8 dollar 复数 9 需要我帮助吗 10 这个怎么样 11 我将买它 12 三美元两双 13 给你 short small 一 按要求写出正确的单词或词组 black socks shoes tho
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