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江苏省沭阳县银河学校九年级英语 复习同步练习(八)(无答案) 牛津版一、 选择题(每题1分,共20分)( )1. There is a lot of bread on the table. Can I have _? A. much B. many C. any D. some( )2. I did not watch TV last night _ I had a lot of homework to do. A. if B. because C. when D. but( )3. If Simon _ hard, he _ good at English. A. work; is B. works; is C. works; will be D. will work; will be( )4. Last year I met _ elephant in _ wild. A. a; the B. a; an C. an; the D. an; an( )5. Last month I visited the famous bridge _ of wood. A. make B. making C. made D. was made( )6. When did you see the lovely panda _ the first time? A. at B. for C. in D. on( )7. There will be _space for wildlife in the world. A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. fewer and less D. less and fewer( )8. English is very_ and all the students know the_ of the English Study.A. importantimportance B. importanceimportant Cimportanceimportance D importantimportant( )9. It is _for different kinds of plants and birds.A. the ideal house B. the idea home C. an ideal house D. an ideal home( )10.I_ the teacher carefully but I_ anythingA. listened todidnt hear B. hearddidnt listen toC. listen todidnt hear D. heardont listen to( )11.I heard your daughter _in the next room at ten last night.A. sang B. sing C. singing D. sings( )12.Dont drop litter _,Throw it into the dustbin_.A. carefully, carefully B. carefully, carelesslyC. carelessly, carefully D. carelessly , carelessly( )13.The giant panda weighs just _when it is _. A.10-kilogram,10-month-old B. 10-kilograms,10-month-old C. 10-kilogram,10 months old D. 10 kilograms,10 months old( )14.I hope you _good results in the exam.A. to get B. can get C. getting D. got( )15. The film is one of _that I have seen ,I almost slept in the cinema.A. the most interesting B. the least interesting C. the most interested D. the less interesting( )16_is not a natural disaster AEarthquake BFlood CCar accident DStorm( )17一_is the weather like today? 一Its_ AHow;windy BWhat;windy CHow;wind DWhat;wind( )18.When we leave our classroom,we should walk_,or somebody may get hurt Aone by one Bin a hurry Cat the same time Dhurriedly( )19一What did Mr Wu tell you to do,Simon? 一He told me_early and_in the street Ato go home;not play Bgo home;not to play Cto go home;not to play Dgo home;not play( )20一_is the temperature tomorrow? I think it will be_ AHow;lower BWhat;higher CWhat;low DHow:high二、完形填空(共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。Suppose you are going to Boston, and you 21 the city before. If someone 22 you about the interesting places in the city, you 23 to get some ideas of what you will see. But dont have a 24 idea of where these places are or of how to find 25 . However, 26 someone has a map of the city and 27 you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “ Oh, now I see . I can find my way with 28 trouble at all ”. Working in math is somewhat(有点儿) like trying to find your way 29 a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have 30 it, but you cant see any clear road 31 the answers.Maybe you 32 a kind of map of the main roads in maths 33 you find your way. Explore what lies in maths, and 34 to find the main roads. They will 35 you to the answer. If you can find the “map”, the maths problems will be easily worked out.( )21. A. are going to visit B. once visited C. have never visited D. have ever visit ( )22. A. answers B. shows C. meets D. tells( )23. A. begin B. like C. learn D. refuse( )24. A. clever B. clear C. strange D. wrong( )25. A. someone B. Boston C. them D. it( )26. A. if B. though C. whether D. since( )27. A. helps B. gives C. passes D. shows( )28. A. not B. no C. some D. much( )29. A. of B. to C. in D. around( )30. A. thought over B. heard aboutC. written down D. talked with( )31. A. with B. for C. of D to ( )32. A. need to have B. dont need C. neednt D. in need of ( )33. A. help B. to help C. helps
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