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冀教版英语七年级下册Unit1Lesson5教案Lesson 5 Leaving and ArrivingLesson ObjectivesAt the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. understand the meaning of the text2. remember the mastery vocabulary3. understand and learn “The leave arrive chant”Class OpeningGREETINGPLAY “WHAT DAY IS IT?” AND SING “THE TRIP SONG”New ConceptsDEMONSTRATEarrive, leaveDraw a circle at each end of the blackboard. Label one circle with the name of your home city. Label the other with the name of another city. Ask for a volunteer. You and the volunteer stand next to your home city. Lead the dialogue such as this:-Please go to(the other circle)-(start walking to the other circle.)-Goodbye. He/ She is leaving Please come to(the first circle.) Now, he/she is arriving inSTUDENT BOOK L 5Play the tape.PRACTICEDivide the class into small groups: Ask each group to plan a trip to Beijing the way Li Ming planned a trip in the student book.DEMONSTRATEStudy the course plan of your students. Find out what classes they have on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.CHANTTeach “The leave arrive Chant”ACTIVITY BOOKFinish Exercise 2.Class ClosingRetrospect of the lesson
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