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冀教版英语八年级下册Unit3Lesson18学案Lesson 181.识别新词汇:chase, squirrel, fierce2.掌握应用短语和句子:slow down, talk to, cook for, be scared of1.通过查字典预习新单词2.本课出现了词组或短语_3.你知道哪些动物呢?_课文填空1.My family has a dog _ Brandy.2.My dad_ going to cook hamburgers_ supper.3.He was _ _ my mum.4.I cant remember_ _ _ supper that night,5.Pets need lots of _.Thats _we_ Brandy_ _ _every day.6.I throw sticks_ Brandy. She loves to_ the sticks.7.Sticks _ _ branches.8._ _ this, Li Ming9.Brandy is running_ the squirrels. She wants to_ them.1.family 指一家人或全体家庭成员,与居住的房子无关。house 指家庭住宅, 强调房屋概念home 指家庭共同生活的地方,有时也指出生的城市或国家。练一练 (1) 我有一个大家庭。 _(2)他在城里有栋房子。_(3)我们每天放学后回家。 _2.chase = run after 追赶,追捕(1)A police is chasing a thief._(2)Why are you chasing my hen? _(3)My dog likes chasing rabbit._2.named = called 过去分词,可做定语,置于被修饰名词之后。Eg: (1) There is a girl named Wan Jun. _(2) Mary has a cat named Mimi. _3.think of 认为,的看法,考虑 相当于 think about 后面接动名词。Eg :(1) We are thinking of going to Beijing for our holiday. _(2) Dont think of yourself only, you should think about others. _4.bring sb/sth to把某人或某物带到来 bring sb sth 把某物带给某人与之相对应 taketo 把拿到去。(1)Dont forget to bring your homework to school tomorrow. _(2)Take this empty box away and bring me a full one. _(3)Bring it here next time. _1.I have a friend _(叫) Yuan Yuan .2.She _(长着) blue eyes and red hair.3.A tiger is a _ _(凶猛的动物)。4.Hes_(害怕) to go out at night.5.My friends_ _ _ _ (带给我一些蛋糕) yesterday.She made them by herself.6.She is ill. Youd better_(带) her to the hospital.7.It_(意思) that you can do it by yourself.8.My brother hate _ (keep) a cat.9.I want _ (take) a walk after supper.10.The students _(give) the teacher some flowers for Teachers day.11.Supper _ (mean) an evening meal.12.I still remembered what we _(have) for lunch on my birthday.13.My mother_(bring)me some apples yesterday.14.She often _(take) her dog for a walk.15.Well need_( plant) a tree in my bedroom.16.There _(be) a talk on science in our school tomorrow.17.The baby is sleeping. Could you please stop _(make) so much noise.学习本课之后你还有哪些不懂的地方,请记录下来:
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