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Lesson 5 Visit my school!Writing& task一、学习目标:熟练运用用There be 句型和How many are there ?句型谈论校园内的不同场所。正确、熟练地掌握名词变复数的规则。能用英语描述自己的学校。 二、预习指导:1.朗读对话,学习新词和短语。2. 预习对话完成书上练习。3.英汉互译下列词组。1. a football field _2. 两个餐厅_ 3. a computer room _4. 三个图书馆_B)写出下列名词或名词复数的复数形式。 blackboard _ watch_ woman_ class_ photo_ zoo_ man teacher_ twin brother_ Teachers desk _三、课内探究:1.认真朗读对话,并理解句意。2.两两对话,组织学生上台表演对话,也可以改编。3.Part B 中的可数名词复数变化形式可分为哪三类?第一类:除了hallhalls之外,还有: 这些可数名词的复数变化规律是:第二类:除了classclasses之外,还有: 这些可数名词的复数变化规律是:第三类:除了librarylibraries之外,还有: 这些可数名词的复数变化规律是:还有一些可数名词的复数形式变化更加特别,例如:man men womanwomen ChineseChinese knifeknives还知道哪些名词复数的变化:_.4.模仿Task 写一写自己的学校,并选派代表上台朗读。四、达标检测:(一)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are thirty _ in the _ room . ( computer).2. My _ are all very happy . (family)3. Students _ books in the _. ( read)4. There is a _ desk in the classroom. (teacher)5. There _ some drivers in the school today .( be)6. There are not _ girls in the football field .( some)7. How many _ can you see ? ( policeman)8. The toilet is on the _( one)9. My cousin is very _.( help)10. Do you know that _ ( girl) ? ( China)(二) 句型转换1. There are two girls in Lilys bedroom. (对画线部分提问)_ _ girls _ there in Lilys bedroom?2. Peter has some pencils on his desk .(改成同义句)_ _ some pencils on his desk .There arent any gardens in the school.( 改同义句)There _ _ gardens in the school.(三) 书面表达 请以“My school” 为题,至少用3句 there be结构,写一篇60词左右的短文。 My school
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