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2020年中考英语完形填空专项训练 (名师精选历年真题+参考答案,建议下载练习)【知识点睛】 一、完形填空特点 完形填空题篇幅一般150到250个词,以故事性题材居多,贴近学生、贴近生活、内容新颖,富有时代气息。体裁以记叙文或夹叙夹议文为主,近几年体裁大都是记叙文而且完型填空题基本形式相同,首句不设空(利于熟悉语境),大多设10空,考点主要涉及词汇、语法及对短文内容的理解。文章平均空间距为15.3个词,设计合理有利于学生获取信息。 近几年完形填空命题趋势:词汇量一般为200词左右,考查的词汇难度有所提高,语境分析题居多,在读的过程中理解的难度有所增加。完形填空线索不清,或是语境不明时,继续阅读文章,就会发现此题在文中某处有暗示。 选项特点: 1) 四个选项一般都属于同一类型词,词汇不重复,覆盖面大;语义范畴相近,但互不包容;长短相宜,避免了对答案的明显暗示。 2) 四个选项填入空中,语法均正确,形成一定的干扰或起到迷惑作用。 三、命题特点 1、命题角度体现“_”的命题原则,即“突出语意填空,削减语法填空,以考查理解能力为主”。 2、淡化_的考查,主要考查的是学生_的能力,能否找到准确的信息词。能否通过上下文的联系和理解推测出最恰当的选项,近几年都有小题答案藏在前言后语之中,需要瞻前顾后定选项。 二、河南完型填空命题分析 考察点年份v.n. adj.adv.prep.conj.pron.num.modal verbinterrogative201738;44;4537;40;42363943/41/201636;43;4437;40;413842/39/45/201537;42;4340;454138364439/201441;43;4436;40;4537/38/3942201339;41;4436;4037;43;45/4238/四、技巧点拨 完形填空是介于单项选择题和阅读理解题之间的一种题型,旨在考查学生对词汇和语法知识在单句、上下文、语篇等各种具体语境下的综合运用能力,这就要求在解题中掌握一些方法、技巧。 1. 利用_推断句意解题2. 利用_、_推断句意解题(所谓复现是指某一词以原词、同义词、近义词等重复出现在语篇中,使上下文得以相互衔接。) 3. 利用_(经验)推断句意解题 4. 利用_、_及习惯表达解题 5. 利用_解题 6. 利用_推断解题 7. 利用_推断解题 五、注意事项 1. 上下文的衔接 2. 固定词组搭配 六、做题步骤 1. 速读。(跳开选项了解信息,初步掌握文章大意。) 2. 精读。(自己阅读全文,抓住短文的每段,每句作者的思想。) 3. 复读。(再次阅读文章,检查答案,是否符合文章逻辑推理。) 【精讲精练】完形填空专项训练(一)I was flying to New York at night. Suddenly, a storm broke and the plane began to be tossed (颠簸) around. When I looked 36_ the plane, I could see that nearly all the passengers were worried and afraid. The future seemed terrible and many were 37_ if they would make it through the storm. Then, I 38_ saw a little girl. It seemed that the storm meant 39_ to her. She sat on her seat reading a book. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again, with no 40_ or fear in her eyes. When the other passengers were scared (惊恐的) half to death, that child was completely calm and 41_. I couldnt believe my eyes. When the plane finally reached New York, I was not surprised to 42_ that all the passengers were hurrying to come out. I stopped and spoke to the girl whom I had 43_ for such a long time. I asked 44_ she had not been afraid. The child replied, “My daddy is the 45_, and he is taking me home.” ( )1. A. at B. around C. up D. into ( )2. A. wondering B. expectingC. dreaming D. realizing ( )3. A. probablyB. luckily C. suddenly D. certainly ( )4. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )5. A. pride B. worry C. anger D. regret ( )6. A. unafraid B. nervous C. active D. tired ( )7. A. say B. hear C. find D. think ( )8. A. known B. watched C. helped D. protected ( )9. A. whether B. how C. when D. why ( )10. A. guard B. driver C. pilot D. traveller 解题原则:先完意,后完形完形填空考点a.上下联系b.逻辑推理c.词汇辨析d.固定搭配完形板块训练上下联系【试题1】Then he started to feel hungry. So the man took the bread out and put it into his mouth. The 1_ tasted like honey and suddenly the man saw a fine woman was near a river. That was the first time when he saw his wife.He saw the gentle look of his wife and his wife sitting day and night by his bed when he was sick. He remembered the taste of food that his wife gave him each day with such love and best wishes.The man got up and ran home. when he entered his house, he saw God there. At once, the man fell at his wifes feet with tears.When God was leaving, the man said quickly, “Thank you for opening my eyes.”God smiled kindly and said, “It wasnt I who opened your 2_, but your wifes baked bread that is made from the flour of peace and love.” ( )1. A. cakeB. breadC. hamburgerD. sandwich ( )2. A. handsB. mouthC. heartD. eyes 【试题2】 These new devices were among the first trade products in Las Vegas at the International Consumer Elections Show, the worlds biggest trade 3_ for small electrical devices. ( )3. A. gameB. showC. contestD. concert 【试题3】Li is not alone. Many middle school students now have the same 4_: they can talk about their ideas freely with their best friends after class, but cant speak in public. ( )4. A. answerB. subjectC. problemD. question 【试题4】 Wang Yani was born in 1975. Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was an 5_. Yani wanted to be like him. So she tried to stand like her father as she painted, which made him laugh. ( )5. A. actor B. athlete C. artist D. engineer 【试题5】There are many 6_ of making pocke
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