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慈溪中学2005年保送生招生考试英 语说明:I. 本卷考试时间80分钟,满分100分。II. 本卷分为试题(共8页)和答卷(共2页),答案必须做在答题卷上。试 题、单项选择(共20小题,计20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.Nanjing is _ most beautiful city, where you can see _ famous Changjiang River.A. a; the B. a; / C. the; a D. /; the2.The exam was easy, wasnt it ?Yes, but I dont think _ could pass it.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody3.Mrs. White bought a _ wallet for her husband.A. black leather small B. small leather black C. black small leather D. small black leather4.My mother is interested in _ you have said.A. all that B. all what C. that D. which5.Ive decided to go to Hangzhou instead of Dalian _ my holiday.A. to B. on C. for D. in 6.Oh, you have made the same mistake again._. How _ I was!A. So have I; careless B. So I have; careful C. So have I; careful D. So I have; careless7.When I got home, I found the door open . A terrible thought suddenly _ mehad anyone broken into the house ?A. beat B. knocked C. attacked D. struck8._ breaks the law should be punished, _ he or she is.A. No matter who; whoever B. Those who; anyone who C. Whoever; no matter whoever D. Anyone who; no matter who9.Have you finished the plan?Yes, and it _ by the experts for three times.A. was being studied B. has studied C. has been studied D. studied10.Dont you feel surprised to see Bruce at the meeting?Yes, I really didnt think _ here.A. he has been B. he had been C. he would be D. he would have11.These Germans want to have some _ for supper, so they decided to catch _ now.A. fish; many B. fishes; much C. fish; much D. fishes; many12.How about some more coffee?Its very kind of you. _ .A.Thats all right B. It tastes nice and sweetC. Just a little, please D.I enjoyed it very much13. Hello, Mr. Ball. Do come in.All right. Just for a minute. I came to _ you a message.A. take B. leave C. give D. write14.Will somebody go and get Dr White?Hes already been_.A. asked for B. sent for C. called for D. looked for15.When I arrived at the company, the manager _, so we had only time for a few words.A. just went away B. had gone away C. was just going away D. has just gone away16.The old professor has such a bad memory that he looks for the watch while he is _.A. having it on B. having on it C. wearing it D. putting it on 17.There is no difference between the two words. I really dont know _.A. what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which18.Look! How heavy the rain is! Youd better _.A. dont go now B. stay here when it stopsC. not leave until it stops D. not to leave at once19.Are you a film star?_ .A. Yes, I was B. I used to be C. I used to D. I m used to20.Was it from the old worker _ we learned a lot in the factory?A. who B. that C. which D. where、完形填空(共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。I am sitting in an empty football field after my last high school football game that finished a few hours ago. Im the midfield player on my team. But in fact thats not 21 now. I was the mid-field player because, as I said, this was my 22 game. Thats a good way to end a high school football career(生涯), especially if you win, but even though you dont, its 23 to leave at a high point.I was eight when I first started playing football. My dad 24 football, and he used to practice with me at homepassing, catching, running. We used to practice almost every evening 25 it got too dark. He tried to teach me everything he knew about the 26 .“Just remember: dont ever 27 .”“Stay in the game. Dont lose your concentration.”“Go out there and give 110 percent every time.”Well, that was a long time ago, but I still hear his words 28 in my ears.I had a lot on my mind 29 the game today. I dont like things to end, I guess, and this was the last game. I was talking to myself and warning myself about what to do and not to do, I didnt sleep at all 30 ,and when the sun came up this morning, I reached the point where 31 just wanted it all to be over, finished, done. But then when the game started, my mind became 32 . I just lived in this game, this moment. I never felt tired. I just kept my eyes on the 33 ,and it was just me and the ball and, inside, a soft, white light 34 me the way to the goal. It was a beautiful, empty feeling.Its all over now, and its really getting cold here. Its starting to snow. The suns almost gone, and I can 35 see the goal. Now its dark and Im sitting here all alone. Well, I guess its tim
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