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Unit3 Could you clean your room 学习水平知识目标细化识记领悟运用分析综合评价目标一1. 熟练掌握以下词汇与句型:Snack,buy some drinks and snacks, go to store, borrow some money, use your CD player, take out the rubbish, invite my friends to a party, make your bedCould you clean your room? Yes, I can.Could I invite myfriends to a party?No, you cant have a party. You have a test on Monday.目标二掌握could的用法目标三Make polite requests and ask for permission导 学 过 程 设 计课前自学I. 翻译下列词组1.买饮料和小吃_ 2.邀请我的朋友_3.借些钱_4.在旁边_5.去商店_6.在与之间_7.用你的CD播放机_8.编对话_9.考试_10.请求某人帮忙_II.自主预习本课的生词和短语课中三学1. 自学: Use the phrases in 1a to make conversations between parents and child2. 议学Pretict the answers for Sandys mom, Sandy and Sandy and Dave.Then listen carefully and fill in the chart. What are they going to do?3. 悟学You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things:go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishesclean the living room, take out the rubbishA: Could you please take out the rubbish?B: Yes, sure.课后巩固延伸I. 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.我想邀请他们来参加聚会。I want to _ them _ a party.2.你能把垃圾拿出去倒掉吗?Can you _ _ the rubbish ?3. 起床后,请整理床铺Please _ _ _ after you get up.4.你能帮我叠衣服吗?Can you help me _ _ _ ?5. 我可以在外面待得晚一点吗?Could I _ _ late.
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