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Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelingsSection B【学习目标】1.继续学习简单句的句型结构.2.学习如何安慰别人以及帮助他人走出低落情绪的句子和方法。【学习重点】学习如何安慰别人以及帮助他人走出低落情绪的句子和方法。【学习难点】简单句的句型结构【知识链接】在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. If we are not confident about ourselves,we may feel upset or nervous.如果我们对自己不自信,我们可能会感到不安或紧张. be confident about意为对.有信心” 例如: Im confident about passing the exam.2. When we are in a bad mood all the time,we could become sick. 译:_in a bad mood 心情很糟糕,反义词:in a good mood心情很好.类似用法in good health 健康状况良好.sick生病的,有病的. 可作定语也可以作表语,ill只作表语.3. Lets show him that we are proud of him. 译:_be proud of 为.感到自豪, 同义词take (a)pride in be proud about 为.而自高自大,具有贬义. 例如:He is proud his success.4. Lets give Michael a surprise. 译:_ give sb. a surprise=give a surprise to sb.给某人一个惊喜. 此处surprise 是名词,例如,to ones surprise 令某人感到惊奇的是. surprising是形容词,可作定语,也可作表语.surprised 也是形容词,be surprised to do sth 做某事感到惊奇be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊奇5. We can put on a short play ,just as we do at the English Corner. 译:_ put on 上演;举行;表演. be on上演.-通常做主语的是电影,戏剧等. put on 还可以指穿上;戴上,反义词take off. as 意为照.方法;正如.引导方式状语从句6. Lets get ready for it. 译:_ get ready for sth= prepare for sth为.作准备 get ready to do sth【自习】、 读1a,回答下列问题1.How does Michael seem? 2.What can affect our health? II、熟记并默写新单词.1生病的,有病的 2影响 3自信的,有信心的 4心情 5自豪的,骄傲的 6自豪,骄傲 7尽管,即使这样 8准备好的 9.护照 10.老板 11.孙子,外孙 、 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.似乎烦恼 2. 对.有信心 3心情很糟糕 4.一直;总是 5.位某人做些事 6. 为.感到自豪 7. 好主意 8.互相帮助 9, 给某人一个惊喜 10. 表演一个短剧 11,在英语角_ 12. 为做准备_ 【自疑】_我想问:【自探】活动一:listen to 1a and finish 1b.活动二:discuss in groups,find out the important stences and useful expressions.活动三:work alone,finish 1c.【自测】( )1.Many things can our moods ,such as colors,weather and noise.A.cause B.protect C.improve D.affect( )2.The will a funny play at the party this evening.A.put up B.put on C.put away D.put down( )3.I dont tell my parents I will go home for the Spring Festival because I want to give them .A. a gift B.a hand C.an anwer D.a sursprise( )4.My parents are me because I was the first in the exam.A. proud of B.strict with C.angry with D.tired of( )5.The farmers are the harvest.A.get ready forB. getting ready for C.prepare for D. prepared for【自结】 【课后提升】一.单项选择题:1、Michael is feeling bad. We should do something to make him .A.happily B.happly C. happiness D. felt happy 2、Many are friendly to me in the factory.A. deskmates B. workmates C.farmers D. schoolmates 3、Try to smile life, and youll be a good mood.A.at;at B.at; in C. in; at D.to; in 4、-Well have a math test next week. Lets that.A. get ready for B. to get ready for C. to get ready D. getting ready for 5、-Is Tina a shy girl? Yes. She is always afraid of in front of her classmates.A.giving a speak B.give a speech C.give a speaking D. giving a speach6、We finished the survey our teacher asked.A.like B. as C. since D. because7、When I opened the window, I heard some birds in the tree.A.to sing B. singing C. sang D. sing 8、The coach made him .A.team leader B.a team leader C. being a team leader D. team leader9How 9、do you celebrate this coming festival? We will_ a short playA put on B.put down Cput in Dput off10、Your father is feeling better today, I am happy_ himAwith Bfor C
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