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2019年中考英语完形填空真题汇编 (带详细解析过程) (名师精讲解题方法与技巧+实战训练,建议下载练习)一、解题技巧完形填空题以其内容广泛和知识、能力有机结合而备受命题者的青睐,它也是各类英语测试和竞赛中的重点题。且多数同学认为完形填空题是较难的题型之一。完形填空题难主要有两个原因:一是它所测试的内容几乎是无所不包:单词、语法、句式、习惯用法等基础知识的掌握都可通过此题进行测试;二是它可以把知识和能力紧密结合,而且是以测试能力为主,基础知识为辅。通过完形填空,可测试出学生综合运用基础语法、词汇、句式、习惯用法等阅读理解能力,及分析、判断、推理能力。这也是综合运用英语知识来解决实际问题的能力。完形填空题主要有“四选一”、“首字母填空”、“选词填空”和“根据上下文填空”等形式。但不管形式如何变换,只要我们基本功扎实,掌握解题要领,则“难者亦易矣”。为了把完形填空做得尽善尽美,金华龙文教师认为同学们应该掌握以下一些要领:1、词汇要熟,句意要明不管什么形式的完形填空题,都是要我们把短文中的空词填写完整,所以,首要的一条是要对所学过的词汇非常熟悉。音,应读得准。形,应记得清,意义记得要全面。特别是那些“常用词”要记得相当纯熟。熟悉词汇是做好完形填空的第一步。第二步则是对句型要明了。明了各种句子的类型、结构、常用句型的词语搭配习惯等。通过所空词在句子中的位置和所给首字母的联系,判定该填什么词。如,哪些词常用于句首,哪些词常用于句尾或句中等。句型熟,是正确理解句子的保证。句子的大意基本清楚了,所空单词是什么也就大致清楚了。2、语法要准,道理要通词汇和句型对完形填空固然重要,但语法知识掌握的准确程度,也是必不可少的因素之一。因为实词在句中多有变化。如:名词有复数、所有格形式;动词有各种时态和语态形式;代词有主格和宾格形式,还有物主代词、反身代词的各种形式;数词有基数、序数形式;形容词、副词有比较级和最高级形式等。如果对语法不熟,即使知道填什么词,也会写,但由于语法的疏忽,词形该变的没有变,仍然不是正确答案。因此,词汇、句型、语法要综合考虑,相辅相成。3、理顺关系,建立联系有些单词单靠词、句、语法知识还不能确定。这就要从上下文的联系中找答案。看所空的单词与前、后词的关系,所空单词的句子与上、下句的关系,以及同全文的联系等。多角度,全方位分析后,方能确定。填完后应整体阅读一、两遍,看看意思是否连贯,通顺,首字母是否对应,有无语法错误,大、小写是否有误等。还要注意用词准确,书写规范。另外,答完形填空题时,还要注意一个“快且细”的原则。虽然时间紧,也要尽可能多读几遍,读得快,思考得快,快中有细。做到词词留心,句句留意,争取高分、满分。二、真题训练时间:710分钟/篇分值:1分/小题Cloze 1(2018安徽)Philip is the bravest boy I know. His friends and family are all very_1_ him.Tenyearold Philip was born with an_2_ which means that he is always breaking his bones(骨头)Although he has such a serious illness, Philip_3_ playing sports. In January last year he_4_ wheelchair racing. He came second in his first_5_, and since then Philip has won every other race!In order to look for a new challenge(挑战), Philip_6_ to take part in the London Wheelchair Marathon(马拉松)_7_, five days before the race Philip got sick. He didnt want to_8_. He finally made up his mind to take part. Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what? He not only_9_it, but he also finished in first place!Philip is very_10_ and never gives up. Thats why he has been chosen to be the Bravest Child of the Month.()1. A. proud of B. afraid of C. angry with D. strict with()2. A. ability B. effort C. illness D. interest()3. A. stops B. avoids C. minds D. loves()4. A. watched B. started C. cancelled D. held()5. A. journey B. race C. class D. interview()6. A. regretted B. hated C. failed D. decided()7. A. Instead B. Also C. However D. First()8. A. give up B. sit down C. set off D. go out()9. A. refused B. left C. completed D. invented()10. A. brave B. honest C. polite D. fairCloze 2(2018天津)My best friend, Connie, is two years older than me. We spend a lot of time together.Connie has long dark brown hair and her eyes are big and round. People say she is _1_ and looks like a doll. When we go out, people often _2_ that I am older than her because she is shorter and slimmer(苗条的)Connie is positive(乐观的) even when things go _3_. Last week she got her examination _4_, which were not very good. I thought she was going to be _5_. Instead, she simply decided to do better the next time. Then, every day after class, _6_ teachers are free in their offices, she will ask them for help.Connie gets on well with others. Everyone in my family _7_ her, even my younger brother. When you hear her laugh, you will naturally(自然地) laugh _8_. When I feel unhappy, I will talk to Connie and she will make me feel _9_I think my _10_ with Connie is very valuable, and I hope we will always be best friends.()1. A. crazy B. beautiful C. lazy D. ugly()2. A. think B. hope C. suggest D. ask()3. A. wrong B. welcome C. important D. interesting()4. A. lessons B. symbols C. novels D. results()5. A. stupid B. interested C. sad D. glad()6. A. although B. if C. before D. even though()7. A. sees B. likes C. wakes D. catches()8. A. suddenly B. early C. recently D. together()9. A. better B. angrier C. busier D. heavier()10. A. purpose B. opinion C. friendship D. habitCloze 3(2018河南)A man feared his wife wasnt hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need some hearing aid(助听). Not quite sure how to _1_ her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the doctor a better _2_ of her hearing loss.“Heres what you do,” said the doctor. “Stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a _3_ conversational speaking tone(音调) see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on _4_ you get a reply.”That evening, the wife was in the _5_, and he was in the yard. He said to himself, “Im about 40 feet away, and let me see what will happen.” Then in a usual tone he asked, “Honey, whats for dinner?”No _6_So the husband moved closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and asked, “Honey, whats for dinner?”_7_ no reply.Next he moved into the dining room wh
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