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2019年中考英语完形填空专项训练十二(精选真题试卷+详细解题过程答案,值得下载打印练习)Passage 13(2019中考选练)It was 8:30 and I was lying in the sun, listening to my CD.Then my mum came out. She wanted me to go out with her. She told me about this place called Give Kids the World. Its a special place for 1 to spend a vacation when a child had a life-threatening (致命的) illness. There were several jobs 2 did there, including gift giving and ice-cream 3 . Mum said I would enjoy it, but I expected this was a 4 job.I got in the car and Mum drove to this place. There was a house in the village that we went into to do our work. I had to put some 5 on the back of a golf cart (高尔夫球车). Mum told me we were going to take a toy and an ice-cream to every child in the village. We got to the first house and I knocked on the door and shouted, “Gift Giving”, and a woman answered it. Sitting in the middle of the living room was a boy in a wheelchair. I gave him the gifts, and his face lighted up with 6 . I walked out and thought, “That must be painful, unable to jump around.”As I came into the second house with gifts, it seemed a little strange that the child didnt 7 me. Her mum said she was deaf and only partially (部分地) sighted, so I needed to go and stand in front of her. When I 8 that, she became very excited and made a sign with her hands. Her mum told me this was the sign for “ 9 ”. 10 back in the cart, Mum told me these kids might not live to see tomorrow. Suddenly, I 11 I should be more thankful that I dont have these illnesses that I was not in the same 12 as these kids. I no longer wanted to be at home listening to my CDs. I would rather be doing this, maybe making a difference in these kids lives.1. A. parents B. families C. friends D. women2. A. I B. theyC. she D. we3. A. making B. showingC. selling D. serving4. A. special B. simple C. boring D. useless5. A. gifts B. ballsC. medicines D. hats6. A. joy B. energy C. hope D. pride7. A. welcome B. notice C. like D. thank8. A. got B. made C. found D. did9. A. thanksB. pleasure C. goodbye D. love 10. A. Since B. Though C. Once D. But11. A. believedB. agreed C. remembered D. realized12. A. village B. position C. society D. Environment参考答案1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B Passage 14A successful businessman was invited to a TV interview.Everybody couldnt wait to hear his _1_ from him.However, he only said with a smile.“Wont it be better for me to ask you for help on a certain problem? ” All the people were _2_ him carefully. Here is his problem.He said, “People all rushed to the place where a gold mine (矿) had _3_ been discovered. But when they got there, they found they were _4_ by a river in front of it. They had to cross the river if they wanted to get to the gold mine. What would you do if you were among _5_? “Make another way,” someone suggested.“Swim across, ” said another.The businessman smiled without saying a word.Finally he gave his idea.“Why not do something different _6_ rushing to the mine? How about buying a boat to offer the ferry (渡船) service?” The listeners were all _7_.He then explained calmly. “The man who bought the boat could _8_ a lot of money by taking the passengers to the other bank.They would like to _9_ the ferry because there was gold on the other bank. Do what the others havent thought of or do something that others have never tried _10_, that is the key to success.A difficult situation, in the eyes of a wise man, often means a chance of success.()1. Avoice Bstory Csuccess Dwords()2. Alooking at Blistening to Clooking after Dlaughing at ()3. Ajust Bsoon Cnearly Dalmost ()4. Acovered Bturned Cpassed Dstopped ()5. Ayou Bit Cthem Dus()6. Abecause of Binstead of Caccording to Dahead of ()7. Atired Bworried Cpleased Dsurprised ()8. Asend Blook Cmake Dhave ()9. Await for Blook for Cask for Dpay for ()10. Aso Bbefore Cuntil Dbecause 完形填空15 C B A D C610 B D C D BPassage 15(2019中考选练)This morning, I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my 1 , and I was afraid to do so for a long time!Mom came into the kitchen, asking,Are y
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