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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake目标1.词汇:add, sugar, finally, beef, cheese, popcorn, addto, putinto,forget to do,how many/much2句型:(1)How do you make?重难点会制作苞米花并描述其过程。会运用first,next,then,finally描述制作食物的过程。授课类型语法课授课内容Section A 2a 3c五环教 学 流 程 与 设 计我的修改自主学习(课前预习)个人自读、记忆单词2. 小组互相检查读、写情况3. 翻译1)将两茶匙蜜,一杯酸奶,一些苹果,一些香蕉放入碗内,进行搅拌。_two teaspoons of ,a cup of _, some apples,some bananas_ _a bowl,and_ them all2)切好西红柿和牛肉,煮好面条,在面条里加入材料,再加上一些盐,就可以吃面条了。First, the tomatoes and beef. Next,_ the noodles. Then_ the ingredients and some salt_ the noodles. Finally,eat the noodles4. Work on 2d1合作学习运用(课中释疑)练_cut up three bananas,three apples _and a watermelon. Put the fruit in a bowl._put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt mix it all。3. How many how much 的区别用法。 How many 对 (可数、不可数)提问; How much 对 (可数、不可数)提问。4. forget: v. 忘记 1)后面可以直接跟名词,如:他忘记了他的生日。He forgot his birthday. 2) 后面跟动词不定式,即 forget to do sth, 意思是“忘记要做某事”,如:他忘记做作业了,老师很生气。He forgot to do his homework, so the teacher was angry. 3) 后面跟v-ing形式,表示“忘记做过某事了”如:他又买了一只钢笔,他忘记已买过一只了。He bought a pen again, for he forgot buying one, 4) 拓展: forget 的反义词是remember, remember 也有常用的三个结构:1)后面可以直接跟名词,如:他记住了汤姆的容貌。He remembered Toms look. 2) 后面跟动词不定式,即remember to do sth. 意思是“记得要做某事”3) 后面跟v-ing 形式,表示“记得做过某事了”。7. 3c writing and speaking。探究学习展示(课中做)任务一归纳拓展(大声朗读grammar focus)1. 掌握和区别what time和when引导的疑问句when与what time都可以用来询问时间,相当于汉语的“什么时候”,它们之间的异同点如下:1)询问做某事的具体时间(钟点)时两者可以互换如:你什么时候去上学? When / What time do you go to school? I go to school at seven oclock.2) 询问钟表所显示的时间时,只能用_ e.g. What time is it? (=Whats the time) 几点了? Its eight thirty.八点半。3)询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时间时,只能用_, 而不能用_。e.g. When is your birthday? My birthday is February 6th. When is Teachers Day? Its September 10th.总结: What time 几点了?准确到分,When 的范围比较大。2. 掌握always,usually,often, sometimes, seldom, never 等词的用法。这几个都是频度副词,表示总是,常常,经常,有时,几乎没有,从来不等意思。他们的频率根据顺序_(频度副词放在be动词和助动词后面,行为动词前面。但是sometimes可以放在句首或句末often也可以放在句末)任务二:完成3b部分1.学生用所给的词完成句子。2.小组展示成果任务三:合作交流Group work: 讨论如何使用what time, when ,always, usually, never,并分别用他们造句。_ _ _ _自主学习(课后巩固)I、根据汉语完成英语句子。1. 可以在果汁里加一些冰激凌。You can _ some ice cream _ the juice.2. 我们需要放两茶匙蜂蜜。We need to put _ _ _ _.3. 她上课总是迟到。She is always _ _ class.4.你爸爸通常几点钟去上班?_ _ _ your father usually go to work ?5他总是说而不做。He is _ telling, _ doing.6.他们通常在周末锻炼。They usually exercise _ _.7.你最好的朋友几点上学?What time does your _ _ go to school?反思我学会了_ 我运用了_我帮助了_ 我得到了_我还需要 _
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