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北京市中小学第一届“京教杯”青年教师教学基本功展示课题Unit 5 Lesson 15 My Favorite Teacher(1)学科英语授课教师刘红莲教材 北师大版初中英语七年级(下) 理论依据英语课程标准对学生语言技能中读、说、写的三级标准描述如下: “读”1. 能读懂简单的故事和短文,抓住大意并能提取关键信息。2. 能正确地朗读课文。“说”1.能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流。2.能利用所给提示简单描述一件事情。“写”能参照范例写出简单的感谢内容。本课的设计是以上述三级标准为主要理论依据,在明确教学目标的前提下,运用PWP阅读教学过程;以学生为中心, 组织独立阅读、pair-work和group-work等方式,采用“三遍阅读法”通过完成不同的阅读任务实现对课文内容的深刻、全面理解。英语课程标准指出,基础教育课程改革的一个重要方面是关注学生情感态度的发展,把学生情感态度的培养渗透到学科教育和教学之中。教师要尽可能把情感态度的讨论渗透到外语学习内容和学习过程之中,把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来。教材分析教学内容分析:本课是北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材第五单元,在承接了前四个单元的日常生活、周末活动、饮食健康和天气四个话题后,这一单元重点讨论学生们的过去和现在的生活对比。本课是本单元的第3课,话题为“我最喜欢的老师”,体裁是一篇采访。在前两课中,学生们对过去的学校生活话题已经有所了解,为本节课的学习做了一定的铺垫。同时该话题为学生所熟知,非常有利于开展听说读写等方面的语言实践活动。本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对阅读内容的理解,引导学生通过阅读,获取细节信息,培养他们提取和加工信息的能力,最后结合课文内容进行语言输出活动。本课语法项目不规则动词的过去式,其中规则变化已经学过,本课中出现的不规则动词过去式,如:forgot,came,brought,began,told已经提前学习。第二课时在复习本课内容的基础上,归纳不规则动词过去式并做进一步强化练习。情感态度分析:本课是以采访形式,陈成口述唐老师改变他人生的一件事。通过教师的层层引导,帮助学生挖掘出唐老师和陈成的优秀品格,让学生从中感悟相互尊重的价值并学会感恩他人。学情分析本次授课对象是初一年级的学生,他们的课堂表现积极活跃,对“我最喜欢的老师”这一学校生活的话题比较熟悉,有话可说,并且愿意交流他们原来的学校、老师和朋友,但部分学生英语基础还比较薄弱,用英语交流有些困难,需要一些语言材料作支撑(如:需要教师对respect, thank等核心词汇的学习进行适时引导)。平时学生很少用心感受老师对他们的尊重、关心和爱,所以培养学生的感恩心尤为重要。教学目标在本课结束时,学生能够:1. .能够正确认读课文中的词汇:trouble, respect,proud2. 能够通过阅读,获取唐老师改变陈成的细节信息,进而挖掘出唐老师和陈成相互尊重的品格。3. 能够运用所学语言知识,口笔头描述唐老师改变陈成的故事,从而感知人与人相互尊重的价值。4. 能够写一封对老师表示感谢的电子邮件,学会懂得感恩。教学重难点重点:通过阅读,获取唐老师改变陈成的细节信息,进而挖掘出唐老师和陈成相互尊重的优秀品格。难点:1.运用所学语言知识,口笔头描述唐老师改变陈成的故事,从而感知人与人相互尊重的价值。2. 写一封对老师表示感谢的电子邮件,学会懂得感恩。教学方法:PWP教学模式;完成表格教学手段:PPT、图片展示、板书教学资源:学案 教学过程教学步骤教学活动设计意图Step1 Warm-up(2)T: There are many good teachers in our school. As a teacher, Im very happy to teach all of you every day. This lesson, lets talk about our teachers. 教师通过谈论自己的教学感受,引导学生谈论他们最喜欢的老师这个主题。Step2 Pre-reading (6) 1. T shows the following questions:1.Who is your favorite teacher ?2.What does he or she teach?3.Why is he or she your favorite teacher?2.T acts as an interviewer to interview some Ss with 3Qs above. And then have them interview each other. 3. Have a student to interview the teacher. 4.T shows a picture of her favorite teacher and introduces it. T: The man beside me is my English teacher, Mr. Jin. I think he is very kind and helpful. I remember when I was in trouble , he often helped me a lot. I think he changed my life .So I respect him very much. I will never forget him and thank him forever. Im proud of being his student. Now, Im an English teacher, too. I will try my best to be a good teacher like him.5.Teacher writes down the new words on the blackboard and leads Ss to read the words. 通过教师示范和学生表演的采访片段,让学生初步了解“采访”这一文本体裁。图片展示,教师通过对自己的一位中学老师的回忆和感悟,帮助学生学习新单词,为阅读课文做好铺垫。Step3While-reading(20)1streading: Ss read the interview and underline the answers.1.What is Chen Cheng?2.What did Chen Cheng talk about?3.How many questions in the interview?2ndreading: 1.Have Ss to read again and complete the table . Interview QsTimeAnswers(key words)Q1Q2Q32. Have Ss compare the differences of Chen Cheng before and after Mrs .Tang came. T: Why did Chen Cheng change? Try to help Ss find out “ She respected me.” 3. Have Ss to pay attention to Chen Chengs changes to lead them to know : Chen Cheng respected Mrs. Tang ,too. Have Ss to read the sentences “I will never forget it. ”and think about “Why did he remember the story?” And go on leading them to say: Chen Cheng respected and thanked Mrs. Tang very much.3rdreading : Listen and read the interview in class.主旨阅读,初步理解课文大意。对“采访”内容以表格的形式呈现,立体而清晰,有助于学生提取和加工文本信息, 进而理解和内化文本内容,为后面的口述输出环节做铺垫。通过对比陈成在唐老师到来前后的行为,能找到其改变的直接原因唐老师对他的尊重。深入理解课文,帮助学生挖掘陈成改变的根本原因他对唐老师的尊重和感谢。让学生跟读课文,关注语音语调并内化信息,为下面的知识输出做准备。Step4Post-reading (12)1. Free Talk: and Show Time:When Chen Cheng met Mrs Tang after 17 years, what did they talk? Please complete the dialogue between them. Today Chen Cheng met Mrs Tang in the school. Make a dialogue between them with partner.2. Free Talk.(pictures)1.What did your teachers do for you? 2.What do you want to say to them? 3.What will you do?3. Write a Thank-you E-mail to one of your favorite teachers to show your thankfulness to him/her.1. Who do you want to thank ?2. Why do you thank him/her?3. What will you do to thank him/her?A thank-you EmailDear _,I want to say “Thank you ” to you. _ Yours, _Have Ss read his/her writing in class. Then ask them to check each other after class.给学生想象的空间并依据文本内容,通过补全对话的练习,使学生对所学内容进行内化,达到输出巩固的目的。为学
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