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Utility Services - SewageSewageSIP has its own Sewage Treatment Works was developed by CSSD and has started operation since November 1998. The current treatment capacity of this plant is 100,000 m3/day and will be increased to 500,000 m3/day as the park develops.Fee and TariffsThe fee structure for sewage is similar to that of water. There are one-off payments for connecting to the sewage network. These are the Increased Capacity Fee (增容费) and Engineering Fee (工程费). In addition, there are monthly consumption fees.Increased Capacity FeeThis will be computed based on 80% of the daily peaked capacity consumption of water at RMB 600/m3Note: Sewage is discharged through a designated connection point under the road surface fronting the users land plot. All charges incurred in connecting to its own premises is the users responsibility. (See Engineering Fee). Engineering FeeThese are the fees incurred for connecting the sewage and rainwater pipes from designated points near the outside boundary of the users land plot to the users premises. The estimated costs: Connection of a sewage pipe (DN 300mm, L25 m)RMB 2500Connection of a rainwater pipe (DN450mm, L10 m)RMB 400Consumption Fee (Wef 1 April 1998)Industrial SewageRMB 0.80/ m3Commercial SewageRMB 0.80/ m3Domestic SewageRMB 0.80/ m3Utility Services - SewageSIP Sewage Discharge Standard (Same as State)Sewage Discharge ParametersStandard (mg/L)Upper Concentration Limits for the First Class Pollutants1Total mercury0.052Alkyl mercuryMust not be detected3Total cadmium0.14Total chromium1.55Hexavalent chromium Compounds0.56Total arsenic0.57Total lead1.08Total nickel1.09Total beryllium0.00510Total argentum0.5Upper Concentration Limits for the Second Class Pollutants1pH value6-92Total Suspended Solids (TSS)4003Grease & Oil1004Mineral Oil305Formaldehyde5.06Benzene series compounds2.57Total cyanide1.08Sulphide 2.09Volatile Phenol2.010Nitrobenzene5.011Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 days at 20oC) 30012Chemical Oxygen Demand 50013Organic Phosphorus0.514Aniline5.015Fluoride2016Total copper2.017Total zinc5.018Total manganese5.019Total Dissolved Solids2000Note:1. Sewage to be discharged into sewage pipes must not contain substances containing highly flammable, explosive and toxic gases; solid substances that block the pipe; substances harmful to staff; substances which affect utilisation, treatment and final discharge of sewage; Viruses (e.g. typhoid fever, tuberculosis and pneumonia etc); Radioactive substances. 2. Sewage, which exceeds these standards, shall not be diluted to reduce its concentration and discharged into the sewage pipes. Based on the current conditions of the sewage system, the maximum concentration of the following three types of pollutants may selectively be relaxed to TSS : 600mg/l; BOD: 500 mg/l (5d 20oc), COD: 750mg/l. Please apply directly to the SIP Environment Protection Bureau (EPB).3. SIP Sewage Discharge Standard is the same as the National Standards. If there are any parameters that are not listed in the table, please refer to the National Standard or consult with EPB of SIPAC. Source: SIP Environment Protection BureauUtility Services - SewageTrade Effluent Tariff SchemeSIP adopts the sewage discharge standards established by the State Environment Protection Bureau (see next page). Users are required to meet these standards before discharging into public sewers. However, if the users sewage exceed the limits set for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODcr) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) only, and the discharge volumes are small, it can apply to the SIP Environment Protection Bureau to participate in the Trade Effluent Tariff Scheme. Under the scheme, the user pays the Sewage Treatment Works to treat on its behalf. A ceiling standard is still imposed and the application will be approved selectively.BOD5 exceeds standard, CODcr 750 mg/l, TSS 600mg/l300 BOD5 400RMB 0.67 / m3400 BOD5 500RMB 1.33 / m3CODcr exceeds standard, BOD5 300mg/l, TSS 600mg/l500 CODcr 600RMB 1.00 / m3600 CODcr 750RMB 2.50 / m3TSS exceeds standard, BOD5 300 mg/l, CODcr 500mg/l400 TSS 500RMB 0.50 / m3500 TSS 600RMB 1.00 / m3Utility Services - Toxic WasteToxic Waste Treatment CenterThe center, approved by EPB of SIPAC is the only authorised center to handle the toxic waste collection, transportation, storage and treatment within SIP. Companies which generate toxic waste shall first apply to EPB then contact the center to handle the toxic waste disposal. Toxic Waste Disposal Tariffs Categories a Description
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