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大工20春大学英语3在线测试1下载前请核对好题目试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分)1.The company isnt capable () handling an order that large.A.ofB.withC.forD.in答案:A2.Mother interacts () her baby in a complex way.A.toB.withC.asD.of答案:B3.She () to be a descendant of Charles Dickens.A.claimsB.claimC.claimingD.are claiming答案:A4.Please let us () if you are unable to attendA.knowingB.to knowC.knowedD.know答案:D5.Children have a natural () about the world around them.A.curiosityB.curiousC.curiouslyD.incuriosity答案:A6.The flavor of most food can () by good cooking.A.be enhancedB.enhancedC.enhancingD.be enhancing答案:A7.Your () made me more confident of my future.A.encourageB.encouragementC.encouragedD.unencourage答案:B8.Anna has a great desire to ()A.travelB.be travelC.travelingD.be traveled答案:A9.I fail to () how this was allowed to happenA.comprehensionB.comprehendC.be comprehendedD.comprehending答案:B10.I dont know why she avoids () her opinion on the subject.A.to giveB.to be givenC.givingD.being given答案:C11.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she ().A.arriveB.arrivesC.be arrivedD.arriving答案:B12.All the students that work hard can definitely () the exam.A.failB.failingC.passD.passing答案:C13.We bought this house for its ().A.convenientB.convenienceC.convenientlyD.inconvenience答案:B14.Advertising is often the most () method of promotionA.effectiveB.effectivelyC.effectivestD.effectiver答案:A15.It would make () for the parents to be involved in this discussion.A.senseB.ideaC.meanD.significant答案:A16.Hes qualified to () in elementary school, but not in high school.A.teachB.teachingC.be teachingD.taught答案:A17.The license must be clearly () in the car windscreen.A.spreadB.displayedC.exposeD.locate答案:B18.They () everything ready before I came.A.had gotB.gotC.getD.getting答案:A19.Plants () nutrients from the soil.A.absorbB.absorbingC.absorbsD.is absorbed答案:A20.Arriving late wont create a very favorable ().A.impressB.impressionC.impressedD.impressing答案:B二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)21.Most smokers are perfectly aware with the dangers of smoking.答案:错误22.A car comes into being through a series of complex operations.答案:正确23.You are the importer of air-conditions for many years.答案:正确24.You will be making mistake.答案:错误25.Heart disease is one of the commonest causes of death.答案:正确26.Im replace Sue on the team.答案:错误27.Sam rudely ignored the question.答案:正确28.How will the tax affects people on low incomes?答案:错误29.Tomorrow is my day in duty, so I shant be coming home.答案:错误30.The highway is to be opened in May.答案:正确
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