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Unit 1 Who is younger?教学目标:1、能听说读写单词tall, , young, old, heavy。2、能听说读单词twin, minute, centimetre, child, also, chat3、能听说读日常交际用语Im as tall as you. Su Yangs (twenty minutes) younger than Su Hai.Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?4、能听说读写句型Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 5、了解字母组合ir在单词中的读音。6、会唱歌曲 I wish I was taller.教学重难点:1、能听说读写单词tall, light, young, old, heavy。2、能听说读写句型 Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 3、初步理解形容词的比较级。课时安排:6 课时第一课时学习B、C部分。第二课时学习部分。第三课时学习部分。第四课时是综合练习。第五课时是单元测试。第六课时是讲评试卷。第一课时教学目标:1、能听说读写单词tall, young, old, heavy。2、能听说读日常交际用语Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?3、能听说读写句型 Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 4、初步理解形容词的比较级。教学重难点:1、能听说读写单词tall, young, old, heavy。2、能听说读写句型 Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 3、初步理解形容词的比较级。教学用具:录音机、长短尺、大小苹果和玩具车、轻重包和书、课前准备:1、搜集表示人、物外形特征的形容词。2、准备有明显特征区别的玩具或人物照片。3、预习课文(听录音跟读并试着理解课文意思)教学过程:Step One Revision通过与学生的一些对话来复习学过的形容词。因为是春节过后的第一学期,可以问问他们寒假里的情况。This is the first lesson of the new term. Would you please tell me about your holidays? busy/freeWhat did you do on your holidays/at the Spring Festival? Did you do exercise those days?strong/thin/fatDid you visit your relatives and friends? How about them?old/youngOh, xxx, you look tall!tall/shortDid you get many presents?big/small在对话中逐渐渗透比较级。Step Two Introduction1、Go on to ask some questions about them and their family. Ask Ss to stand in the front of the classroom. Teach tall & taller, short & shorter, strong & stronger, fat & fatter, thin & thinner2、Look at the photos of their family on the holidays. Teach old & older, young & younger3、I know most of you got some new stationeries for the new term. Show us your new ones. Teach: long & longer, short & shorter, big & bigger, small & smaller, heavy & heavier, light & lighter Step Three Practice1、Use:StudentsSentence: xxx is/ I am tall. xxx is taller. He/she is taller than him/her/me. They are_. We are_. They are_ than us.We are_ than them.2、Use: Stationaries or Clothes or Others.Sentence: Li Yans bag is big. Mine is bigger. Mine is bigger than hers/his.Or: Look! I have a new . Its . But its than xxxs.(单复数交叉练习,注意than的运用。)Step Four Do some reading1、Open the books, read the words after the tape, spell them.2、Look at the pictures, make up the sentences. The woman in purple is older than the woman in blue. This ruler is longer than that one. The ant is smaller than the mouse.Step Five Exercises Part C Work in pairs.Read the dialogues in pairs. Understand them. Use the models to talk with the partner. Step Six Homework1、听录音跟读Part AD五遍。2、熟读、熟背并默写单词,明天默写。3、熟读课文理解意思,划出不理解的部分(可自己先查字典)。差生(增加笔头作业):要求抄写新单词和部分比较级,练习Part C对话并书写在本子上(两段)。板书设计:Unit 1 old older big bigger heavy heavier xxx is/ I am tall. xxx is taller. Li Yans bag is big. Mine is bigger. He/she is taller than him/her/me. Mine is bigger than hers/his.Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 教学后记:第二课时教学目标:1、能听说读单词twin, minute, centimetre, child, also, chat2、能听说读日常交际用语Im as tall as you. Su Yangs (twenty minutes) younger than Su Hai.3、朗读并理解课文。4、巩固上节课所学的单词、句型和比较级。5、会唱歌曲 I wish I was taller.教学重难点:巩固本单元四会单词、句型和比较级。教学用具:录音机、挂图课前准备:小黑板上写上有关课文的问题。教学过程:Step One Revision1、Use 5 minutes to write some new words from memory.2、Review the sentences.Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. Whose _ is _ than xxxs? xxxs is _ than his/hers.Step Two Introduction1、T: Today well Listen to a dialogue, and find out the answer. Who is younger? Let Ss listen to the tape two times, answer it.2、T: We will listen again with these questions. Think over. Show the questions to Ss. Play the tape two times again. When did Su Hai meet Ben and her cousin? Where did they have a chat? Is Su Hai as tall/young as your twin sister? Does Jack have any brothers or sisters? Whos Jimmy? How about him? Answer these questions.3、Listen and repeat.4、Explain (Ss or T do)Step Three Do some reading Practise to read the dialogue.Step Four Practice1、Say out the dialogue with their own words.2、Complete the sentences on Page 7.Step Five Sing a song “I wish I was taller.” Step Six Exercises Finish workbookPart A & BStep Seven Homework1、听录音跟读Part AD五遍。抄写重要的短语和句子。2、熟读课文,试着背诵,明天默写重要的短语和句子。3、完成 Part D & E(在书上)。板书设计:(小黑板)1.When did Su Hai meet Ben and her cousin?2.Where did they have a chat?3.Is Su Hai as tall/young as your twin sister?4.Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?5.Whos Jimmy? How about him?Unit 1
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