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解释模式解释模式 The muses are deities they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms Ex 20 2 P 39 A rueful B ingenuous C solicitous D vindictive E dispassionate 解释模式解释模式 The muses are deities they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms Avenge sb 为 报仇 Avenge oneself on upon sb 向 报仇 Avenge sb on upon sb 为 向 报 仇 解释模式解释模式 词汇解释 Rueful 令人同情的 感到懊悔的 Ingenuous na ve frank Ingenious 灵巧的 精巧的 聪明的 Solicitous 焦虑的 渴望的 小心谨慎的 Vindictive disposed to seek revenge Dispassionate devoid of or unaffected by passion emotion or bias 解释模式解释模式 句子含义 缪斯女神是喜欢报复的神 她们会毫不留情地 向那些对她们的魅力产生审美疲劳的人进行报 复 解释模式解释模式 Nineteenth century scholars by examining earlier geometric Greek art found that classical Greek art was not a magical or a brilliant blending Egyptian and Assyrian art but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece Ex 8 7 P 16 解释模式解释模式 Nineteenth century scholars by examining earlier geometric Greek art found that classical Greek art was not a magical or a brilliant blending Egyptian and Assyrian art but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece A stratagem appropriation B exemplar synthesis C conversion annexation D paradigm construct E apparition amalgam 解释模式解释模式 词汇解释 appropriation 拨款 挪用公款 Annexation 吞并 附加 Amalgam a mixture of different elements Apparition An unusual or unexpected sight PHENOMENON A ghostly figure The act of being visible APPEARANCE 解释模式解释模式 句子含义 十九世纪的学者 通过检查早期几何学时代的希腊 艺术 发现经典的希腊艺术既不是神奇的幻影幻 想 也不是混入了埃及和亚述人艺术的 辉煌的混 合体 而是在希腊由希腊人民独立发展起来的 四元素模式四元素模式 形式 条件 和A的关系 和B的关系 该关系不能是并列关系 规则 如果A和B在关系中的角色相同 如果A与B在关系中角色相反 则 B A AB 分割点 四元素模式四元素模式 A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from relating the of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization Ex 9 2 P 17 A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from relating the of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization 四元素模式四元素模式 A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from relating the of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization A age ancestry B classification appearance C size movement D structure behavior E location habitat 四元素模式四元素模式 The chances that a species will are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage Ex 50 7 P 100 The chances that a species will are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage 四元素模式四元素模式 The chances that a species will are reduced if any vital functions restricted to a single kind of organ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage A degenerate complexity B expire size C disappear variety D flourish symmetry E persist redundancy Redundant serving as a duplicate for preventing failure of an entire system as a spacecraft upon failure of a single component 四元素模式四元素模式 句子含义 如果物种把关键功能限制在单一种类的器 官上 它们存活的几率会下降 自身的冗 余性复制将使它们拥有巨大的生存优势 单空格模式单空格模式 形式 空格所填的内容要跟A与B相关 空格没有明显语义对应 规则 A B 空格 正评价 正动作 A与B相反 空格 负评价 负动作 通常和时间对比联合使用 A和B是两个不同的时间点 表示相反的 含义 AB 单空格模式单空格模式 变体 规则 XX 正动作 正评价 空格 A XX 负动作 负评价 空格 非A AXX 单空格模式单空格模式 Although Johnson s and Smith s initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm after a few months the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be Ex 20 4 P 39 单空格模式单空格模式 Although Johnson s and Smith s initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm after a few months the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be A revived B emerged C intensified D flagged E persisted 负动作 Flag to decline in interest attraction or value 单空格模式单空格模式 句子含义 尽管约翰逊和史密斯对于在律师事务所中 那些追逐权利的人在一开始所产生的兴趣 在几个月以后消退了 但是他们仍然很仔 细地决定和谁一起共进午餐 单空格模式单空格模式 The notion that cultural and biological influences determine cross cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that in countless aspects of human existence it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross population variance Ex 18 3 P 35 单空格模式单空格模式 The notion that cultural and biological influences determine cross cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that in countless aspects of human existence it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross population variance A jointly B completely C directly D equally E eventually 单空格模式单空格模式 句子含义 对于文化和生物影响均衡地决定了跨文化 多样性的观念受到了另外一个事实的质 疑 即在人类存在的若干方面 是文化因 素压倒性地解释了跨人口的多样化现象 课程大纲课程大纲 GRE填空的能力要求 GRE填空解题基本原则和 六步法 GRE填空快速解题的 七种模式 最新模考练习题 题目分析 题目分析题目分析 GRE填空题目的难度分布 1 2 3 4 56 7 题目分析 练习一 题目分析 练习一 S6S6 In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal adolescent and senescent these periods are not really In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal adolescent and senescent these periods are not really 题目分析 练习一 题目分析 练习一 S6S6 In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as pren
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