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Unit 4 Food 5学案第五课时(The fifth period)课前准备:1、复习本单元所学的语法项目。2、复习上节课所学的词汇和句型。学习目标:1、To revise the grammar items in this Unit.2、To revise the new words and drills.3、To do some exercises to consolidate the grammar items and language points.学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)练习:A、汉译英。1、我经常放学后去图书馆。2、他很少去看电影。3、李蕾总是七点半做作业。4、我们有时玩电脑游戏。5、我妈妈通常星期天去购物。6、我爸爸从来不煮饭。B、用所给词适当形式填空。1、I bought three (tomato)for the soup today.2、Here are four (glass)of (water).3、The basket is full of (flower).4、The elephant is eating a (banana).5、I have an (egg),a cup of (milk)and some (bread)for breakfast.6、How much (rice)do you want?Id like two (kilo).7、He has no or (brother, sister)8、I like to have some (ice cream)and some (chocolate).C、根据需要用a,an,the填空。1、There is cup of milk, old glass of water and English fork on the table.2、He is unusual person. He scored 33 goals in 30 matches.3、I have orange orange, but my deskmate has yellow orange.4、There is girl waiting for you at gate of our school. She is wearing cap and pair of sports shoes.5、Why were you late this morning? Tell me story.6、Where do you often play basketball? Where do you often play piano?7、I have old house. Last week I bought new one. Where are they? old one is in Nanjing. new one is here.8、I often have bowl of rice and plate of vegetables for lunch.
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