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2012中考英语复习(含11真题) 九年级Units 56要点梳理【词汇拓展】1wind(n)风windy(adj)有风的2noise(n)声音;噪音noisy(adj)吵闹的3taste(n&v)味道;品尝tasty(adj)美味的4fisherman(n)渔民;渔夫fishermen(pl)5suggest(v)显示;间接表明;暗示suggestion(n)建议6energetic(adj)有活力的;精力充沛的energy(n)活力7downstairs(adv)在楼下upstairs(反义词)在楼上8main(adj)主要的mainly(adv)主要地9knowledge(n)知识knowledgeable(adj)知识渊博的10deep(adj)深的deeply(adv)深深地11direct(adj)直接的;直率的director(n)主管【重点短语】1belong to属于 2classical music古典音乐 3make up构成;组成4because of因为;由于 5escape from逃离 6be careful of当心;小心7use up用完;耗尽 8dance to伴舞 9sing along with伴随歌唱10preferto 比更喜欢 11remindof 提醒;使记起12be important to sb 对某人来说很重要 13on display展览;陈列14come and go来来往往 15be sure to do sth 一定要务必做某事16to be honest老实说 17stay away from 远离【重点句型】1It must be CarlasShe loves volleyball=It must belong to CarlaShe loves volleyball它必定是Carla的,她喜欢排球。2The homework cant be CarolsShe wasnt at school today这个家庭作业不可能是Carol的。她今天没在学校。3The soccer ball mightcould be Johns or Tonys这个足球可能是约翰或托尼的。4What kind of music do you like?你喜欢哪种音乐?5I like music that I can sing along with我喜欢可以跟着唱的音乐。6I love singers thatwho write their own music我喜欢自己能创作歌曲的歌手。7Whatever you do,dont miss this exhibition无论你做什么,不要错过这场展览。考点精讲【重点单词短语】1noise n噪音 (1)noise既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。make noise(s)意为“制造噪音”。如: The factory in the countryside makes lots of noise(s)乡下的这家工厂制造了许多噪音。 (2)noisy为形容词,意为“嘈杂的,吵闹的”,如: It was 80 noisy in class that the students couldnt hear what the teacher said课堂上如此吵闹,以致于学生们都听不到老师说的话。活学活用(2011杭州)Please dont make a n because the baby is sleeping now解析:根据句意可知,婴儿正在睡觉,所以请不要发出噪音。又因前有不定冠词a,故应填入单数形式noise。答案:noise2prefer n更喜欢 (1)prefer sthto sth意为“比起,更喜欢”,如: He prefers coffee to juice比起果汁,他更喜欢咖啡。 (2)prefer doing to doing意为“宁愿做,而不愿做”,如: She prefers reading books in the library tohanging out with her friends她宁愿待在图书馆里看书,而不愿和朋友们闲逛。 (3)prefer to do sth意为“宁愿做某事”,如: She prefers to be alone at home她宁愿独自待在家里。适时点津prefer的过去分词要双写r,再加ed,即preferred。活学活用Some students prefer chatting with their friends on the Internet to (do)their homework at weekends 解析:短语prefer doing to doing表示“与做相比,更喜欢做”。其中的to是介词,因而后加动名词doing。答案:doing3remind u提醒。使记起 (1)remind sbof sth意为“提醒某人记起某事”,如: The old song reminds me of my happy old days这首老歌勾起了我对快乐旧时光的回忆。(2)remind sbto do sth意为“提醒某人做某事”,如: Mother reminded me to finish my homework first,play soccer second妈妈提醒我先做作 业,后踢足球。活学活用 Why are you so sad? Because the musit me of my lost petAlet Breminded Cmade Dhelped解析:本题考查动词辨析。句意为:你为什么如此悲伤? 因为这首音乐使我想起了我丢失的宠物。let与make都是使役动词,后加动词原形,构成短语letmake sbd0;help则可构成短语help sb(to)do或help sbwith sth;remind可构成remind sbof sth的短语,意为“提醒某人记起某事”。答案:B4lisa up用完。耗尽 (1)use up是“动词+副词”构成的短语,若后接人称代词,则人称代词须放在中间。如: There is no water in the glassWe used it uplast week玻璃杯里没水了,我们上周就用完了。 Never let yesterday use up too much of today别让昨天的事占用你今天过多的时间。活学活用The boy has used all his money to buy old bikesAup Bout of Cout Dof解析:本题考查动词搭配的介词或副词。句意:这个男孩买旧自行车用完了所有的钱。答案:A【重点句型】1It must belong to Carla它一定是Carla的。 (1)情态动词must表示肯定推测,意为“一定,肯定”。情态动词cant表示否定推测,意为“不可能是”。情态动词mightcouldmay表示可能性推测,意为“可能”。如: Our teacher must be in the office我们的老师一定在办公室里。 The hair band cant belong to Grace,because she has short hair这根发带不可能是格雷丝的,因为她是短头发。 Both John and Bill like playing soccer,so thesoccer mightcouldmay belong to John or Bill约翰和比尔都喜欢踢足球,所以这个足球可能属于约翰或比尔。(2)belong是动词,意为“属于”,belong to sb=be sbs。如: The basketball belongs to David=The basketball is Davids这个篮球是大卫的。活学活用1(2011湖州) Whos singing in the next room?Is it Lucy? It be herShe has gone to New York Acant Bmust Cshouldnt Dcan 解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。cant用于否定句中表示否定推测,由“She has gone to New York”可知选A。 答案:A2(2010保定) Who does this watch ? Its LindaS Abe Bbelong to Cbelong Dhave 解析:本题考查表示所有关系的动词短语。所有关系可以有两种表达:belong to sb和be sbs。因问句用疑问词who来提问,故表达为“Who does this watch belong to?”。改为同义句,则其疑问词应用whose,即“Whose is this watch?”。显然本题应是第一种结构。 答案:B2There must be something visiting the homes in ourneighborhood一定是有什么东西来拜访我们小区了。There be sbsthdoing sthsp意为“某地有某人或某物正在做某事”,doing sth表示伴随状态。 must在句中表示肯定推测,there must be sb sthdoing sthsp意为“某地肯定有某人或某物正在做某事”。如: There is a girl sitting under the tree有个女孩子正坐在树下。 There must be someone playing the piano in the next room一定是有人在隔壁房间弹钢琴。活学活用 Whats that in the tree,can you see? There must some birds in it Aare;sitting Bbe;sit Chave;sitting Dbe;sitting 解析:本题考查There be sbsthdoing sth的结构。must是情态动词,因而后跟动词原形be。 答案:D3I love music that I can sing along with我喜欢可以跟着唱的音乐。句中that I can sing along with是定语从句。在复合句中修饰名
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