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用心 爱心 专心 七年级英语七年级英语其他动词的一般过去时及新课二其他动词的一般过去时及新课二人教四年制版人教四年制版 同步教育信息同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 其他动词的一般过去时及新课二 一 其他动词的一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态 动词通常用一般过去式来表示 除上周提到的 be 的过去式 was were 有人称变化以外 其他所有动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化 在构 成否定及疑问句时 一般都借助助动词 did 这个时态的三种结构可表示如下 肯定句否定句疑问句 一般动词 I You He She They worked there I You He She They did not work there Did you I he she they work there 注 注 一般过去时否定形式的结构是在谓语动词前加 did not 可缩写为 didn t 谓语动 词应该用原形 因为前面的助动词 did 已经是一般过去时了 一般疑问句的结构是在句首 加 Did 谓语动词也需用原形 例 A My mother went to work yesterday 我妈妈昨天去上班了 B We didn t live in America last year 我们去年没住在美国 C Did you go to the cinema last Sunday 你上周日去看电影了吗 Yes I did No I didn t 是的 我去看电影了 不 我没去看电影 D Did they enjoy themselves at the party 他们在聚会上玩得愉快吗 Yes they did No they didn t 是的 他们玩得很愉快 不 他们玩得不愉快 E My father wrote a book last year 我爸爸去年写了一本书 否定句 My father didn t write a book last year 一般疑问句 Did your father write a book last year 回答 Yes he did No he didn t 二 动词一般过去式的变化规则及读音 1 一般情况下在动词词尾加 ed 词尾 ed 在浊辅音和元音后面读 d 在清辅音后面读 t 在 t 和 d 音后面 词尾 ed 一律读 id 例如 look looked t work worked t help helped t ask asked t walk walked t enjoy enjoyed d play played d call called d stay stayed d water watered d visit visited id want wanted id need needed id 2 词尾是 e 的动词加 d 读音仍遵照第 1 条中的规则 例如 live lived d love loved d like liked t hope hoped t use used d close closed d observe observed d name named d hope hoped t type typed t 3 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 应双写该辅音字母 再加 ed 词 尾 ed 的读音仍遵照第 1 条规则 用心 爱心 专心 例如 plan planned d stop stopped t spot spotted id 4 以辅音字母 y 结尾的动词 去 y 加 ied 词尾 ed 一律发 d 例如 carry carried d study studied d cry cried d try tried d worry worried d 5 不规则动词的过去式 例如 am is was are were begin began come came become became do did go went have had see saw fly flew feel felt spit spit spat spend spent eat ate buy bought read read e write wrote find found stand stood get got say said know knew tell told run ran make made keep kept draw drew drink drank wear wore take took bring brought put put dig dug cut cut give gave grow grew hear heard hold held light lit lighted meet met pay paid sell sold send sent ride rode set set sing sang sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spell spelt spelled spit spat spit sweep swept swim swam teach taught think though throw threw wear wore wind winded wound build built leave left 模拟试题模拟试题 一 写出下列动词的过去式 1 am 2 see 3 want 4 go 5 spend 6 watch 7 come 8 become 二 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Last night my mother go to bed early 2 I go to America next month 3 He often do his homework after supper But yesterday evening he read a newspaper 4 They leave for the airport early this morning 5 She watch the TV play last month 6 Her family like music very much 7 They stopped working and go out to play 8 Mr White come to China in 1992 9 She say she was doing her homework from 7 to 9 yesterday evening 10 My classmates plant trees in the park this time last Friday 11 Mr Wang become a doctor when he was thirty 12 We learn English six years ago 13 I wasn t at home yesterday I ask to help with the harvest on the farm 14 At that time Linda is ten years old 15 My grandma live here last year 16 We are very happy during the holiday Did you think so 用心 爱心 专心 17 I see her a year ago 18 Tom stay at home last Sunday 19 Last year they enjoy them selves at Lisa s birthday party 20 The twin sisters talk about their school life last night 21 She listen to music yesterday morning 22 I spend ten yuan on the book last week 三 综合填词 It was the last lesson b 1 the holiday The students l 2 very happy Their English teacher was a 3 happy She played the violin for the students then she s 4 with them After that she went to the blackboard and wrote Smiles on it This is o 5 of the longest words in English She said to the c 6 All the students laughed and then one g 7 stood up and asked W 8 is it one of the longest The teacher said n 9 for a few seconds Then she smiled and said Because there s a mile 英里 b 10 the first letter and the last 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 四 阅读理解 Bill was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade He had a part time job 工作 which got him up at five o clock He was a newspaper boy Each morning Bill left the house at fifteen to go to the corner The newspapers had been sent to the corner by truck at midnight He always rode a bike to carry them In the winter it was still dark when he got up but during the rest of the year it was bright Bill had to send the newspapers to the houses of people in all kinds of weather He tried to put each paper in the box where it would be kept safe from wind rain or snow His customers 订户 thought he did a good job Sometimes they gave him tips 小费 Bill made about 70 each month and he was saving some of the money to go to college 大学 He spent the rest on tapes and clothes Once a month he had to get the money from his customers together Since many of them worked during the day Bill had to get the money at night Sometimes when Bill was ill his elder brother had to sent the newspapers Once Bill s father had to help him Bill had 70 customers now but he hoped to get more soon Some day if he got many more c
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