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Unit 1The written word.单词默写1classic adj经典的,古典的 n经典作品,名著2abuse vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用3generous adj慷慨的,大方的4abnormal adj 不正常的,反常的,异常的5reform vt.,vi.&n. (使)改过自新,改造;改革,改良6antiaue n. 古董,古物7criminal n. 罪犯8violent adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的9exhibit vt. 展览,展出,陈列10rescue n,vi.&vt. 救援,营救11adaptation n. something adapted or the process of adapting12civil adj. polite enough,without being friendly13talent n. a special natural ability14overnight adv. for or during the night15stress vt. to give particular importance to a matter when talking or writing about it.词汇拓展1harm n伤害,损害,危害;邪恶,恶行harmful adj有害的harmless adj无害的2fortune n财富;运气;好运fortunate adj幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地misfortune n不幸3settle vt.使定居;安顿,安放;解决(问题等)settlement nsettler n移民4compare v比较,相比comparison n比较comparative adj比较性的5resist vi.&vt.抵抗,反抗,抵制resistant adj抵抗的resistance n抵抗语境助记词不离句,句不离段He had great stress to the exhibition, for his companions had strong resistance against his reform at first, but the fortune brings him good reputation and makes them tend towards it.短语落实1live up to 达到,符合(期望)2be bent on(doing) something 决心要做某事3come to ones rescue 救援/帮助某人4have nothing to do wirh和无关5give up放弃6too_eager_to_do_sth 非常渴望做7appeal_to吸引8get_arrested被捕9let_out放出,发泄,泄露10compare.to. 把比作.句子翻译1Pips sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man,who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.(Page 3)皮普的姐姐经常虐待他,但乔却是一个善良淳朴的人,他宁愿死也不愿看到皮普受到任何伤害。2This change in Pip is calked character development,which is an important part of almost any novel.(Page 3)这种变化叫作性格改善,几乎是任何小说的重要组成部分。3Money and education change him,and before long he becomes vain and ashamed of his background.(Page 3)金钱和教育改变了他,不久他变得自负且羞于自己的背景。4它们并没有消失,并且在当今世界仍占有一席之地。(Page 2)They_have_not_disappeared_and_still_have_a_place_in_the_world_today.5他同情奥立弗(Oliver),把他带回家,并试图去改造他。(Page 9)He_pities_Oliver,takes_him_home_and_tries_to_reform_him.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词)AThis makes them difficult for some people to read,and often,so they are often left to gather dust on shelves.(教材P2) This makes them difficult for some people to read,and often,they are often left_dusty/left_gathering_dust/covered_with dust on shelves.BNobody would bother to make these classic novels into films if they had nothing to do with life today.(教材P2)Nobody would bother to make these classic novels into films if not_referring_to/not_dealing_with/not_related_to/not_connected_with life today.CHe first pullished many novels one chapter at a time in the newspaper,and some were later performed on stage.(教材P2)He the newspaper,some_of_which/of_which_some were later performed on stage.DPeople say that Burns first love encourged him to write poetry.(教材P14)People say that it_was Burns first love that encouraged him to write poetry.EThe poem was published in 1794 and,like many of Burnss poems,it was intended to be a song.(教材P14)The poem, intended_for/designed_for/aimed_at being a song like many of Burnss poems,was published in 1794. spare adj.多余的;少量的【课本原句】 Do people still read books in their spare time? (P1)人们在业余时间仍然阅读书籍吗?in ones spare time in ones free time at ones leisure在某人的空闲时间spare tire备胎 【联想拓展】spare sb time 为某人匀出时间spare no expense 不惜费用spare no effort (to do) 不遗余力地(去做)spare sbthe trouble of 不想麻烦某人spare ones life 饶某人一命看看高考怎么考我们抽出时间、空间和爱给予狗,而狗回报给我们的是他们的全部。(2010江西卷单项填空)We_give_dogs_time,space_and_love_we_can_spare,and_in_return,dogs_give_us_their_all.Of the two coats,Id choose the cheaper one to _ some money for a book. (2012湖南石门一中高三摸底考试)Ashare Bspare Clend Dspend 答案BSome passengers complain that it usually _ so long to fill in travel insurance documents. (2012株洲二中月考)Acosts Btakes Cspends Dspares答案B The home improvements have taken what little there is _ my spare time. (2012永州四中第一次月考) Afrom Bin Cof Dat 答案C fortune n财富;运气,幸运【课本原句】 .a very generous stanger gives Pip a large fortune.(P3)一位非常慷慨的陌生人给了皮普一大笔钱。【联想拓展】by good/bad fortune幸好/不幸tell ones fortune 算命make a fortune 发财seek ones fortune 碰运气,找出路come into a fortune (因继承等而)得到财产have fortune on ones side 福星高照fortunate adj 幸运的,吉利的看看高考怎么考在澳大利亚发现黄金这件事使成千上万的人相信(他们)注定会发大财。The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune was to be made.(2010全国单项填空32)翻译句子通过看手相,她能算出你的命运。She_can_tell_your_fortune_by_examining_your_hands.句型转换She is fortunate in having a good husband.She is fortunate_to have a good husband.It_is_fortunate that she has a good husband.Fortunately,she has a good husband.By_good_fortune,she has a good husband.She has_the_good_fortune to have a good husband. resistv.抵抗,反抗,抵制【课本原句】 .pressuring him with the
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