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浙江省温州市2013届九年级英语下学期5月阶段学业测试试题一、单项选择( )1 English is _ very useful language.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )2. Excuse me, where can I buy some _? There is a post office over there.A. booksB. foodC. moneyD. stamps( )3. Work harder, _ youll fall behind.A. andB. orC. butD. though( )4. When is Tree Planting Day? Its _ March 12th.A. atB. inC. onD. after( )5. How much did you _ for the ipad? More than five hundred dollars.A. payB. takeC. costD. spend( )6. How was your weekend, Tom? I enjoyed _ very much.A. myB. myselfC. meD. mine( )7. Who is _ at drawing, Tom, Mike or Ben?I think Mike is. He has got more prizes than the other two.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best( )8. Look! Some boys _ basketball. Lets join them.A. are playB. playsC. are playingD. playing( )9. Excuse me, could you tell me _? OK. Its ten oclock.A. what time it isB. what time is itC. what time it wasD. what time was it( )10. Im having a dance party this Sunday evening. Can you come, Rose? _. I have to take piano lessons.A. Yes, Id love toB. Sorry, I cantC. Lets goD. No, Im too busy二、完形填空The farmer and the goldThere was once a farmer. On his farm, he had a _11_ that wasnt giving much milk. He had chickens that were laying few eggs. The houses looked _12_ and needed repair. Every day the farmer and his wife were unhappy.One rainy evening, a poorly-dressed man came to ask the farmer to _13_ him a room for the night. The farmer was a _14_ man so he agreed at once. Then they shared the food while they talked a lot about the sad shape of the farm.When the man left the next morning, he thanked the farmer and his wife _15_ the good rest he had that night. He pulled a little bag of gold pieces out of his pocket, and said this maybe would help them. He added that he was coming back the next year with hopes of finding a _16_ farm.After this, the farmer and his wife often talked about _17_ they should buy a better cow. Other times they considered if they should buy chickens that laid _18_ eggs. However, they didnt use the gold pieces. They tried to _19_ the animals, plant food and do more. They also tried to fix the houses by _20_. Their farm improved day by day.A _21_ later, the man really came by again. Everything looked so much better. The man asked, “What did you use the _22_ for?”“Why,” the farmer said, “we just put the gold under the bed and, we did often think of it, _23_ we never used it to do anythinig we needed.”The farmer thanked the man very much, “You gave us what we really neededYou gave us the hope. The hope is _24 me up all the time!”With the words, the farmer took out the gold and happily _25_ the gold to the man. The man smiled and said goodbye to them.( ) 11. A. chickenB. cow C. pigD. monkey( ) 12. A.oldB. newC. cheapD. expensive( )13. A. buildB. sellC. showD. offer( ) 14. A. livelyB. kindC. patientD. honest( ) 15. A. forB. toC. ofD. by( ) 16. A. activeB. similarC. badD. new( ) 17. A. whyB. ifC. whenD. how( ) 18. A. betterB. fewerC. moreD. bigger( ) 19. A. look afterB. look forC. look upD. look at( ) 20. A. himselfB. herselfC. themselvesD. ourselves( ) 21. A. dayB. weekC. monthD. year( ) 22. A. farmB. cowC. goldD. chicken( ) 23. A. soB. butC. orD. and( ) 24. A. cheeringB. settingC. showingD. thinking( ) 25. A. lentB. threwC. sentD. returned三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;满分30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (A) Here are some short messages. Emma got all of them on her mobile phone yesterday. Please read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions. From: 13823636790Hey, Emma, Im going to have a party this weekend. Would you come and join us?From Susan13823636790From: 13372320909Emma,“Home Alone V” is now on show at Peoples cinema. Want to go and see this film?Yours, Jessie From 13654243444Mr Lee said your computer is OK now. You can go and get it from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.James From: 13096752112Buy some fruits on your way home. Thanks.VickyFrom: 13096752112Call me, please. Vicky( )26. If Emma wants to go to the party this weekend, what number should she send a message to ? A. 13096752112 B. 13654243444 C. 13372320909D. 13823636790( )27. What did Mr Lee do for Emma? A. He mended her computer.B. He bought her a film ticket.C. He helped her answer the phone call.D. He helped her buy some fruits.( )28. Which of these persons asked Emma to call back?A. SusanB. JessieC. VickyD. James(B) Things that Bring Good LuckWhen you are about to do something brave, a cheerful wish of Good luck! from a friend can be helpful. But if
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