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江苏省盱眙县2012-2013学年七年级英语9月月考试题(无答案) 牛津版一、 根据音标写出合适的单词 (10%)1. Do you often go to see your _ :nt ?2. Can you see the _ rb over there ?3. Is _ evriwn here today? Yes.4. How many _ n:sz do you have ? Only one.5. Which _ fl: do you live on ?6. The baby looks so _ kju:t .7. Dont be late _ ein .8. May I know your _ eid , please.9. What can you see in the _ :dn ?10.My friend is _ merkn . He isnt English.二、 根据提示用正确的形式填空(14%)1. Let him _ ( play ) football with us.2. He often helps me _ (make) model planes.3. She _ ( not do) the housework in the morning.4. Simon wants _ (be) a doctor.5. Can you a_ these questions ?6. He doesnt enjoy_(chat)with others.7. Whats Danny like? Hes _(help).8. The two boys are in different _( 年级).9. Please put them in the _(shop) basket.10. Look! Therere some flowers on the _ (teacher) desk.11. Do you know who is the m_ of the cat ? Mr Zhang is .12. Where is his t_ brother ? Oh , hes over there. 13. We must be _(有礼貌的) to old people.14. What are their _(业余爱好) ?三、 选择填空(20%)( ) 1Millie _a dog_name is Eddie Ahas,It Bhave,Its Chas,Its Dhas,Its( )2Amy likes_She is good at _ Aswims,swimming Bswimming,swims Cswimming,swimming Dswims,swims( )3Kitty is _But her sister is tall Atall Bfat Cshort Dslim( )4. Can you show me your photo? Sure, _. A. thanksB. give youC. here you areD. its mine( )5. My friend is _ English. But he can _ Chinese well. A. an, sayB. / , speakC. / , talkD. an, tell( )6._ sweaters look the same.A. Amy and KateB. Amy and KatesC. Amys and KateD. Amys and Kates( )7. , wheres the zoo, please? , I dont know. A. Excuse me; Sorry B. Excuse me; Excuse me C. Sorry; Excuse meD. Sorry, Im sorry( )8. What class are you in? Im in . A. Class Four, Grade Seven B. class four, grade seven C. Grade Seven, Class FourD. grade seven, class four( )9. There is _ f and _u in the word four.A. an, aB. a, anC. an, an D. a ,a( )10Lets _ each other Ato make friends Bmake friends to Cmake friends with Dto make friends with( )11Where _my shoes? I cant find _ Ais:it Bdoes;it Care;them Ddo;them( )12I usually go to school _my little brother Aand Btogether Cwith Dor( )13Mr White likes _home after work Ato walking Bwalking to Cwalk Dwalking( ) 14There _a pencil and two rulers in the pencilbox Aare Bis Cbe Dhave( )151m going to Nanjing _Monday morning Aat Bin Con Dof( )16In his family three people Ahave Bhas Cthere is Dthere are( )17. Do you often _? A. read newspaper B. reading newspaper C. reading newspapers D. read newspapers( )18.Can you make a model plane?” “_. It is easy.”A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant. C. Yes, I am. D. No, I am not.( )19.There are some apples _ the tree. There are some birds _ the tree, too. A. on; in B. in, in C. on; on D. in; on( )20.- Can I have _ cakes, please? - Sorry, I dont have _ cakes in my fridge.A. some; any B. any; any C. any; some D. some; some四、 完形填空(10%)How are you, Lin? Im writing 1 you at my school. Its a big middle 2 . Im in a big class. Therere fifty students in my class. There are about two hundred teachers in my school. My English teacher 3 Miss Liu. 4 is a nice teacher. We go to school 5 Monday to Friday. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We play games 6 four on Friday after class. I have some friends at school. One is 7 America. She speaks English and 8 Chinese. I like to play 9 them. We 10 football. Thats my favorite game. ( )1. A. to B. forC. with D. from ( )2. A. school B. class C. classroom D. office ( )3. A. beB. areC. am D. is ( )4. A. HeB. SheC. Her D. Him ( )5. A. fromB. forC. in D. on ( )6. A. inB. onC. at D. about ( )7. A. come fromB. from C. comes from D. out ( )8. A. manyB. a manyC. many a D. /( )
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