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高考英语 英语科考前指导复习要养成考前5分钟审查试卷和考试过程中及时、正确填涂答题卡的习惯。考前整理自己的错题库1 、听力边听边记抓关键词敢于猜题2、单选(1)理解句意,(2)捕捉句子中暗含信息(3)分析句子结构(4)注意排除思维定势的干扰3、完形(1)注重首句(2)学会跳读并对文章的理解进行逻辑推理的判断4、阅读(1)先看问题,找关键词,(2)有目的性地阅读全文(3)利用语境推测、判断某些生词的词意5、阅读填空1、细节理解型找准所填项目在文中的位置2、信息归类型把关键信息,整合,与表格形式一致6、阅读简答(1)先看问题,找出关键词(2)文中对应找出(3)针对疑问词回答问题What(名词,动名词,名词性从句)Why(Because/Because of/To do)How(By doing,.7、作文(1)审题体裁时态人称要点(2)先打草稿誊写时,字迹工整,行间字距不可过密过疏。单项选择题考点一、代词1-Can I help you?-Id like to buy a present for my grandma, _at a proper price but of great use.A. oneB. thatC. thisD. everything2After years, David and I were the only _left who were not married.A. one B. onesC. thoseD. these3It showed me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from _in China.A. oneB. it C. thatD. those4Both sides have accused of breaking the contract _.A. anotherB. the otherC. neitherD. each5I got the story from Tom and _people who had worked with him.A. every otherB. many othersC. some otherD. other than6I dont agree with _you said just now. Ive some different opinions on the question.A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something二、介词和连词1The city of San Francisco was hit by an earthquake. A village in this area was also _.A. under attackB. on attackC. under an attackD. on the attack2Theres a rumor _that he is suffering from lung cancer.A. in the airB. on the airC. into thin airD. in the open air3.Excuse me for breaking in, _I have news for you.A. soB. andC. butD. yet三、形容词和副词1_students are required to take part in the boat race.A. Ten strong young ChineseB. Ten Chinese strong youngC. Chinese ten young strongD. Young strong ten Chinese 2They have held three meetings this week _.A. aloneB. lonelyC. everD. just3After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _.A. hungry and tiredlyB. hungry and tiredC. hungrily and tiredlyD. hungrily and tired4-What does he think?-He thinks _me.A. different withB. different fromC. differently withD. differently from5Playing the violin well is not _so easy as you imagined, dear! You must get fully prepared against any difficulties, I say.A. entirelyB. nearlyC. almostD. completely6The old man, _in his eighties, had a bad cold yesterday, so he couldnt smell _.A. well; wellB. well; niceC. quite; niceD. quite; well7She did her job _.A. there perfectly yesterdayB. yesterday there perfectlyC. perfectly there yesterdayD. perfectly yesterday there8-How did you find your visit to the Summer Palace yesterday?-_.I got separated from my 80-year-old grandparents.A. It couldnt be better.B. It couldnt be worseC. Good luck to me. D. I have no idea.9-Do you need any help, Lucy?-Yes. The job is _ I could do myself.A. less thanB. more thanC. no more than D. not more than10The harder you work, _.A. the greater progress you will makeB. the greater you will make progressC. you will make the greater progressD. you will make greater progress11The children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horses ride_.A. mostB. moreC. lessD. little四、动词时态、语态1-I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.-Oh, how nice! Do you know when she _?A. was leavingB. had leftC. has leftD. left2I _him very well, but I havent seen him this week。A. have knownB. had knownC. knowD. knew3By the time he realizes he _into a trap, itll be too late for him to do anything about it.A. walksB. walkedC. has walkedD. had walked4Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but the tickets _out.A. have been soldB. had soldC. have soldD. was selling5I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _.A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed6No sound and no voice _for a long time.A. have heardB. has heardC. have been heardD. has been heard7-What are you going to do this afternoon?-I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _quite early, so we _to the bookstore after that.A. finished; are goingB. finished; goC. finishes; are goingD. finishes; go8-You speak very good French!-Thanks. I _French in Sichuan University for four years.A. studiedB. studyC. was studyingD. had studied五、非谓语动词1It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and _better ones of your own.A. introducesB. to introduceC. introducingD. introduced2I keep writhing my Blog. Its fun _and _.A. to be r
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