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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一单元教材分析(简述单元材料与话题,语言目标与技能目标)本单元主要围绕 “谈论自己的能力/才艺,加人俱乐部,” 这一话题设计教学任务与活动,包括根据自己的才能,运用情态动词can谈论自己在某一方面的能力、喜好,以及表达自己想要加入某个俱乐部的意愿,学习情态动词can的用法。本单元主要是学习情态动词can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句,肯定与否定回答,以及what引导的特殊疑问句的构成和用法。通过学习本单元,学生能够表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能;能够谈论自己的喜好与意愿;能够为自己成立的各种俱乐部制作海报;会写招聘广告。-二 单元教学(学习)目标 (详细罗列)1. 语言目标 重点词汇与短语(黑体为难点易错点): join, guitar, concert, chess, paint, speak, cant / can not, or, musician, be, rock, show, kung fu join the (art/ music/ chess/ sports/ computer/ swimming/ English) club, play chess, play the piano, play the guitar, play the drums, play the violin, play the trumpet, do Chinese kung fu be good at be good with help sb. with 重点句型:a) -Can you dance? -Yes, I can. / No, I cant.b) -Can he paint? -Yes, he can. / No, he cant.c) -Can she speak English? -Yes, she can./ No, she cant, but she cand) -Can you speak English? -Yes, we can. / No, we cant.e) -What club do you want to join? -I want to join the basketball club.f)- Tom can play the guitar but he cant play it very well.g) -What can you/ he /she /they do? -I can Grammar: usage of the modal verb can (见教材Grammar focus). 2. 能力目标 By learning Unit 1, students should be able to - ask and answer about abilities. - talk about hobbies. - tell the reasons for joining clubs. - write and reply to a poster or an ad. 3. 情感目标 1. Cultivate Ss hobbies and arouse Ss interest in joining some clubs. 2. Help Ss to build up self-confidence speak out what they can do.-三教法预设1. 音乐,律动教学法(导入环节可用):选择包含有本单元重点语言点的,易于上口并且对 情感教育有帮助的英文歌曲,课前3分钟播放,达到热身效果。 本单元推荐英文歌曲 “I believe I can fly”. (共享资料附MV)2. 视听法(SA 与SB的部分新授课): 用英语组织教学,听说先行,并结合多媒体资料刺 激学生的视听器官,把目标词汇所构成的词块,句子放在情景中反复操练, 这种方法有 利于学生熟练掌握学习目标,并能有效培养英语语感。3. 集体讨论法(SA与SB的活动任务部分):讨论-互助-报告4. 任务教学法(SA与SB 的第二课时及单元写作选题):根据单元目标语言点,设计或口 头或书面的任务,创造出一个逼真的交际情境,指导学生完成所设定的任务。把学习英 语融入到任务完成中。(任务见课件)5. 语法翻译法(单元翻译练习部分):用母语组织教学,以语法教学为基础,多用演绎思维 引导学生能够熟练掌握并且应用本单元重点词汇,短语和句型翻译句子。-四活动设置: Game 1 who are they? 1. T shows several photos of some popular sports stars, film stars or singing stars on the screen. 2. T asks one student to come over to the computer and choose his or her favorite star (keep it only between him/her and T). Other Ss may only ask Can he/she? Or Is he/she? And guess which star is chosen. Game 2 What can they do? Ask students to play pictures of his favourite people and make one or two statements about them. A student may say, my favourite sports star is . He/ She can sing, but he /she cant play the piano. (He / She can speak English, but he/ she cant speak a little English) Game 3 Group work: interview and report 1. Interview the Ss in your group; 2. Make a report to help other students know more about your group.NameWhat you can doWhat you cant doWhat club do you want to join?-五课时安排及主要教学任务: Section A (Period 1 and 2)Period 1 SA1 (1a2d Role-play) 1. Learn the words “can”, “join”, “play” and the phrases “be good at” and “tell stories” 2. Be able to talk about ones abilities. Homework: 1.全品Section A1 Period 2 SA2 (3a3c) 1. Learn to complete and read a poster; 2. Be able to write and reply to a poster. Homework: 1.全品Section A2 Section B (Period 3 and 4)Period 3 SB 1 (1a 1f and 3a) 1. Learn “musician”, “concert”, “play the drums ” and “play the erhu”; 2. Be able to talk about your abilities for music. Homework: 1.全品Section B1 Period 4 SB 2 (2a 2c) 1. Learn to read “wanted ads(招聘广告) ”; 2. Be able to reply to ads Homework: 1.全品Section B2 Period 5 self-check (Learning goals vary.) 1Check homework Homework: 1. Unit 1 短语与句子翻译 (也可安排课内完成或完成短语) 2. 单元写作选题 Period 6 (Learning goals vary.) 1. 校对讲评单元短语与句子翻译; 2. 单元重点句型听写默写; Homework: 单元过关测试卷 Period 7 (Learning goals vary.)1. 单元重点句型听写默写;2. 单元写作讲评;3. 单元过关测试卷。 Homework: 1. 复习单元笔记及校对校改练习错题。 2. 预习Unit2词汇-六典型性练习:1. You can _ in our swimming club. A. are B. is C. be D. / 2. Jim paints well. He can join the _ club. A. English B. musi
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