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高一下学期词汇解析Unit18 New ZealandWords and expressionsfisherman n. man who catches creatures that live in watern.渔民;打渔人There was once a poor old fisherman. 从前有位穷苦的老渔夫。 great-grandfather Zgreit n. 曾祖父northeastern adj. (在)东北的;向东北方的;来自东北的great-grandmother Zgreit n. 曾祖母central adj. in the middle of something中央的;中心的 The Party Central Committee is leading us on the new long march. 党中央正在领导我们进行新的长征。 Piccadilly is in central London. 皮卡迪利广场在伦敦市中心。 coast n. the land which is next to the sea海岸 Soon after we left England we could see the coast of France. 我们离开英国后不久就看到法国的海岸。 surround v. be or go all round something or someone 围绕;包围 Trees surrounded the lake. 湖的周围长满了树。 mild adj. gentle, not hard or rough温和的 He is very mild and doesnt get angry. 他态度很温和,不爱发脾气。 adj. not hot and not cold温暖的;暖和的 We have mild weather in my native place. 我的故乡气候温和。 subtropical adj. 亚热带的 a subtropical plant 亚热带植物 bay n.c 海湾 the Bay of Tokyo = Tokyo Bay 东京湾 harbour n. place where ships come to land safely港;港口 =harborAt daybreak we entered Shanghai harbour. 我们在拂晓时进入了上海港。 landscape n.c country scenes风景;风景画 At the top of the hill you looked down on the peaceful landscape. 在山顶上你俯瞰那宁静的风景。 n. the aspect of the land characteristic of a particular region: 地形a bleak New England winter landscape 荒凉的新英格兰冬季地貌volcano n. mountain with a hole in the top where fire, hot rock, ash, and gas come out c 火山 Vesuvius is a volcano. 维苏威山是一座火山。 spring n. place where water comes out of the ground泉;泉水 There was a spring in the garden from which we got our water. 花园里有泉,我们从那儿取水。 heat n.u high temperature; hot weather热度;热天气 You can feel the heat of the sun. 你可以感到太阳的热气。 v. make or become hot 使热;变热 Heat some water! 烧些热水吧! surface n. outside of something 表面 The sea covers more than half the surface of the earth. 海洋覆盖着地球表面的大部分。 n. the outward appearance 外表 Her gentleness is only on the surface. 她只是外表温和而已。 rat n. an animal like a big mouse老鼠;耗子 The cat catches the rat. 猫捉老鼠。 settle vt. to make a place your home定居;移居 The family finally settled in South America. 这家人最后在南美定居下来。 vt. solve 解决 The question will be settled tonight. 这个问题将在今晚解决。 settler n.c 移民;定居者voyage n. sea journey航海;航行 The voyage from England to India used to take 6 months. 从英国到印度的海上航行过去得用六个月的时间。possession n. the state of owning; something you own拥有;占有 They are in possession of a big orchard. 他们有一座大果园。 take possession of 占有;占领bold adj. with no fear, shame, shyness, etc.大胆的;勇敢的It was bold of him to enter the burning building. 他敢进入那燃烧着的房屋,真是勇敢。n. boldface. 【印刷术】黑体的;粗体的paragraph n. a group of lines of writing 段;节 Write out this paragraph. 书写这段文字。 headline n. words in big letters in a newspaper(报刊上的)大字标题 location n. a position; a place地点;位置 This is a good location for a shop. 这儿是设置商店的好地点。 grassland n.草原;牧草地grassy adj. covered with grass长满草的 a grassy hill 长满草的小山 rocky adj. 多岩石的;岩石的 a rocky coast 多岩石的海岸 sandy adj. 多沙的 a sandy shore 沙滩 hilly adj. 多小山的mountainous adj. with many mountains多山的 About 80 percent of its territory is mountainous. 它的百分之八十的领土是山。 surprising adj. that one does not expect 使人惊奇的;出人意外的 Is there anything surprising about it? 这难道还有什么可奇怪的? secretary someone whose job is to type letters, look after papers, answer the telephone, etc. n.c 秘书;干事;文书 John is the secretary of our club. 约翰是我们俱乐部的秘书。 percent pRXsent n c 百分比; 百分数 About 50 percent of the pupils are girls. 大约百分之五十的学生是女生。 make up put together, compose组成;形成 Six women and nineteen men make up the committee. 六位妇女和十九位男人组成了这委员会。 wedding n.c ceremony when a man and a woman marry婚礼 When does the wedding come off (=take place)? 什么时候举行婚礼? burial n. the act of burying葬礼;埋葬 The burial took place at 6 oclock. 葬礼是在六点钟举行的。 conference n.c meeting 会议 The conference was held at Beijing in 1984. 会议于1984年在北京召开。 relation n. someone in your family亲属;亲戚 An uncle is a relation. 叔叔(舅舅)是亲属。 n. the comparison or connection between things关系;联系 Your answer has no relation to the question. 你答非所问。 agricultural adj. 农业的; 农艺的 agricultural development 农业发展 cattle n. cows, and animals like them牛;家畜 Cattle feed on grass. 牛以草为食。 export n.u selling things to other countries出口,输出 Spain grows oranges for export. 西班牙生产橙子出口。n.c something that one country sells to another
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