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7 B Unit 6 Pets一重点词汇1. Jack opened his mouth _ (张大地) 2. Its _(必要的)to read English every morning. 3. The workers _ (建造)many _ (大楼)last year. 4. He _ (刷) the dogs fur every day. 5. My parrots _ (羽毛) are very beautiful.6. The little boy likes _ (拉)the rabbits ears.7. He is the owner of the _ (篮子). 8. Many _ (讲话人) are speaking in the room. Its noisy . 9. In these _ (抽屉) there is lots of paper. 10. I need to _ (喂)my _(兔子)twice a day. 11. Whats your_ (麻烦)? Im not feeling well.12. My dog _ (寻找,搜寻)when I _ (隐藏). 13. Hurry up! We must arrive at our_(营地)before it gets dark. 14. People are afraid of dogs. They think dogs might _(咬) them.15. My dog doesnt like to_ (打架) .16. “There is nothing in the box.” means this is an _(空的) box .二重点短语1. 把我的午饭带给我_ 2. 更加有礼貌_3. 和他玩_ 4. 教它说话_5. 最聪明的动物_ 6. 保持眼睛睁大大的_7. 照顾他直到结束_ 8. 大部分的时间_9. 制造大量的噪音_ 10. 害怕EDDIE _11. 在球的后面跑_ 12. 四处张望_13好好照顾他_ 14. 感到/变得累_15. 敲笼子的门 _ 16. 在太阳下看得如此漂亮_17. 一天一次_ 18. 在缸的底部_19. 看起来一样_ 20. 与不同_20. 各种蔬菜_ 22. 保持鱼缸清洁_23. 称重大约两千克_ 24. 喂狗_三重点句子1. 不给他们太多食物是非常重要的。It is very important _ _ _ them _ _ food.2. 一天一次在公园里溜狗是有必要的。 It is _ _ _ the dog in the park _a day.3. 一天两次换水是好主意。 It is a good idea _ _ the water _a day.4. 我喜欢金鱼,因为我喜欢看着它游来游去。I like my goldfish because I like _it_ _ . 5.你会发现满屋子都是毛。 You can find its _ _ _ our flat.6.我的鹦鹉很聪敏,学会重复我说的话。My parrot is very _ and he learns to_ the _ I say.7.我喜欢我的小白鼠,因为它又小又柔软,我能把它拿在手上。 I like my white_ becaue its small and _and I can _ it_ my hand.8. 你不应该把你的宠物独自留在家里太长时间。You_ _your _ at home_ for_ _.四、语法 1. 用祈使句表示给出指令 祈使句通常没有主语,因为其中隐含了主语你。当表示否定时,在动词原型前加dont。我们有时使用 please 来使发出指令更有礼貌。 e.g. 1) 请照看一下我的金鱼。 Please _ _ my goldfish!2) 请不要拉兔子的尾巴。 Please _ _ the rabbits ears!3) 下次请当心些,桑迪。 _ _ next time, Sandy!4) 不要再迟到了,吉姆。 _ _ _ again, Jim!2. 情态动词 “should” “ought to” “must” 的用法我们使用“should” “should not” “ought to” “ought not to”来提出建议并告诉人们需要做的最好的或合适的事情。 我们使用“must”告诉人们做某事有必要或很重要。语气比较强。我们使用 “must not” 来告诉人们禁止做某事。语气比较强。 e.g. 用下列所给的单词组成意思完整的句子1) clean, ought, the, you, a, to, once, week, cage, _.2) must, out, take, dog, more, you, often, your, _. 3) every, you, cat, should, your, brush, day _.4) not, feed, the, you, at, ought, dog, table, the, to _.用心 爱心 专心
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