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Learningaboutlanguage Learningaboutlanguage 用现在进行时表示将来 当句子涉及确切的计划 明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动时 现在进行时可用于表示将来 Grammar Grammar 1 表示位移的动词 如come go stay arrive leave等词的现在进行时经常用于表示将来确切的计划 e g 1 IamleavingforHongkongtomorrow 2 Myuncleiscomingtous 3 WearegoingtoQingdaonextweek 2 表示交通方式 行程安排的动词 例如fly walk ride drive take abus ataxi 等的现在进行时也经常用于表示将来 e g 1 Theyareflyingheresoon 2 SheisdrivingtoHainanalonenextweek 3 HowfarareyouridingeachdayifyougotoBeijingbybike 英语中一些表 状态和感官 的动词通常不用于进行时 1 表存在或位置的be lie stand等e g 1 JapanliestotheeastofChina 2 Inthemiddleoftheyardstandsatalltree 2 表所属的have own possess belongto fit suit等e g 1 TaiwanbelongstoChina 2 Whoownsthisland 注意 状态和感官 包括 3 表知觉的see hear smell taste sound look feel seem appear等e g 1 Ismellthedinnercooking 2 Heseemsquitehappy 4 表认识 信仰 意见 怀疑 猜测 希望的 know think understand doubt suppose hope wish等e g 1 Hedoubtswhetheryouwillfindyourlostpenagain 2 Ithinkyouareright 5 表喜欢 仇恨 厌恶 反对的love like prefer mind hate want dislike envy等e g 1 Weloveourmotherlanddeeply 2 Theyenvyhergoodfortune Betty leave forGuangzhoubyplaneat3 00thisafternoon HerbrotherBob see heroff It shalfpastonenow They wait forataxioutsidetheschoolgate 2 TheBrowns go totheNorthChinabytrainnextweek They stay inBeijingforaweek They go toXi an They get therebyair Somefriends come toAnne sbirthdaypartythisevening Anne smother be busy get readyforthebirthdaydinner Anne help hermothernow isleaving isseeing arewaiting 练一练 aregoing arestaying aregoing aregetting arecoming is getting ishelping 这样 表示将来的动作或状态 即将来时态 可以概括有以下几种形式 will shall 动词原形e g Ishallbeseventeenyearsoldnextmonth begoingto 动词原形 表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事 e g Wearegoingtohaveameetingtoday beto 动词原形 表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见 e g Arewetogoonwiththiswork beaboutto 动词原形 表示即将发生的动作 不与表示将来的时间状语连用 e g Iwasabouttogoswimmingwhenmyguideshoutedatmeandtoldmenottodoso be 动词的ing形式 表示按计划或安排要发生的事 含义是 预定要 这一结构常用位移动词go arrive come leave start stay return和play do have work wear spend see meet等 e g 1 Whenareyougoingoffforyourholiday 2 Myplaneistakingoffat9 20 soImustbeattheairportby8 30 一般现在时表示将来时 1 动词come go leave move start return arrive begin stay等表示按规定预计要发生的未来动作 e g Theplanetakesoffat10 10 Thatis it sleavingintenminutes 2 用在状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时 e g Ifyoudothatagain I llhityou 3 用在Ibet和Ihope后面 常用一般现在时表将来 e g Ibetyoudon tgetupbeforetentomorrow 单纯叙述未来的事实 可以用将来进行时 也可表示按计划安排将来要执行的动作 e g Atthistimetomorrow overtheAtlantic 2003北京 A we regoingtoflyB we llbeflyingC we llflyD we retofly 1 DidyouwritetoGracelastsummer No butI ll heroverChristmasvacation A beseenB haveseenC beseeingD tosee2 I mgoingtotheStates Howlong you intheStates A are stayedB are stayingC have stayedD did stay 练一练 3 I vewonaholidayfortwoweekstoFlorida I mymum A amtakingB havetakenC takeD willhavetaken4 Selectingamobilephoneforpersonaluseisnoeasytaskbecausetechnology sorapidly A willchangeB haschangedC willhavechangedD ischanging 5 You veleftthelighton Oh Ihave andturnitoff IgoB I vegoneC I llgoD I mgoing6 Isthisraincoatyours No mine therebehindthedoor A ishangingB hashungC hangsD hung 7 What sthatterriblenoise Theneighbors foraparty A havepreparedB arepreparingC prepareD willprepare8 Becausetheshop alltheT shirtsaresoldathalfprices A hascloseddownB closeddownC isclosingdownD hadcloseddown 9 CanIjointheclub Dad Youcanwhenyou abitold A getB willgetC aregettingD willhavegot10 Ifeelitisyourhusbandwho forthespoiledchild A istoblameB isgoingtoblameC istobeblamedD shouldblamebetoblamefor 对 负有责任 11 Atthistimetomorrow overtheAtlantic A we regoingtoflyB we llbeflyingC we llflyD we retofly12 Areyoustillbusy Yes I mywork anditwon ttakelong A havejustfinishedB amjustfinishingC justfinishD amjustgoingtofinish 13 DidyoutellJuliaabouttheresult Oh no Iforgot I hernow A willbecallingB willcallC callD amtocall14 Haveyoumovedintothenewhouse Notyet Therooms A arebeingpaintingB arepaintingC arebeingpaintedD arepainted 15 Doyoulikethematerial Yes it verysoft A isfeelingB feltC feelsD isfelt16 Idon treallyworkhere I untilthenewsecretaryarrives A justhelpoutB havejusthelpedoutC willjusthelpoutD amjusthelpingout Exercises 1 我们要去海南岛 2 商店要倒闭 所有的货物都低价出售3 明天这个时候我们在飞往北京的途中 Keystotheexercises 1 我们要去海南岛 2 商店要倒闭 所有的货物都低价出售3 明天这个时候我们在飞往北京的途中 1 WearegoingtoHainanIsland 2 Theshopisclosingdown Allthegoodsaresoldatlowprices3 WewillbeflyingtoBeijingthistimetomorrow
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