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Mysql 错误代码大全Mysql 错误代码 Mysql 错误代码分为两部分,老版本一部分,4.1 版本为新的部分 第一部分: mysql 的出错代码表,根据 mysql 的头文件 mysql/include/mysqld_error.h 整理而成 1005:创建表失败 1006:创建数据库失败 1007:数据库已存在,创建数据库失败 1008:数据库不存在,删除数据库失败 1009:不能删除数据库文件导致删除数据库失败 1010:不能删除数据目录导致删除数据库失败 1011:删除数据库文件失败 1012:不能读取系统表中的记录 1020:记录已被其他用户修改 1021:硬盘剩余空间不足,请加大硬盘可用空间 1022:关键字重复,更改记录失败 1023:关闭时发生错误 1024:读文件错误 1025:更改名字时发生错误 1026:写文件错误 1032:记录不存在 1036:数据表是只读的,不能对它进行修改 1037:系统内存不足,请重启数据库或重启服务器 1038:用于排序的内存不足,请增大排序缓冲区 1040:已到达数据库的最大连接数,请加大数据库可用连接数 1041:系统内存不足 1042:无效的主机名 1043:无效连接 1044:当前用户没有访问数据库的权限 1045:不能连接数据库,用户名或密码错误 1048:字段不能为空 1049:数据库不存在 1050:数据表已存在 1051:数据表不存在 1054:字段不存在 1065:无效的 SQL 语句,SQL 语句为空 1081:不能建立 Socket 连接 1114:数据表已满,不能容纳任何记录 1116:打开的数据表太多 1129:数据库出现异常,请重启数据库 1130:连接数据库失败,没有连接数据库的权限 1133:数据库用户不存在 1141:当前用户无权访问数据库 1142:当前用户无权访问数据表 1143:当前用户无权访问数据表中的字段 1146:数据表不存在 1147:未定义用户对数据表的访问权限 1149:SQL 语句语法错误 1158:网络错误,出现读错误,请检查网络连接状况 1159:网络错误,读超时,请检查网络连接状况 1160:网络错误,出现写错误,请检查网络连接状况 1161:网络错误,写超时,请检查网络连接状况 1062:字段值重复,入库失败 1169:字段值重复,更新记录失败 1177:打开数据表失败 1180:提交事务失败 1181:回滚事务失败 1203:当前用户和数据库建立的连接已到达数据库的最大连接数,请增大可用的数据库连接数或重启数据库 1205:加锁超时 1211:当前用户没有创建用户的权限 1216:外键约束检查失败,更新子表记录失败 1217:外键约束检查失败,删除或修改主表记录失败 1226:当前用户使用的资源已超过所允许的资源,请重启数据库或重启服务器 1227:权限不足,您无权进行此操作 1235:MySQL 版本过低,不具有本功能 第二部分 新 4.1.11,摘自 DOCSmysqld_error.txt character-set=utf-8 isher 补充 #define ER_HASHCHK 1000 hashchk, #define ER_NISAMCHK 1001 isamchk, #define ER_NO 1002 NO, #define ER_YES 1003 YES, #define ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE 1004 Cant create file %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE 1005 Cant create table %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_CREATE_DB 1006 Cant create database %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS 1007 Cant create database %-.64s; database exists, #define ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS 1008 Cant drop database %-.64s; database doesnt exist, #define ER_DB_DROP_DELETE 1009 Error dropping database (cant delete %-.64s, errno: %d), #define ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR 1010 Error dropping database (cant rmdir %-.64s, errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE 1011 Error on delete of %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC 1012 Cant read record in system table, #define ER_CANT_GET_STAT 1013 Cant get status of %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_GET_WD 1014 Cant get working directory (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_LOCK 1015 Cant lock file (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE 1016 Cant open file: %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1017 Cant find file: %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_READ_DIR 1018 Cant read dir of %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CANT_SET_WD 1019 Cant change dir to %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CHECKREAD 1020 Record has changed since last read in table %-.64s, #define ER_DISK_FULL 1021 Disk full (%s). Waiting for someone to free some space., #define ER_DUP_KEY 1022 Cant write, duplicate key in table %-.64s, #define ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE 1023 Error on close of %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_ERROR_ON_READ 1024 Error reading file %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME 1025 Error on rename of %-.64s to %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE 1026 Error writing file %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_FILE_USED 1027 %-.64s is locked against change, #define ER_FILSORT_ABORT 1028 So 瘀牡? 剕 鸞?rt aborted, #define ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND 1029 View %-.64s doesnt exist for %-.64s, #define ER_GET_ERRNO 1030 Got error %d from storage engine, #define ER_ILLEGAL_HA 1031 Table storage engine for %-.64s doesnt have this option, #define ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND 1032 Cant find record in %-.64s, #define ER_NOT_FORM_FILE 1033 Incorrect information in file: %-.64s, #define ER_NOT_KEYFILE 1034 Incorrect key file for table: %-.64s; try to repair it, #define ER_OLD_KEYFILE 1035 Old key file for table %-.64s; repair it!, #define ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY 1036 Table %-.64s is read only, #define ER_OUTOFMEMORY 1037 Out of memory. Restart daemon and try again (needed %d bytes), #define ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY 1038 Out of sort memory. Increase daemon sort buffer size, #define ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF 1039 Unexpected eof found when reading file %-.64s (errno: %d), #define ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR 1040 Too many connections, #define ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES 1041 Out of memory; Check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory. If not you may have to use ulimit to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space, #define ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR 1042 Cant get hostname for your address, #define ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR 1043 Bad handshake, #define ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1044 Access denied for user: email=%-.32s%-.64s/email to database %-.64s, #define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1045 Access denied for user: email=%-.32s%-.64s/email (Using password: %s), #define ER_NO_DB_ERROR 1046 No Database Selected, #define ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR 1047 Unknown command, #define ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR 1048 Column %-.64s cannot be nu
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