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Unit2TheOlympicGamesPeriod2Reading要点讲解课 根据语境选词填空ancient admit magical nowadays replace volunteer responsibility regular medal compete1 Asaleaderofthebigcompany youshouldtakemany responsibilities 2 Asweallknow theOlympicGamesareheldeveryfouryearsona basis 3 Whenyouremovethe vase youmustbecarefulbecauseitiseasytobreak 4 moreandmorefamilieshavedeliveredtheirsecondchild 5 Tomwill Mikeinthenextmatch regular ancient Nowadays replace 6 Manycollegestudentsofferedtobe forthebigmatch 7 Ienjoysportsinwhichpeople forprizes 8 Toourjoy hewas intoQinghuaUniversitylastyear volunteers compete admitted 9 AllpeoplelikehimverymuchandIdon tknowwhat powerhehas 10 Wetookpartinthematchnotonlyfor butourhonor magical medals 根据语境和提示词写出正确的单词1 Wemusttakeaction swift torescuethetrappedminers 2 Theyoungpersonlearned Greece atcollege 3 Thedoorwasbrokensowe replace itwithanewone 4 The admit ofthefamousparkisfreenowsoyoucangothereasyoulike swiftly Greek replaced admission 5 Sheappeared magical attheopeningceremony 6 Heworkshardandhealsohasasenseof responsible 7 Theymeeteachother regular onceaweek 8 Ienteredachess compete andfinishedfirst magically responsibility regularly competition 翻译下列短语1 参加 参与2 代表 象征 表示3 也 又 还4 参加 竞争5 被接纳 吸收 为 takepartin standfor aswell competein beadmittedas 6 每四年7 全世界8 在 中起作用 everyfouryears allovertheworld playarolein 1competevi 比赛 竞争 HowmanycountriescompetedintheancientOlympicGames 古代奥运会有多少国家参加 Onlybycompetingwith againsteachothercanwemakegreatprogressinourstudy 只有相互竞争 我们才能在学习上取得很大的进步 Tomcompetedwith againstfiveotherathletesforthefirstprizeinarace 汤姆在赛跑中与另外五名运动员竞争第一名 自我归纳 compete 参加 比赛 竞争 compete sb sth 和 对抗 compete sb sth 为得到某物与某人竞争 in with against with against for 知识延伸 competitionn 比赛competitiveadj 有竞争力的competitorn 比赛者 竞争者 对手 活学活用 语法填空 Smallshopscannotcompete priceswithbigones Myhandwritingcan tcompete his Hewascleverenoughtocompete themathsscholarship in with for 2016 江苏高考 Hisuncletellshimthatifhiscousinwinsthe compete thefamilywillwinanoverseastourforfree Thetwogirls eachother 为 与 竞争 thefirstprizeinasingingcompetition competition competed with against for 2takepartin参加 参与 2017 全国卷 ButSarah whohastakenpartinshowsalongwithtopmodels wantstoprovethatshehasbrainsaswellasbeauty 但是Sarah已经和一些超模参加过演出了 她只是想证明自己既有美貌又有头脑 AlltheLeaguememberstookpartinthemeeting atwhichtenstudentsjoinedtheLeague 所有团员都参加了会议 在会上10名学生入了团 Willyoualljoininsingingthesong please 请大家一起来唱这首歌 好吗 Iwillattendmycousin sweddingceremonynextFriday 我下周五将参加我表兄的婚礼 易混辨析 takepartin join join sb in attend 名师指津 takepartin短语中冠词的使用takepartin是惯用词组 part前一般不用冠词 但part前有形容词修饰时 要用不定冠词 例如 takeanactivepartin积极参加 巧学助记 参加 不同的活动 活学活用 Womenarenow socialactivities 妇女现在正积极参加社会活动 taking an active part in 选词填空 join joinin attend takepartin Ienjoy sports Iwantto thefootballclubwhenIgrowupandoften itsmeeting ButnowIcan t others playingfootballbecauseIhavemuchhomeworktodo takingpartin join attend join in Thepeoplewhohave theclubhaveachance theopeningceremony 加入这个俱乐部的人有机会参加开幕式 joined to attend 改错 Allthosewhowanttotakepartin pleaseraiseyourhands Weshouldtakeactivepartinregionaleconomicexchangesandcooperation 去掉in take后加an 3standfor代表 象征 表示翻译句子 体会standfor在语境中的含义 WhatdothefiveringsontheOlympicflagstandfor Pigeonsstandforpeace 奥运旗上的五环代表什么 鸽子象征和平 知识延伸 standout引人注目 脱颖而出standby支援 站在 一边 袖手旁观standup站立 起立standaside让开 站到一边standback退后 活学活用 用stand的相关短语填空 2016 全国卷 Withacodebook youmightwritedownwordsthatwould otherwords Redflowers againstthewhitesnow Howcanyou whensheneedshelp standfor standout standby Theolivebranch peace 橄榄枝象征着和平 Idon thavetostandforsuchrudebehavior 译 stands for 我不必忍受如此粗鲁的行为 4admitvt 接纳 Shewasadmittedasamemberoftheclub 她被批准为俱乐部成员 Studyhardandyou llbeadmittedto intoBeijingUniversity 努力学习 你会被北京大学录取的 Headmittedbreaking havingbrokentheschoolrulesandwillinglyacceptedpunishment 他承认违反了校规 愿意接受惩罚 Youmustadmitthetasktobedifficult 你得承认这项工作是困难的 自我归纳 beadmitted 作为 被接受 beadmitted 获准进入 被 接纳 admit 承认 admitsb sth 承认某人 某物是 as to into doing havingdone tobe 巧学助记 形象记忆admit 活学活用 We her ourclub 我们已经准许她加入俱乐部 Tom manyspellingmistakesinthecomposition 汤姆承认在作文中犯了许多拼写错误 admitted to into admitted having made Howmanystudentshave theschoolthisyear 今年这所学校录取了多少学生 Thehall about1 000persons 这个大厅能容纳约1000人 Sheadmittedtobeeasilyannoyed 改错 been admitted into can admit tobe being 5aswell也 又 还翻译句子 体会aswell在语境中的含义 Icanplaytheguitar andIcansingaswell HeknowsRussianaswell 我不但会弹吉他 还能演唱 他也懂俄语 易混辨析 名师指津 aswellas用法两点通 1 aswellas用作连词 连接两个并列的成分 如名词 形容词 动词 介词等 通常不位于句首 此时aswellas强调的重点在前面 不在后面 意为 不但 而且 既 又 翻译时要先译后面 再译前面 2 当主语含有aswellas时 谓语动词需和aswellas前面的主语在数上保持一致 活学活用 选词填空 aswell aswellas too either also Heisascientist butheisapoet Youmay findthatreadinghasbecomemorefunthanwork I mlearningFrench English Mymotherisateacher myfatherisateacher aswell also aswellas too Ifyoudonotgo Ishallnotgo Hesentmesomeclothesandmuchmoney 他寄给我一些衣服 还有许多钱 Weshallmarchbynight byday 我们白天黑夜都要行进 either as well as well as Heaswellashisclassmateshavereadthenovel 改错 IhavebeentoNewZealandaswell 译 have has 我也去过新西兰 6It sintheSummerOlympicsthatyouhavetherunningraces
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