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附件:发展中国家可再生能源技术培训班项目简介表 项目全称 发展中国家可再生能源技术培训班实施单位名称 农业部沼气科学研究所举办时间 2010 年 5 月 11 日-7 月 5 日 工作语言 英语邀请对象来自白俄罗斯、乌克兰、阿富汗、泰国、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、缅甸、印度尼西亚、越南、菲律宾、老挝、塞尔维亚、阿尔巴尼亚、巴勒斯坦、埃及、苏丹、卢旺达、布隆迪、塞拉利昂、喀麦隆、尼日尔、纳米比亚、瓦努阿图、牙买加、古巴、巴布亚新几内亚、汤加、厄瓜多尔、哥斯达黎加的可再生能源行业政府管理部门高级管理人员、科研院所教师以及科研人员、从事可再生能源技术和产品推广企业的管理人员、技术人员等。计划人数 每国各 1-2 人,共 25 人年龄要求 年龄不超过 50 岁身体健康状况要求 身体健康,无传染性疾病、严重高血压、心脑血管、精神类疾病,非肢体残疾,非孕期工作语言要求 英语学员要求其 它 在华期间不携带家属或亲戚朋友举办地点 四川省成都市 举办地天气状况 天气晴朗,气温在 20-30 左右 备注 学员来华后提交所在国可再生能源发展情况报告,供交流。项目联系人 龙燕、赖成晞办公电话 +86-28-85230677,85222658手 机 +86-15108377811, +86-13709054400传 真 +86-28-85230677实施单位联系方式E-mail biomayahoo.cn 实施单位简介农业部沼气科学研究所(BIOMA)成立于 1979 年,是一个集科学研究、技术开发、工程设计和管理干部及技术人员培训为一体的国家级专业机构,主要从事生物质能资源开发及综合利用技术研究,厌氧微生物应用基础理论和应用技术研究,工业废水、城镇生活污水、大型畜禽养殖场废弃物厌氧消化处理及达标排放处理研究,农村能源、沼气卫生效果、生态建设等方面的工作。近 30 年来,农业部沼气科学研究所已完成国家重点研究课题多项,并开展了许多国际合作项目,修建援外示范工程和培训专业人才等。受中国政府的委托一共举办了 41 期国际培训班,为 100 多个国家培训了 949 名学员,并为国内 35 个省市自治区、直辖市培训 1200 多名农村能源行业管理干部和专业技术人员。项目内容介绍受中华人民共和国商务部委托,农业部沼气科学研究所将于 2010 年 5 月 11日至 7 月 5 日举办“发展中国家可再生能源技术培训班”,工作语言为英语,为期56 天。本次培训班将通过理论授课、实验与现场实习,帮助学员了解中国可再生能源技术的发展现状和相关法规,系统掌握可再生能源技术的相关设计、施工、运行、检测及产品使用方法,与中国相关技术研发单位和设备生产单位建立广泛的联系。培训内容将主要围绕中国基本国情、可再生能源技术现状、管理体系、农村户用沼气池设计与施工、沼气微生物学、沼气输配、生活废水净化沼气池、大中型沼气工程、沼液的综合利用及后处理技术、沼气卫生效果、小型农场沼气发酵装置、 、农村污水处理、沼气发电装置及技术、秸秆气化装置、生物质能、微水电技术、太阳能技术、风能技术、中国对外可再生能源技术援助及贸易往来等专题讲座,并安排实验、施工现场、工厂参观、外出考察成都及周边县市相关工程及示范村。Project DescriptionName Training Course on Renewable Energy Technology for Developing CountriesOperator Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA)Time May 11 to July 5, 2010 Language EnglishInvited CountriesSenior governmental administrators in management of renewable energy industry, professors, lecturers and scientific staff of institutes, managers and technicians of enterprises engaged in renewable energy technology promotion and products from participating countries as Belarus, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Philippines, Laos, Serbia, Albania, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Niger, Namibia, Vanuatu, Jamaica, Cuba, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Ecuador, Costa Rica.Number of Participants 1-2 participants from each country, 25 in total.Age No more than 50 years old.HealthGood health, free of infectious diseases, severe high blood pressure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, mental diseases, non-physical disabilities, non-pregnancy.Language EnglishRequirements for the Participantsothers No accompany of family members, relatives or friends.Host City Chengdu Local Temperature Mild, 20-30Notes Report on renewable energy development of each participating country is required for participants forum after participants arrival in China.Contact Person(s) Long Yan, Lai ChengxiTelephone +86-28-85230677, 85222658Mobile +86-15108377811, +86-13709054400Fax +86-28-85230677Contact of the OperatorE-mail biomayahoo.cnAbout the Operator Founded in 1979, Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA) is a professional institute of research, technical exploration, engineering design, and training for administrators and technicians on renewable energy technology. BIOMA has been engaged in the research on technical and integrated utilization of biomass, fundamental theory and applied technology of anaerobic microbiology, industrial wastewater, urban domestic sewage and anaerobic digestion for large animal breeding farm as well as the discharge standard. Additionally, renewable energy utilization in rural area, hygienic and ecological development has been covered. In the past 30 years, BIOMA has fulfilled many important national research projects and international cooperative projects for assistance, demonstration and professional training in foreign countries. Entrusted by the Chinese Government, BIOMA has held 41 international training courses for 949 participants from over 100 countries in total as well as more than 1,200 Chinese administrators and technicians in renewable energy industry from 35 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China.Training Course ContentEntrusted by Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China, Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA) will organize “Training Course on Renewable Energy Technology for Developing Countries” (Working Language: English, 56 days) from May 11 to July 5, 2010. The objectives of this training course is to update participants knowledge about renewable energy technology and regulations; to help participants understand systematically the technologies involving design, construction, operation, inspection and utilization of certain renewable energy devices; to set up relationship with Chinese research agencies and equipment manufacturer. Lectures will be held with following topics: About China, Up-to-date Status and Development of Renewable Energy in China, Management System of Renewable Energy, Design and Construction of Rural Household Biogas Digester in China, the Natural Resource, Environment and Devel
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