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120122013 学年度第二学期小学英语六年级综合测试题(二)卷首寄语:亲爱的同学们,经过一 个单元的学习,你一定又学了不少的英语知识吧?现在来检测一下,了解自己的学习情况吧。本卷答卷时间 60 分钟,满分为 100 分,卷面分为 3 分。请 充 分 展 现 你 漂 亮的 书 写 , 相 信 你 是 最 棒 的 ! 下 面 从 听 力 开 始 吧 !听力部分(满分 43 分)一、 Listen and choose.第一部分共 10 小题。你将听到一个单词,根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。(每小题 0.5 分,共 5 分)( )1. A. far B. fall ( )2. A. short B. shirt( )3. A. foot B. food ( )4. A. tree B. trip( )5. A. cold B. cool ( )6. A. heavy B. heavier ( ) 7. A. 13kg B. 30kg ( )8. A. Tuesday B. Thursday( ) 9. A. fridges B. bridges ( ) 10. A. farm B. from第二部分共 10 小题。你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项,答案填在括号内。(每小题 0.5 分,共 5 分)( )1. A. math B. water C. match( ) 2. A. park B. pork C. party( ) 3. A. them B. than C. then( ) 4. A. know B. no C. not( ) 5. A. thin B. think C. thank( ) 6. A. matter B. letter C. little( ) 7. A. 89kg B. 98kg C.99kg( ) 8. A. east B. west C. eat( ) 9. A. actor B. actress C. artist2A BA BA BA BA B( ) 10. A. shop B. store C. stop二 Listen and circle.你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,在每小题的大图中圈出相符的图片的字母编号。别忘先浏览选项!(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1.What did the boy do? 2.What is next to the hospital?3.What does Mike have for 4.How can I get to U.S.A?breakfast?5. What is Amy going to buy? 6.What is LiLing doing?7.How does your brother feel? 8.When is the girls birthday?9.What cant you do here? 10.Whats Sarahs hobby?A BA BA B3A BA B三、Listen and choose.你将听到一个问题,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题前的括号内。记住在听每道小题之前,要尽快把各个选项浏览一遍哦!(每小题 1 分,共10 分)( )1. A. Because I failed the math test. B. Because I got a ticket.C. Because I got a new comic book.( ) 2. A. It likes carrots. B. It is long and big . C. It has two long ears and two big eyes.( ) 3. A. Its behind the door. B. They are near the bed.C. They are on the window.( ) 4. A. I went to Beijing. B. I went to Beijing by plane. C. I visited the Great Wall in Beijing.( ) 5. A. Because its too sweet. I dont like sweet juice.B. Because its sweet.C. Because its too sour.( ) 6. A. I often do housework with my mom.B. Im reading in the library.C. Im going to buy a comic book.( ) 7. A. This is Tommy speaking. B. No, he is very busy. C. Sure, hold on, please.( ) 8. A. It will be March 7th. B. It was March 8th . C. Its March 8th .( ) 9. A. It comes from the clouds.B. It comes from the vapour.C. It comes from the rain.( )10. A. He feels sick. B. He has a cold. C. He is angry.4四、 Listen and fill.听对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词,使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。听之前先看题目,做好预测。要注意大小写的规范要求哦!(每空 0.5 分,共 8 分)1. John:Is your birthday June 4 th?Meimei:No, its on June _.2. Amy: Chen Jie, lets go to buy some grapes.Chen: But theyre too . I like sweet fruit.3. Mother: When are you going to clean your bedroom?Son: afternoon.4. Jane:What did you do last Monday afternoon?Wu: I the piano with my classmates.5. Xiao Ming: Look at the pandas. What are they doing?Tian Yin: _ swimming.6. Zip: _ day is it today?Zoom: Its _.7. Peter: Which _ do you like best?Yan:I like_.8. Tom: What is your _ teacher like? Is she_?Jimmy: _, she is. But shes very_.9. Teacher: What _ is your schoolbag?Student: Its_. I like it very much.10. Terry: Does Liu Yun like diving?Marry: No, she _ . She likes_.五、 Listen and judge.根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)( ) 1. Zhang Ming goes to school on foot every day.( ) 2. Li Dong had a cold because he went swimming last weekend.( ) 3. The doctor asked Zhang Ming to stay in bed, because he had a cold.( ) 4. Zhang Ming is going to visit Li Dong with his classmates.5( ) 5. Zhang Ming didnt go to school this afternoon. 笔试部分(满分 54 分)六Read and choose.阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在横线上。(每句 1.5 分,共 9 分)A. Can I help you?B. Thank you.C. How do you do that?D. When can we see the sprout?E. Can we help you water them?F: What are you doing?G: Are you going to water them?Mr. Sun is a farmer. Students of Class 3 are visiting his farm.Tim: 1 ?Mr. Sun:Im planting the tomato seeds.Mary: 2 ?Mr. Sun:Its very easy. Just put the seeds in the soil. Like this!Beth: 3 ?Mr. Sun: Well, usually we can see the sprout in 2 weeks. They grow slowly.Sam: 4 ?Mr. Sun: Yes, they need some water.Students: 5 ?Mr. Sun:Sure. 6 . Do some farm work is good for our body.七Read and choose(阅读理解,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)(一)根据短文,判断对错,对的用 T 表示,错的用 F 表示。(每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)Mrs Harris lives in a small village alone. She has one son. He is 21 and his name is Geoff. He worked in the shop in the village and lived 6with his mother. But later, he had a new job in a town and moved(搬) in
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