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附录:听力原文阶段仿真检测(一)(Text 1)W: What is the result of the competition, Jim?M: Well, I only got third place. I was beaten by the other two.W: Did you feel bad about it?M: Not really. Its better than nothing.(Text 2)W: Good morning. May I help you?M: Yes. We bought this washing machine last week, but it doesnt work now.W: Whats wrong with it?M: I put my clothes into it and then poured in water. It simply doesnt wash. I want to exchange it for a new one.(Text 3)M: Would you like anything else?W: No, thanks. Thats all I need.M: Would you like us to deliver these this afternoon?W: Oh, yes, please. That would be lovely.(Text 4)W: So you are back from your trip to India. How was it?M: Oh, not bad. But the food wasnt great.W: How about the weather?M: We had bright sunshine the whole time.(Text 5)M: What about our dinner? Eat out or at home?W: I prefer to go out. What about the restaurants downtown?M: Those expensive ones? Surely, you dont want to eat at the expensive ones.W: Not much I dont. They have the best food in town.(Text 6)W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?M: Yes, Im looking for a Tshirt.W: What color would you like?M: Red, please.W: Heres a nice red Tshirt. Try this on. It fits you very well.M: Oh, its not for me. Its for my uncle. Hes leaving tomorrow. I want to buy a Tshirt for him before he leaves. But Ill take this one. How much is it?W: Its one hundred dollars. Do you also want to buy one for yourself? I can give you a 10% discount if you buy two.M: OK. Give me that blue one, too.(Text 7)W: What do you think of the suit?M: Its very nice. But, dear, Im so nervous.W: Just relax. Im sure you will get the job. Youre so talented, and youve been preparing for the job for a long time.M: I know that, but I just cant stop trembling.W: OK. Come and have breakfast now. Im sure they all will like you.M: Wheres Lily? Is she still in bed?W: Yes, she doesnt have to go to school today, Ill go to the park with her this morning. You know, when you get the job, we will both be busy and we wont have much time with her.M: Yes, youre right. But if I get the job, you wont have to work any longer.W: Thats just what Im hoping for. OK. Breakfast is ready. Just relax and have breakfast now.(Text 8)W: Jack, whats wrong? Youre not in a good mood.M: My boss told me not to go to work again.W: Why?M: I made a huge mistake at work yesterday. I wouldnt have made the mistake if I had been more careful.W: Youre always careless. So whats your plan now?M: I must find a new job as soon as possible.W: But I think you should learn to be more careful before you find a new job, or youll make the same mistake again.M: I guess you are right. So, did you have a good time last night?W: Yes. We played music and danced, but Susan didnt look very happy.M: If it was your birthday, you wouldnt be happy, either.W: Yes, you are right. No one wants to get old.(Text 9)M: Look, what a fine day today!W: Yes. I like spring very much . the air is fresh, and flowers can be seen everywhere.M: Yeah. Do you want to go to a picnic with me tomorrow?W: Id like to. How about asking Jenny to go with us?M: Oh, no. She is busy with her dancing class. You know, there is a very big performance just a week later.W: Yes, youre right. Its really not good for her to learn dancing. She doesnt have any time with her own parents these days.M: But she doesnt think so. She likes dancing, and dancing is her life. Will you take your camera with you tomorrow?W: I want to, but I lent it to Tom yesterday. Do you have one?M: No, but Im going to buy one this afternoon.(Text 10)Are you feeling lonely at home? Got no friends to play with? Why not buy yourself a pet? Johnnys Pets has just opened a new shop near you. At Johnnys Pets, you can find a wide selection of pets. We have cats, dogs and birds of every kind. We also have more special pets for you to choose from. Why not get yourself a spider, a snake or a monkey? Theyll be with you all day long. Worried about how to look after them? Dont be. We have inhouse trainers who give courses on how to look after your pets in your house. The training courses are free to all customers. Not enough to convince you? Well also throw in pet food, pet toys and other necessities for your pets. Were totally crazy at Johnnys Pets. Come now and see the amazing prices of our packages. Dont delay. Come to Johnnys Pets today.阶段仿真检测(二)(Text 1)M: This cake is so delicious. Where did you buy it?W: I made it by myself. I got the recipe from my mother.(Text 2)M: When will Flight A391 leave?W: It leaves at 8:30, but you should check in half an hour ahead of time.(Text 3)W: What did Mr. Green do with his damaged car?M: He had it repaired. Look? It looks like a new one now.(Text 4)M: Here is the hotel, Amber. Do you need any help?W: No, thats quite
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