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爱搜狗教学资源网 www.asogou.com冀教版小学英语第三册教案教材分析一,教学指导思想学英语教材围绕一个中国男孩李明和一个加拿大女孩詹妮和小恐龙丹尼的学习和生活开展各项语言交际活动,活动从学生的兴趣和认知水平出发,贴近学生的生活;同时展现了中西方文化的差异,加深了中国学生对西方文化的了解,加强了中国学生对本国文化的热爱,增强了学生们的国际意识.1,强调以学生为主体的有意义的语言实践活动学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿.外语教学中应发挥学生的积极性,主动性和创造性,启发学生的语言运用思路,让学生用语言表达思想.教材注重了学生的发展,为学生提供了各种真实的情景,让学生在两人活动或小组活动中,学会运用英语进行交际.此外,教材中安排了大量的游戏,歌曲,歌谣,角色练习,学生学习英语感觉容易又有趣.2,强调用语言做事的教学理念英语课程标准倡导任务型的教学途径.学生在任务活动中,通过感知,体验,参与,合作和交流等方式,获得学习的经验,体验任务完成后的成就感,逐步培养学生综合语言运用能力,激发学生的创造性思维,提高学生的整体素质.教材中每单元都有一个或几个与该单元话题有关的课题任务.这些任务的设置不仅使学生动手制作,动脑思考,动口汇报表达,更把学生置身于有意义的,真实的语言环境中进行语言实践,用语言解决交际问题.培养了学生英语学习的兴趣和信心,发展了学生的英语学习策略,拓展了学用渠道.3,强调沉浸式训练,进行整体语言教学教材让学生沉浸于英语语言环境中.教师在教室内张贴英文报纸,书籍,图片,标记,杂志等,使学生始终处于英语学习氛围中.且教材信息含量大,让学生大量接触英语语言材料,为学生学习英语提供了方便,但并不要求学生立刻完全掌握所有内容,而是强调对语言的整体感知和理解.二,知识与技能本册书要求学生能够根据交通工具和交通规则,购物,动物等话题展开简短对话,并完成相应的任务.能在真实或模拟真实的语境中读懂或简单描述有关这些话题的内容.本册书分四个单元,每单元八课,每单元最后一课是复习课.每单元都有重点和难点,还出现了较多供学生接触的词汇.这些额外词汇在一定程度上还能够引发学生的自然好奇心并指导其语言学习.每单元最后一课是本单元的重点.依据新课程标准的理念,在教学中强调语言的实用性和交际性,让学生用语言,动作,表情完成信息交流,培养学生综合运用语言的能力.三,情感态度与价值观在教学中注重对学生学习策略和文化意识的培养,因材施教,肯定学生的每一次小小的成功,不断给予他们肯定和鼓励,让他们真正感受到学习英语It is fun,It is easy.四,教学原则以培养兴趣为出发点以任务型教学为途径以小组合作为主要学习方式以形成性评价为手段教学进度表周次日期教学内容12008.9.1-9.7Lesson1-Lesson229.8-9.12Lesson3-Lesson439.15-9.19Lesson5-Lesson649.22-9.26Lesson7-Lesson859.29-10.3Lesson9-Lesson10610.6-10.10Lesson11-Lesson12710.13-10.17Lesson13-Lesson14810.20-10.24Lesson15-Lesson16910.27-10.31Lesson17-Lesson181011.3-11.7Lesson19-Lesson201111.10-11.14Lesson21-Lesson221211.17-11.21Lesson23-Lesson241311.24-11.28Lesson25-Lesson261412.1-12.5Lesson27-Lesson281512.8-12.12Lesson29-Lesson301612.15-12.19Lesson31-Lesson321712.22-12.26复习考试1812.29-1.2复习考试课程表星期 周次星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五1234567学生情况分析:目录UNIT 1 Let Go!Lesson 1: Wheres the Library Lesson 2: Turn Right, Turn LeftLesson 3: BycyclesLesson 4: Cars and TrucksLesson 5: Lets Go to the City!Lesson 6: StreetsLesson 7: Im Lost!Lesson 8: Again, Please!UNIT 2 Shopping in the CityLesson 9: Lets Go Shopping!Lesson 10: Department StoreLesson 11: Restaurant and MarketLesson 12: Cashier and ClerkLesson 13: Where Do They Work Lesson 14: Months of the YearLesson 15: Jenny Goes to the CityLesson 16: Again, Please!UNIT 3 Animals on the FarmLesson 17: The FarmLesson 18: Cats and DogsLesson 19: BirdsLesson 20: More AnimalsLesson 21: Fur and PawsLesson 22: Forward and BackwardLesson 23: Fly and SwimLesson 24: Again, Please!UNIT 4 Animals at the ZooLesson 25: Lions and TigersLesson 26: Monkeys and WolvesLesson 27: The ForestLesson 28: The Monkey JudgeLesson 29: Where Do They Live Lesson 30: What Do They Eat Lesson 31: The Lonely LionLesson 32: Again, Please!第一单元教材分析本单元教给学生掌握理解并能发出简单的有目的的指令的技巧,教给学生学校和城市中一些普通的地点以及一些普通的交通工具的英语名称.本单元还要教授从30至100的数字名称.在本单元,学生要争取掌握(正确地说,读,写,用)以下词汇:classroom, gym, library, bicycle, cab, car, truck, near, far, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred要求学生练习说和写,并能口头应答下列单词和短语:office, stairs, bell, chain, seat, tire, wheel, street, traffic lights, Excuse me, wheres the I can show you. Here it is.I dont understand. Please speak slowly. Im lost.Lets take a . turn right, turn left, go straight教学内容:Lesson1:Wheres the library 课时1教学目标:1, 知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听,说,读,写单词:class, gym, library. 会口头运用句子:Excuse me, wheres the I can show you. Here it is. 能在图片,手势的帮助下理解句子意思,并能口头运用句子表达自己的感情.2, 情感态度价值观:关注学生情感,保持学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生营造宽松,民主,和谐的课堂氛围.教学重点,难点:本课重点单词和句子,会用单词造句,会用句子进行情境对话.教具准备:磁带,单词卡片 图标板书设计:Lesson 1: Wheres the Library classroom Excuse me. Wheres the gym gym I can show you.library Here it is.Thank you.教学过程:Class Opening and ReviewGreeting Hello! Good morning ! How are you DrillReview the concept pairs: brush your teeth; comb/brush your hair; Wash your hands.Teacher: (Pretend to brush your teeth.) What am I doing Class: Brushing or You are brushing.Then ask the class: What else do you do in the morning Prompt the students to remember (wash my hand, comb/brush my hair, take a shower, wash my face, eat breakfast.)Drill Quickly review the numbers one to thirty.二. New Concepts.1. Demonstrate:Show the cards of classroom, gym, library. Say the words with教学侧记the students a few times.2. Discuss the picture for N1.a. What do you see in these pictures b. What are they doing 3. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.4. Game. Point out the signs for classroom, gym and library posted around the classroom. Say Lets go to the !5. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. Explain the dialogue in Chinese. Ask the students to repeat the sentence : Excuse me. Where is the I can show you. Here it is. Thank you. Youre welcome.6. Role-PlayAsk the students to find partners and take turns asking and showing directions.
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