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精品资源掌握英语阶段能力训练(Lessons 2224)。 完形填空Jenny_1_ my good friend。 We are_2_ the same class。 We_3_ three meals at school together。 _4_ breakfast, I often have two _5_ and some porridge。 And she often _6_ two sandwiches and some cereal。 For_7_, we often have some rice and some fish。 We also have _8_ vegetables。 They are good for_9_ bodies。 For supper, we have some_10_ to drink。 We also have some fruit every day。 ()1。 Ais Bare Cam Dbe ()2。A。on BtoCfor Din ()3。A。has BhaveCeats Dgets()4。A。To BForCAt DOf ()5。A。bread Beggs Cbreads Drice ()6。A。have BeatChas Dbuy ()7。A。meal Bbreakfast Csupper Dlunch()8。A。no Bany Csome Dmuch()9。A。we Bour Cours Dthey ()10。A。milk Bglass Cegg Dpotatoes 。阅读理解Jacks Meals for This WeekdaysBreakfastLunchDinnerMondaybread, milkvegetables, meat, riceporridge, eggs, fruitTuesdayeggs, milkpizza, saladnoodles, vegetablesWednesdayporridge, breadvegetables, soup, ricedonuts, milkThursdayhot dogs, milkpizza, saladFrench fries, vegetablesFridayhamburgers, milkvegetables, fish, riceice cream, fruit()1。Jack has _ every day this weekdays。Ameat and rice Bnoodles and eggsCbread and milk Dvegetables and milk()2。On Tuesday, Jack doesnt have _Apizza BporridgeCsalad Dnoodles()3。Jack has the same food on _ and _ for lunch。AMonday; FridayBMonday; ThursdayCTuesday; ThursdayDWednesday; Friday()4。Jack has _ for dinner on Friday。Aice cream and fruitBnoodles and vegetablesCdonuts and milkDFrench fries and vegetables。 任务型阅读Hello! My name is David。 Im from the US。 Now I am in China with my father and mother。 I like China。 I like Chinese food, too。 I have breakfast at home。 I eat an egg, bread and porridge for breakfast。 I dont like milk。_I_have_no_time_to_go_home_for_lunch。 So I have it at school。 The lunch in our school is very good。 I can have many different kinds of food for lunch。 I eat rice, meat and vegetables。 Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings。 I have dinner at home with my parents。 Sometimes we go out to eat with friends。 We often have chicken, vegetables and fruit。1题完成句子;24题简略回答问题;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1David comes from _2What does David have for breakfast?_3Where does David have lunch?_4Does David sometimes go out to have dinner?_5_教师详解详析。1。A2D在哪个班级用介词in。3B主语we是复数,动词用原形。4B5。B6。C7D由前面的早餐和后面的晚餐可推断此处指午餐。8C9B我们的身体应该用形容词性物主代词 “our”修饰bodies。10A四个选项中只有牛奶是喝的东西。14DBCA。1。the US。2。An egg, bread and porridge。3At school。4。Yes, he does。5我没有时间回家吃午饭。 勤学苦练考点突破
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