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Wearehavingaclass WearehavinganEnglishclass Whatarewedoingnow Whatclassarewehavingnow Wearereviewingthepresentcontinuoustense 现在进行时复习 ReviewofthePresentContinuousTense PleasetrytorememberwhatGoofyisdoing 现在进行时态表示现在 说话瞬间 正在进行或发生的动作 现在进行时 ThePresentContinuousTense She read is ing now He playfootball is ing now He dohishomework is ing now He eat is ing now Theman talkonaphone is ing now Listen Thebird is sing ing Look Theboy is playsoccer ing They talkinapark are ing now They watchTV are ing now Theman run is ning now Theboy swim is ming now Theteacher write is now ing They dance are now ing 现在进行时的基本结构 助动词 be not 现在分词 V ing 助动词be随人称变为is am are What sthestructureofthepresentcontinuoustense 现在进行时口诀 现在进行时正在发生事 Look Listen now是标志 Be vting不分离 两个错误要回避 一是掉be 二是掉ing 动词 ing形式的构成 Doyouknowhowtoget ing Let stry do watch clean read eat play danc writ run swim ing ing ing ing ing ing ning ming ing ing e e Themaniswalkingfast Themanisn trunning Iamreadingabook I mnotwriting Whatareyoudoing Whataretheydoing Theyareplayingbasketball Theyaren tplayingsoccer Whatishedoing Heisplayingwithayoyo Heisn treading 现在进行时态表示现在 说话瞬间 正在进行或发生的动作 现在进行时 ThePresentContinuousTense 现在进行时的基本结构 助动词 be not 现在分词 V ing 助动词be随人称变为is am are What sthestructureofthepresentcontinuoustense 1 Thechild thewindowsnow open 2 Theboy apicturenow draw 3 Look She abook read 4 I ane mailtomypenpalnow write 5 You yourhomeworkathomenow do 6 We atschoolnow run 7 They TVnow watch isopening isdrawing isreading amwriting aredoing arerunning arewatching Fillintheblanks Guess Whataretheydoing Let splayagame Whoistheguessingchampion Arethey v ing Isit he she v ing Aretheydancing Whataretheydoingnow Yes theyare NO theyaren t Yes theyare Whatisthecatdoing Isiteatingsomething Yes itis No itisn t Yes itis What sshedoing Issheeatingnoodles No sheisn t AretheywatchingTV Whataretheydoing AretheywatchingTV Whataretheydoing Whatisthebeardoing Whatisthebeardoing GuessingGame Isthepigwalking running Yes itis No itisn t GuessingGame Ishe Yes heis No heisn t GuessingGame Isshe Yes sheis No sheisn t Reading writing Mark sfamily 1 2 3 4 5
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