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人教版高中英语必修四第三单元:单词拼写1. Are you c_ with your study?2. His stepmother is so c_ to him that he often dare not go home.3. F_ is the mother of success.4. Can the o_ scientist win the national prize for science?5. Tom is jobless, penniless and h _.6. We should try our best to _(克服) all difficulties.7. There are _(直达) trains between Beijing and Shanghai.8. She _(耳语) a warning to me and then disappeared.9. With a _(满口的) of rice, he could hardly say anything.10. The monkey is _(荡来荡去) itself from tree to tree.用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。bump into be content with astonish wear out setin pick out cut off1. We should never _ a little book knowledge only.2. We _ to hear that their football team had won the champion.3. How could you _ your own motorbike in number of motorbikes?4. In the dim light he couldnt see clearly and _ a tree.5. You must _ after such a long walk.6. Because of the earthquake, all the supplies of electricity and water have _.7. Have you ever heard that the play _Venice?. 完成句子1. Dont imagine yourself _ _ _ _(总是正确的).2. Have you noticed the man _ _ _ _ _(撞在那个老人身上)?3. The old couple seem _(满足) to sit in front of the television all night.4. I _ _(惊讶) when I heard the hospital had burnt down.5. I_ _(激励) to work harder than ever before.
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