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第36讲阅读理解中考英语“阅读理解”题主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力。很多同学在做题时常常有一种“读得懂做不对”的感觉。那么有必要对阅读理解这种题型及其解题技巧作一些简要的分析。从近几年的中考阅读理解情况看,短文体裁多样,题材各异,文章涉及科学知识、社会文化、政治历史、人文环境和日常生活等方面,充分体现其时代性、实用性。短文难度逐年加大。常见题型有判断正误型阅读理解和选择型阅读理解。(一)判断正误型阅读理解首先,要把握每个待定句子的含义;其次,要通读短文,把握文章大意,明确作者的观点和态度;再通过寻读法在原文中找出与每个问题相关的段落与词句,与这些段落、词句意思相符或与作者观点相同的,可判断为正确的,否则,就是错误的。【例1】 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的填(A),错的填(B)。(2016,泉州)Siena is an old city in the north of Italy.It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago.Around the year 1100,Siena became an important business center in Italy.In 1472,the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since.Today Siena is famous for keeping its “old face”For example,its city walls,which helped keep the city safe in the past,are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same as before.Also,many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo,the most important meeting place of the city.Few things have really changed in this center of public life for hundreds of years.Now people still go to the open space for sharing news,shopping,or playing sports.There is one more thing that helps keep Sienas old face:cars cannot enter the city most of the time.True,Siena is old,but its beautifully old.People are welcome to visit this beautiful city and walk into the past.1The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.2Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world today.3People in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.4Few old buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.5Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.【全文大意】意大利北部一座古老的城市Siena,由于保持完好的“旧面孔”而出名。本文介绍了它的历史与现在。解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago可判断该题正确。2细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Today Siena is famous for keeping its “old face”可判断该题错误。3细节理解题。根据第二段第二句For example,its city walls,which.look almost the same as before.可判断该题正确。4细节理解题。根据第二段第三句Also,many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo.可判断该题错误。5细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句.cars cannot enter the city most of the time.可判断该题正确。答案:1._A_2._B_3._A_4_B_5._A_(2016,陕西)阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用 “B”表示。There are twentyseven bridges over the River Thames.And the Tower Bridge is the first bridge you have to pass if you go to London from the sea.It is close to the Tower of London,from which it got its name.It is a symbol (象征) of London.The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world.It is the only bridge over the Thames that can be raised and opened in the middle.The middle part can be raised to let the huge ships pass.It used to be raised about 50 times a day,but now it is raised only 4 to 5 times a week.If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two arms open high in the air,you will never forget it.The Tower Bridge stands just on the south side of the Tower of London.People often think they are of the same age.But in fact,the Tower of London was built a thousand years ago,while the Tower Bridge only has a history of over one hundred years.The Tower Bridge was first painted chocolate brown.Then in 1977,it was painted red,white and blue.Its picture also appeared in the opening of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games held in London.So come to visit the famous bridge.You are sure to have a wonderful experience.( B )1.The color of the Tower Bridge hasnt changed for more than a hundred years.( A )2.In 1894,the Tower Bridge was built in London.( A )3.The Tower of London has a much longer history than the Tower Bridge.( A )4.The Tower Bridge is now raised less often than in the past.( B )5.This passage means to introduce the Tower of London.(二)选择型阅读理解做选择型阅读理解练习应先看问题,弄清考点。在阅读短文之前,快速浏览问题,以便在阅读短文时做到心中有数,快速、准确地捕捉所需信息。其次要注意先易后难。做题时不必拘泥于书中所呈现的语篇顺序,应遵循先易后难的原则。如可先做细节题再做推断题,因为细节题大多能直接从文中找到答案,而推断题则需对短文进行深层理解,再作判断。主旨概括题主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题时,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。细节理解题细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设题。做此类题时,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读时要有针对性。【例2】 (2016,福州)来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KPollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4 million people each year.Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over woodpowered or coalpowered stoves.One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun.Crosby Menzies,a solar power expert in a South African company,described his latest solar cooker called the “Sol4”,“It is four square meters of mirrors,six to eight meters in length.It is quite a large cooler.”The “Sol4” works by reflecting (反射) light from the sun off large mirrors.The mirrors direct (把对准) the light at a cooking pan.Then the light heats the pan with solar energy.Within two minutes,the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onions.In just four minutes,water can be boiled.That is as fast as cooking with natural gas or electri
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