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UNIT 1 Whats the matter?课时 1 Section A (1a-2d) (10 min. )一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Whats the m atter with you?I have a fever.2. I have a s tomachache. My mother tells me that Id better eat something hot.3. I had a toothache( 牙疼) all night. I should see a dentist.4. I have a s ore throat. What should I do?5. He cant carry the heavy box because he has a sore back( 背部,腰背) .二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Look at the boy. There are only two teeth( tooth) in his mouth.2. If you feel tired, you should lie( lie) down and have a rest.3. The boy said he had a stomachache( stomach) . He said he had a pain in the stomach.4. I cut myself( I) when I was using the knife yesterday.5. Tom has a fever, he should take his( he) temperature.三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 她怎么啦?她喉咙疼。Whats the matter with her?She has a sore throat.2. 我用小刀割伤了自己。 我该怎么办?I cut myself with a knife. What should I do?3. 我发烧了。 我应该量一下体温吗?I have a fever. Should I take my temperature?4. 你应该远离电脑休息一下。You should take a break /have a rest from the computer.5. 如果你头痛,你应该去看医生。If you have a headache,you should go to the doctor.课时 2 Section A (3a-4c) (10 min. )一、写出下列单词的适当形式1. tooth( 复数) teeth 2. foot ( 复数) feet 3. she( 反身代词) herself4. fall( 过去式) fell 5. surprising( 名词) surprise 6. lie( 现在分词) lying7. say( 过去式) said 8. he( 反身代词) himself 9.think( 过去式) thought二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. When the bus stopped, many passengers( 乘客) got off the bus.2. (2013湖北黄石中考) He has some t rouble understanding what his teacher says because of his poor English.3. Does he have a f ever?No, his head is cool.4. To my surprise( 惊讶) ,I found my friend Ben was reading my diary.5. Lucy often plays tennis to relax herself( 她自己) after school.6. What should( 应该) she do?She needs to have a rest.7. The bus driver stopped the bus without ( 无,没有) thinking twice.三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 她应该怎么办?她应该去看牙医并且照个 X 光片。What should she do?She should see a dentist and get an X-ray.2. 你踢足球时伤着自己了吗?Did you hurt yourself when playing soccer?3. 出乎我的意料,他通过了测试。To my surprise,he passed the exam.4. 多亏你的帮助,我才能说好英语。Thanks to your help, I can speak English well.5. 我们都赞成在学校门口见面。We all agreed to meet at the school gate.课时 3 Section B (1a-2e) (10 min. )一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Many Chinese know the importance( 重要性) of knowledge, so they work hard every day.2. The death( 死) of his dog makes him sad.3. Our success depends only on ourselves( 我们自己) !4. You should make a good decision( 决定) for yourself.5. What does this word m ean?6. Jack h urt himself when playing soccer.7. Dont play with a knife( 小刀) , it will hurt you.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Fred didnt have any money, so he decided to take( take) a job.2. Children, come here please and help yourselves( your) to some apples.3. Making good decision( decide) is important.4. The doctor told him not to smoke( smoke) , but he did exactly the opposite.5. Dont give up trying( try) , you will make it in the end.6. Look! The dog is lying there. Maybe it is dead( die) .7. He kept on climbing( climb) mountains even after this experience.三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 你怎么啦?我弄伤了自己。Whats the matter with you?I hurt myself.2. 在事故中,我的头受到了撞击。I got hit on the head in the accident.3. 不要放弃学习英语。Dont give up learning English.4. 他不应该冒险穿过森林。He shouldnt take risks to go through the forest.5. 水很快用光了。The water soon ran out.课时 4 Section B (3a) -Self Check(10 min. )一、将下列病痛与建议匹配起来1. have a toothache A. get an X-ray2. hurt my leg B. drink hot tea with honey3. have a sore throat C. go to the dentist4. get hit on the head D. go to the doctor 答案:1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Her mother is a n urse, and she works in a hospital.2. She has a f ever. She should take her temperature.3. We enjoyed ourselves( 我们自己) in the party yesterday.4. He almost /nearly( 几乎) forgets the unhappy thing.5. He lost a lot of blood( 血) in the accident.6. We should have the spirit( 精神) of keeping doing things.三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 当我再遇到这种情况时该怎么办?What should I do when I come across situations like these again?2. 他应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。He should drink hot tea with honey.3. 张梅从楼梯上摔了下来,摔伤了腿。Zhang Mei fell down the stairs and hurt her leg.4. 我认为你应该去看医生。I think you should go to the doctor.5. 我在踢足球时伤着了自己,我腿疼。I hurt myself when playing soccer. I have a sore leg.四、从下列选择适当的词填空finally first next bandage around rest medicine badlyLily fell over and hurt her knee 1 yesterday. 2 , the doctor cleaned her knee. 3 ,the doctor gave her some 4 and put a 5 on it. 6 the doctor told her to have a good 7 and not to walk 8
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