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导学案() Warming up and Listening【学习目标】1、 语言目标: 学习并掌握下列单词和短语。Words: health, junk food, snack,sweet, fried,mushroom, fat, stomach, fever,vitaminPhrases: have a fever.2、能力目标: 通过谈论食物和健康话题,训练和发展听说技能。3、情感目标 : 激发学生学习英语的兴趣【重点、难点】 如何捕捉关键词,提高英语听力。【学习策略】 讨论、小组合作【课前准备】1、 自学本单元生词。2、 做班级调查,完成Warming up 部分表格(P2):向你的同学询问她(他)们喜欢吃什么早餐、午餐、晚餐和小吃,然后看看它们是不是垃圾食品。(可尝试用英语对话询问)教学活动:【激趣导入】4 minutes Theres “Dr Gus Notes”. Please read and think about the people Dr Gu saw. How ill do you think they are? 1. A 38-year-old woman, she had a bad cough and sore throat, though her temperature was nearly normal. I gave her some medicine. She only had a cold. 2. A 45-year-old man, he had a bad cough. His teeth and the ends of his fingers were yellow. I told him smoking was very bad for him .Now he has a cough, but later he will have lung cancer(肺癌).He must stop smoking, and his cough will go. 3. A young woman of 23,she had painful migraines(偏头痛). She said she was very anxious(焦虑) about her work and her fathers health. I thought this was probably the cause of her migraines. She must try to relax and take more exercise. I also gave her a prescription(处方) for some migraine medicine. 4. A 50-year-old man, he had pains in his chest(胸膛). I was very anxious about him, and sent him immediately(立刻) to see a heart doctor. I think he has an unhealthy diet and does not keep fit. Many people nowadays do not have healthy habits. They do not think of the future.NotesNot very illQuite illVery ill1234Now with the developing of our society, the topic of health is more and more popular ,so healthy eating is more and more important for us, yes or no?And whether most of the food you eat is healthy food or not, do you know? Maybe some of the food is junk food .Do you know what junk food means?Today were going to learn Unit 13 “Healthy eating”.【自主学习】5 minutes1、自学本课时学习目标。2、自学教材P1P2: Goals,Warming up和Listening部分;并将疑难点作上标记。(教师:检查课前准备情况,指导学生自主学习)【自主学习检测】3 minutes1、写出下列单词或短语。饮 食 习 惯 _ 垃圾食品 _ food烹 饪 术 语 _发 烧 have a _提出意见或建议 _ 看 病 _2、 选择填空The Chinese diet(中国的饮食) is considered to be rich in fibre(纤维)and low in sugar and _.A. mineral B. nutrient C. fat D. protein【疑难点探究】5 minutes1、 Decide whether the food shown in the photos is junk food or healthy food. (P1)shown in the photos是过去分词短语作food的后置定语,food和show的关系为被动关系,因此用过去分词;若为主动关系,则用ing形式。如:The man waiting outside is my brother. 即境活用:1、Clothes _ here are of the latest style.A. sold B. selling C. sells D. is selling高考资源网2. I think that vegetables are healthy food because they contain lots of vitamins. (P1)contain用作及物动词,意为“包含;包括;容纳(=hold,不用进行时)”。如:What does the medicine contain, mum? 即境活用:翻译下列句子 1. Sea water contains salt. 2. The hall can include five hundred people. 3. Whats wrong with Mike? Whats wrong/ the matter/ the trouble with ? (P2)注意:在宾语从句中,whats wrong/ the matter的语序不能改。即境活用: Do you know _? A. what wrong Mike is B. whats the matter with Mike C. what the matter Mike is 4. What should he eat less of? (P2)句中what疑问代词“什么”是of的宾语。less是little的比较级作为eat的宾语。因为在这里表示不可数概念,所以不用fewer。把该句话改成陈述语序,即he should eat less of what.【情境任务一】5 minutes 为了明天更健康,了解食品营养知识,注意饮食习惯对我们的健康有帮助。两人一组对话,讨论我们最爱吃的饮食是什么,是否是健康食品。任务准备: 1、最喜欢的饮食是什么? What is my(your) favourite food?2、我认为是健康食品还是垃圾食品,其理由是I think that is/are healthy/junk food because it/they 两人一组完成任务:【情境任务二】10 minutes下面一段对话是Mike 和医生的谈话录音稿,现在作为Mike好朋友的你,听录音了解Mike的病情,以便进一步的关心他。根据提示,补全信息。1. Whats wrong with Mike? He has a _.2. Does he have a fever? _.His temperature is _.3. What did Mike have for breakfast ? _ pieces of chocolate, a glass of coke, and two cookies.4. What does the doctor tell Mike to do ? _ some pills and _ him if anything changes or he doesnt feel better.5. Can you give Mike some advice? What should he eat less of? He _ eat less of _food.【复习、总结本堂课知识】3 minutes重点: 难点:【过关检测】5 minutes1. Youll get f_ if you eat too much.2. He is in bed with a f_.3. I dont want to _ to Robert(我不想给罗伯特提任何建议)4. He had better _ if it gets any worse. (他如果病情加重,最好去看医生。)5. The girl _ on the stage is my cousin. A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. is dancing【Homework】复习本堂课知识,读记单词、短语。2.做好“学案课前准备”【写作积累】导学案() Speaking 【学习目标】1. 语言目标: 学习并掌握下列单词和短语。Words: salad, peach,
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