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解读商业养管理老保险的四大理财功能(Interpretation the four major financial functions of commercial pension management)? 1, providing more options for return plans? rich types of commercial endowment insurance, endowment insurance comparison, social pension can only receive a monthly fixed amount, lack of flexibility, and commercial pension insurance provides more choices, can be paid monthly, annual, foot foot can also receive a one-time a large sum of money, such as endowment insurance; some can also at the same time to receive a monthly at a certain age ran to receive part of pension payment, such as insurance payments in gold, gold of survival birthday.Therefore, if the consumer feels the monthly or annual insurance payment is very troublesome, or hopes to concentrate on the use of funds, the choice of commercial pension insurance, you can choose a one-time return.? 2, insurance has the function of saving and investmentWith the increasing investment consciousness of our residents, people not only pay attention to the appreciation of capital, but also invest more in the background of strong inflation expectations. Commercial insurance is no longer limited to the function of a single pension, and fully comply with the market to add a lot of new functions, such as: dividends, minimum security benefits, the establishment of investment accounts.? additional insurance and commercial pension insurance in the purchase but also with many other functions such as: medical, accident and health, so that consumers can get more comprehensive protection plan, to meet the pension needs at the same time, it can be considered for other kinds of risks possible. It can be chosen according to the different focus of the needs of the bai.? 3, make the financial subject more diversified? only when the social endowment insurance for the insured persons living security, and commercial endowment insurance is in ensuring the survival of the death of the insured is protected, so that security can also make their families and future generations.? so, if the consumer is the home economic pillar, or want to leave a portion of the funds to the family after death, you can consider buying life insurance, or both.? in addition, although the coverage of the social endowment insurance is relatively wide, but some of the edge of the crowd or special occupation were excluded in addition to social security, so that people need to buy commercial pension insurance to ensure their own life in old age.? 4. Improve the security level of old-age planning? social endowment insurance is a kind of government behavior, as a part of the social security system, it needs to start from the public point of view, most of the members pay attention to protect the interests of the society, so the overall security level is relatively low. Only the most basic life needs of people, in personal financial planning can only be used as the most basic guarantee, often can not meet the needs of more risk transfer.Commercial pension insurance is a kind of market behavior. The insured can design endowment insurance according to the economic situation and the old age security. The payment level of commercial insurance is higher than that of social endowment insurance, and the corresponding guarantee level is also high. And users can flexibly choose the degree of protection.? money is according to personal goals, and consideration of risk preferences and affordability, making reasonable investment portfolio, savings plan, insurance investment strategy, inheritance and management strategies of financial scheme. With the arrival of the aging society in China today, commercial pension insurance, as one of the three pillars of the pension plan, and its combination with social endowment insurance, is the best form to deal with the pension problem.Time management (Time Management)Catalog1 what is time management?2 time management method3 the latest concept of time management -GTDEleven golden laws of 4 time management 1Case analysis of 5 time management5.1 case one: talking about the time management of university administrators 25.2 case two: the little story of time management 35.3 case three: time management - HUAWEIs treasure of success 46 several online time management tools7 referencesWhat is time management?Time management is the effective use of time to reduce variability.The purpose of time management: decide what to do; decide what should not be done.The most important function of time management is to act as a reminder and guide through prior planning.First, unable to manage external requirements? Too busy to attend to allThe biggest problem for executives is that there is too much interference from the outside world, and they have to put aside their work to do something else at any moment.One of the responsibilities of being in charge
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