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第 5 页 共 5 页高考英语语法:主谓倒装一.总述: 参看 语法框架中 前置与倒装部分二.倒装主要用于以下情形之下:1.含有否定含义的连词或副词或词组(如: not, not only, never, little, seldom, hardly, hardly.when., no sooner. than. , at no time, neither, nor, never before, not until等)位于句首时, 常用部分倒装的语序a. Not a single mistake did he make in the exam.b. Never shall I forget day when I was with her.c. Not only can he play the piano, but he also can write songs.d. Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started.e. Little does she know what may happen.f. Seldom have I met her recently.g. Not until after the war did he return home.h. No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain heavily.not only.but also.连接两个主语时, not only即使是在句首, 也不用倒装语序a. Not only the students but also the teachers went there to listen to the lecture.2.由于主语太长或为了强调而将地点状语(多为介词短语)或表语前置时, 多用全部倒装的语序a. In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor.b. Outside the classroom stood a boy.c. Behind the farmhouse was a big tree.d. On the blackboard were the words written in English: Welcome to our class !e. Under the big tree was sitting an old farmer.f. At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.3.only修饰的状语位于句首时, 用部分倒装的语序a. Only then did I realize that I was wrong.b. Only in this way can you learn it by heart.c. Only after the country was liberated in 1949 was he able to live a happy life.4.有时为强调或表达生动, 将now, here, there, out, in, up, down, away等副词前置, 句子用全部倒装的语序a. Now comes your turn.b. Here comes the taxi.c. There goes the bell.d. Out rushed the school boys.e. Away flew the birds.f. Down came the rain.g. The door burst open and in rushed a stranger.在以上情况下, 当主语为代词时, 主谓不倒装a. There it is.b. Away he went.5.用于以so开头表示 也, 以neither / nor开头表示 也不的句型.句型 so+不完全动词+主语表示 也, 即上文所述的肯定情况对于本句的主语来说也是如此a. They went to the Summer Palace last Sunday. So did we.b. He has been to the Great Wall. So have I.句型 neither / nor+不完全动词+主语表示 也不, 即上文所述的否定情况对于本句的主语来说也不如此a. I didnt do my homework yesterday evening. Neither / Nor did he.b. The students are not in the classroom. Neither / Nor was the teacher.6.直接引语前置时, 如果主语是名词, 常用全部倒装的语序; 如果主语是代词, 往往不用倒装语序a. You all did well in the exam. said the teacher.b. Who are you looking for? she asked / asked Mary.c. That is unfair ! shouted the man / he shouted.7.用于以were, had, should等词开头的虚拟条件句(参看 虚拟语气部分)a. Had you asked me, I would have told you everything. =If you had asked me, I would have told you everything.b. Were he here, we would be able to solve the problem. =If he were here, we would be able to solve the problem.c. Should you change your mind, let me know. =If you should change your mind, let me know.8.在sothat和suchas的句型中, so / such前置时, 句子要用部分倒装的语序a. So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it. =The lake is so shallow that no fish can live in it.b. Such a good student was he that everyone liked him. =He was such a good student that everyone liked him.三.应注意的问题: 注意倒装句中的主谓一致问题. 因为在倒装句中, 主语不在句首, 因此首先要弄清句子的主语是什么, 再确定谓语的形式a. On the wall hangs a large picture.b. Here are some books about English language learning.c. Such were his words.a. There it is.b. Away he went.5.用于以so开头表示 也, 以neither / nor开头表示 也不的句型.句型 so+不完全动词+主语表示 也, 即上文所述的肯定情况对于本句的主语来说也是如此a. They went to the Summer Palace last Sunday. So did we.b. He has been to the Great Wall. So have I.句型 neither / nor+不完全动词+主语表示 也不, 即上文所述的否定情况对于本句的主语来说也不如此a. I didnt do my homework yesterday evening. Neither / Nor did he.b. The students are not in the classroom. Neither / Nor was the teacher.6.直接引语前置时, 如果主语是名词, 常用全部倒装的语序; 如果主语是代词, 往往不用倒装语序a. You all did well in the exam. said the teacher.b. Who are you looking for? she asked / asked Mary.c. That is unfair ! shouted the man / he shouted.7.用于以were, had, should等词开头的虚拟条件句(参看 虚拟语气部分)a. Had you asked me, I would have told you everything. =If you had asked me, I would have told you everything.b. Were he here, we would be able to solve the problem. =If he were here, we would be able to solve the problem.c. Should you change your mind, let me know. =If you should change your mind, let me know.8.在sothat和suchas的句型中, so / such前置时, 句子要用部分倒装的语序a. So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it. =The lake is so shallow that no fish can live in it.b. Such a good student was he that everyone liked him. =He was such a good student that everyone liked him.三.应注意的问题: 注意倒装句中的主谓一致问题. 因为在倒装句中, 主语不在句首, 因此首先要弄清句子的主语是什么, 再确定谓语的形式a. On the wall hangs a large picture.b. Here are some books about English language learning.c. Such were his words.第 5 页 共 5 页
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