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高中英语万能教案模板(阅读课)Teaching Aims(objectives)1.Knowledge aimStudents will know more knowledge about XXX.2.Ability aimThrough different activities, students will improve their reading and speaking skills.(listening,writing)3.Emotional aimAfter this lesson, students will have XXX awareness and they would like to discuss different topic with their classmates.Teaching Key and Difficult Points1.Teaching Key PointsStudents will learn more about XXX and some new words(phrases).2.Teaching Difficult PointsImprove their reading skill and widen their vision.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming-up(3 minutes)Show several pictures of XXX on the multimedia screen and invite 2 students to share their ideas about the pictures.(Justification:Through this step,students will get interested in the topic of XXX.)Step 2 Pre-reading(4 minutes)Teacher will explain some new words and expressions:A,B,C,D,EEE,FFF.(Justification:Explaining new words can help students understand the whole passage easily.)Step 3 While-reading(8 minutes)1)Global reading:Read the passage quickly. Find the main idea of the passage and topic sentences of each paragraph.2)Detailed reading:Answer the questions:a) How many XXs are there in XXX?b) What is a XX?c) Why does XXX do SSS?(Justification:Students can use reading strategies to get the main idea and detailed information from the passage.)Step 4 Post-reading(5 minutes)Have a group discussion: What do you know about XXX from the passage?Invite each group to share their ideas.Teacher should give them a guidance and summary.(Justification:Students can practice expressing their ideas in oral English with the new words and expressions)
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