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一、单项选择(20分)1(2分)_ lean (打扫)A.dB.cC.k2(2分)ri _ _ _A.gthB.ght3(2分)根据图片选答案A.pencil caseB.schoolbagC.desk4(2分)There are two _ in my house.A.living roomB.bedroomsC.study5(2分)壮壮要告诉大家他家的电话在窗户旁边,应该说:A.The window is near the phone.B.The phone is on the window.C.The phone is near the window.6(2分)根据图片选出正确的单词。Look, this is my _.A.familyB.teacherC.friend7(2分)选出不同类的一项。A.dogB.catC.doorD.bird8(2分)选出画线部分发音不同的一项。A.sixB.pigC.bigD.nine9(2分)选出与例词发音相同的一项bedA.deskB.me10(2分)选出画线部分发音不同的一项。A.hatB.nameC.take二、单词拼写(5分)11(1分)看图,将下列单词补充完整。_ amily12(1分)根据图片与首字母提示写单词。u13(1分)看图,写单词(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)14(1分)看图,将下列单词补充完整(1)_ ice(2)_ poon(3)_ V(4)_ choolbag(5)_ iolin(6)_ mbrella(7)_ atermelon(8)_ an15(1分)看图写单词,补全下列句子。(1)I havebooks and a .(2)I have pens in my .三、补全对话(10分)16(10分)选择正确的句子,将其序号填在横线上,使对话完整,有一项多余哦!John: Hello, Lily! I have a new friend.Lily: Really?1John: Guess. He is tall and thin. He has short hair.Sarah:2John: Yes, and hes very friendly.Sarah:3John: He is a nice doctor.Sarah: Does he have glasses?John:4Sarah: I know! Hes Mr Black.John:5A.Whats her job?B.Is he quiet?C.Yes, he has blue glasses.D.Whos he?E.Whats his job?F.Yes, youre right.四、翻译(20分)17(10分)译一译(1)quiet(2)strong(3)science(4)music(5)forty18(10分)她是我的朋友。五、完形填空(10分)19(10分)A: Excuse me. 1that girl?B: Oh, thats my sister, Sally.A: 2is she?B: She is nine. She 3 a student.A: Whats 4 her schoolbag?B: Many 5. Its very heavy.(1)A.WhosB.WhatsC.Wheres(2)A.HowB.WhereC.How old(3)A.amB.isC.are(4)A.inB.onC.at(5)A.booksB.bookC.abook六、阅读理解(20分)20(10分)阅读短文,判断句子正误。 My name is Peter. I have a big family. My father is tall and strong. Hes a teacher. My mother is short and thin. Shes a doctor. My grandparents are farmers. My uncle is a driver. My brother is cute. Hes a student. I am a student, too.(1)My parents are teachers.(2)My uncle is a driver.(3)My mother is tall and thin.(4)My brother and I are students.(5)There are four people in my family.21(10分)阅读理解,判断对错。A: Good morning, Mom.B: Good morning, Mary.A: Whats for breakfast?B: Wait and see. What would you like?A: Id like some bread and a cup of milk.B: OK! Would you like some eggs?A: Oh! Yes, Id like one.B: Breakfast is ready.A: Great! Im hungry.(1)Mary would like some bread and a cup of milk.(2)Mary would like some soup, too.(3)Mary is full.(4)Mary would like two eggs.(5)Its lunch time.七、书面表达(15分)22(15分)连词成句。my, cousin, Hes(.)答案一、单项选择1【答案】B【解析】考查动词。clean 打扫,故选B。2【答案】B【解析】考查形容词。right 正确的,故选B。3【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。pencil case 铅笔盒;schoolbag 书包;desk 书桌。根据图片可知是一个书包,故选B。4【答案】B【解析】考查名词的数。句意:在我家有两间卧室。根据two 可知该空需用可数名词的复数形式,故选B。5【答案】C【解析】考查情景交际。“The phone is near the window.”意为“电话在窗户旁边”,故选C。6【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:看,这是我的家庭。family 家庭;teacher 老师;friend 朋友。根据图片可知是一张家庭照,故选A。7【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。dog 狗;cat 猫;door 门;bird 鸟。选项A、B、D是动物类单词,选项C与之不同类,故选C。8【答案】D【解析】考查字母和常见字母组合的发音。字母 i 在 six,pig 和 big 中发/,字母组合 i-e 在 nine 中发/a/,故选D。9【答案】A【解析】考查字母的发音。字母 e 在 bed 和 desk 中发/e/,在 me 中发/i:/,故选A。10【答案】A【解析】考查字母的发音。字母 a 在 hat中发/,在 name 和 take 中发/e/,故选A。二、单词拼写11【答案】f【解析】根据图片可知是一个家庭,family 家;家庭,故填 f。12【答案】use【解析】根据图片可知是在使用筷子,use 使用,故填 use。13【答案】(1)bag(2)pencil-case(3)pencil(4)ruler(5)pen【解析】1. 根据图片可知是包,bag 包。2.根据图片可知是铅笔盒,pencil-case 铅笔盒。3.根据图片可知是铅笔,pencil 铅笔。4.根据图片可知是尺子,ruler 尺子。5.根据图片可知是钢笔,pen 钢笔。14【答案】(1)r(2)s(3)T(4)s(5)v(6)u(7)w(8)f【解析】1. 根据图片可知是米饭,rice 米饭。2.根据图片可知是勺子,spoon 勺子。3.根据图片可知是电视,TV 电视。4.根据图片可知是书包,schoolbag 书包。5.根据图片可知是小提琴,violin 小提琴。6.根据图片可知是伞,umbrella 伞。7.根据图片可知是西瓜,watermelon 西瓜。8.根据图片可知是风扇,fan 风扇。15【答案】(1)threekite(2)sixdesk【解析】1. 结合图片可知,我有3(three)本书和一只风筝(kite)。2.结合图片可知,我有6(six)支笔在我的桌子(desk)里。三、补全对话16【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)E (4)C (5)F 【解析】1. 根据上句“John: Hello, Lily! I have a new friend.(你好,Lily!我有一个新朋友)”可知该空是在问“你的新朋友是谁”,选项D(他是谁)符合语境,故选D。2. 根据下句“John: Yes, and hes very friendly.(是的,而且他很友好)”可知该空是一个一般疑问句,选项B(他安静吗)符合语境,故选B。3. 根据下句“John: He is a nice doctor.(他是一个好医生)”可知该空是在问“他是做什么的”,选项E(他的工作是什么)符合语境,故选E。4. 根据上句“Sarah: Does he have glasses?(他戴眼镜吗)”可知选项C(是的,他戴着蓝色的眼镜)符合语境,故选C。5. 根据上句“Sarah: I know! Hes Mr Black.”和前文“John: Guess.”可知该空是在说“是的,你答对了”,故选F。四、翻译17【答案】(1)安静的(2)强壮的(3)科学(4)音乐(5)四十【解析】1. quiet 安静的。
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